Message from the Chairman

Professor Clement CY THAM
The Department of Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences (DOVS) of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) was the first academic ophthalmology department in Hong Kong, with Prof. Mark O.M. Tso as our Founding Chairman in 1994.
Prof. Mark Tso was succeeded by Prof. Dennis S.C. Lam as Chairman in 1998, and then by Prof. Calvin C.P. Pang from 2012 to 2015. DOVS consists of two main functional units: the CUHK Eye Centre and the CUHK Ophthalmic Research Centre, as the clinical arm and research arm of the department, respectively.
The CUHK Eye Centre includes the CUHK Private Eye Clinics, which provide subspecialty-based clinical ophthalmic care, the CUHK Laser Refractive Surgery Centre which received the Trusted Brand Award from the Reader’s Digest 7 years in a row, the Clinical Drug Trial Centre which is the only ophthalmic research centre in Hong Kong accredited by the National Medical Products Administration (NMPA) of China for clinical drug trials, as well as the Pao So Kok Macular Diseases Treatment and Research Centre.
The CUHK Ophthalmic Research Centre includes the Lim Por-yen Eye Genetics Research Centre, as well as the clinical and visual sciences research laboratories and facilities of the Department.
The Lee Wing Kit Advanced Ophthalmic Training and Education Centre (AOTEC), officially opened at Hong Kong Eye Hospital in 2012, raises our ophthalmic training and educational programmes to world-class standard.
In our first 25 years, DOVS has all along endeavored to achieve international excellence in clinical ophthalmology, ophthalmic and visual sciences research, and training and educational programmes in ophthalmology. Through concerted professional and academic efforts of DOVS and our associated hospitals and institutions, Hong Kong has firmly established herself as a regional hub for advanced ophthalmic clinical services, research, and education.
Acknowledgements of Philanthropic Support
Over the years, it has been a major blessing for us to have received very generous philanthropic donations from our community to support our community initiatives, teaching and educational programmes, as well as major research projects, totaling over HK$254 million from over 180 organizations or individuals.
We are especially grateful to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ting Chang Lee, Dr. Ho Tzu-leung and the S.H. Ho Foundation, Li Ka Shing Foundation, the Late Mr. Lim Por-Yen, and Mr. and Mrs. Chang Bei Ming.
In 2002, the Joint Shantou International Eye Center of The Chinese University of Hong Kong and Shantou University was established on a RMB 70-million donation from the Li Ka Shing Foundation. In 2004, we opened the Lim Por-yen Eye Genetics Research Centre. In 2012, we established the Lee Wing Kit Advanced Ophthalmic Training and Education Centre. Since 2016, the Pao So Kok Macular Disease Treatment and Research Centre has become a major research and training facility to the Department. Over the years, Dr. Ho Tzu-leung and the S.H. Ho Foundation have endowed two S.H. Ho Chair Professorships to our Department, as well as supporting our departmental work in other significant ways.
In 2018, we were very grateful to have received a substantial donation from the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust to support two of our key programmes: the CUHK Jockey Club Children’s Eye Care Programme and the CUHK Jockey Club Ophthalmic Microsurgical Training Programme.
We sincerely express our heartfelt gratitude to all organizations and individuals who have generously supported our programs and initiatives through generous donations in our first 25 years.
Generous Contributions by Volunteers
Volunteers from our community, including secondary school students, undergraduate medical students and nursing students, youths, and retirees, have actively participated in our CUHK Jockey Club Children’s Eye Care Programme. Over 1,400 secondary school students, over 240 undergraduate medical students from both Medical Schools and 70 nursing students from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and over 450 volunteers from youths to retirees, have contributed to our eye screening and public educational programmes. Many Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) have helped us recruit volunteer workers, as well as invite primary schools for participation, over the years.
Furthermore, more than 84 experienced eye doctors, from both universities, the Hospital Authority, and the private sector, have participated on a voluntary basis in our CUHK Jockey Club Ophthalmic Microsurgical Training Programme to help train our next generation of clinical ophthalmologists in Hong Kong.
Without this dedicated and unconditional support from a wide spectrum of volunteers, none of our professional and community programmes would have been possible. We are truly grateful and hugely indebted.