National Institutes of Diabetes; Digestive and Kidney Diseases | |
2011 July - 2012 June | |
Hyperglycemia and Pregnancy Outcome (HAPO) Follow-up Study | PI: Prof TAM Wing Hung Co-PI: LI Chi Yin |
Ministry of Science and Technology (China) (MOST) | |
2017 July - 2018 June | |
母體內分泌、代謝和營養對出生缺陷的影響及分子機制 | PI: Prof LEUNG Tak Yeung |
National Natural Foundation of China (NSFC) | |
2018 July - 2019 June | |
插入型染色體易位的突變機制與致病機理 Mutagenesis mechanism and pathogenicity study of chromosomal insertional translocations | PI: Prof DONG Zirui Elvis Co-PI: Prof LEUNG Tak Yeung; ZHU Xiaofan |
A loop of myometrial smooth muscle-cancer cell interaction: the mechanism of myometrial invasion in endometrial cancer 子宮平滑肌細胞與腫瘤細胞之間的環式調控:子宮內膜癌肌層浸潤的機制 | Co-PI: KWONG Joseph |
2017 July - 2018 June | |
针对特发性反复流产中胎儿停育的全基因组研究 | PI: Prof CHOY Kwong Wai Richard Co-PI: Dr. CHENG Kwun Yue Yvonne; Prof DONG Zirui Elvis; ZHU Xiaofan |
横向项目 | |
2020 July - 2021 June | |
胎儿医学建设与人才培养合作协议 | PI: Prof CHOY Kwong Wai Richard Co-PI: Prof LEUNG Tak Yeung; Prof DONG Zirui Elvis; Prof CAO Ye |
基于大片段建库测序技术检测染色体结构异常(第二期) | PI: Prof CHOY Kwong Wai Richard Co-PI: Prof DONG Zirui Elvis; Prof CAO Ye |
2018 July - 2019 June | |
低深度全基因组测序Low-pass WGS临床应用研究 | PI: Prof CHOY Kwong Wai Richard Co-PI: Prof LEUNG Tak Yeung; Prof DONG Zirui Elvis |
arrayCGH 在产前诊断中的应用与推广 | PI: Prof CHOY Kwong Wai Richard Co-PI: Prof LEUNG Tak Yeung; Prof DONG Zirui Elvis |
染色体微陣列分析(CMA)技术临床应用研究 | PI: Prof CHOY Kwong Wai Richard Co-PI: Prof LEUNG Tak Yeung |
2017 July - 2018 June | |
胎儿医学建设与人才培养 | PI: Prof CHOY Kwong Wai Richard Co-PI: Prof LEUNG Tak Yeung; Prof DONG Zirui Elvis |
建立遺傳中心技術平台及分析測試研究 | PI: Prof CHOY Kwong Wai Richard Co-PI: Prof DONG Zirui Elvis |
2016 July - 2017 June | |
深圳市龙岗区妇幼保健院与香港中文大学深圳研究arrayCGH临床应用 研究协议 | PI: Prof CHOY Kwong Wai Richard Co-PI: Prof LEUNG Tak Yeung |
建立遗传中心技术平台及分析检测研究 | PI: Prof CHOY Kwong Wai Richard Co-PI: Prof LEUNG Tak Yeung |
深圳市科技创新委员会 | |
2020 July - 2021 June | |
基于 DNA 长片段测序对伴有超声结构畸形胎儿的染色体畸变研究 | PI: Prof DONG Zirui Elvis Co-PI: Prof LEUNG Tak Yeung |
Make a Dash Funding Scheme | |
2021 July - 2022 June | |
Laboratory Genetics Genomics (Xijian-Biotech) | PI: CHAU Hoi Kin Matthew Co-PI: Prof DONG Zirui Elvis; Prof CAO Ye; HO Ching Yu |