The 33rd Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology (APAO) Congress, held in conjunction with the 29th Hong Kong Ophthalmological Symposium and co-hosted by the Hong Kong Ophthalmological Society and the College of Ophthalmologists of Hong Kong ( was held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre during 8th – 11th February 2018. The 33rd APAO Congress was another great success, attracting nearly 6,000 delegates, speakers and sponsors from 87 countries, and providing rewarding and memorable scientific and social experiences for all participants.
Our faculty members served in different capacities – Professor Clement Tham as Congress President and Senior Secretary of Program Committee; Professor Calvin Pang as Co-Chair of Program Committee, Convener of Visual Sciences; Professor Christopher Leung as Co-Chairs of Program Committee and Host Coordinator of Ocular Imaging; Dr Kelvin Chong as Host Coordinator of Orbital & Oculoplastic Surgery; Dr Mårten Brelén as Host Coordinator of Retina (Medical); Dr Jason Yam as Host Coordinator of Pediatric Ophthalmology & Strabismus; Dr Carol Cheung as Secretary of Ocular Imaging; Dr Danny Ng as Host Coordinator of Translational Research in Ophthalmology; Dr Tommy Chan as Secretary of Cornea, External Eye Diseases & Eye Banking; Dr Michael Ng as Host Coordinator and Secretary of Ocular Oncology & Pathology; Dr Wai Kit Chu as Host Coordinator and Secretary of Visual Sciences.
In addition, together with other distinguished leaders in ophthalmology, Prof Tham has been invited to present the latest development of our Department in the Plenary Session, introducing the two exciting Jockey Club-sponsored programmes to the APAO delegates and guests from different parts of the world.
Besides, Prof. Sophia Chan, JP, Hong Kong’s Secretary for Food and Health, as the special guest of honour, shared the HKSAR government’s vision in providing better ophthalmic services to the members of public during the Opening Ceremony on 9th February.
Below is the summary of our faculty members’ activities and roles in the APAO Congress 2018:
Prof Clement Tham
Prof Tham, our Chairman and the Secretary General and Congress President of APAO, gave a welcome speech for APAO Leadership Development Program 2018-19 Orientation Class. He was the Chair of “Nakajima Memorial Symposium”. As an invited speaker, he presented on topics including “For Uncontrolled Primary Angle-Closure Glaucoma Our First Choice of Incisional Surgical Treatment Is Lens Extraction Alone”, “The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK): Our Commitment to Ophthalmic Excellence in the Asia-Pacific Region”, “Surgical Management of Primary Angle Closure Glaucoma”, “Uneasy Partners: Glaucoma and Refractive Surgery”, “Laser Peripheral Iridoplasty—How to Avoid Failures and Complications” and “Angle Closure Management: A Logical Approach Based on Angle Closure Type and Mechanisms”.
Prof Calvin Pang
Prof Pang was the Chair of three symposia – “APSPOS-APMS Symposium: Myopia—Epidemiology, Prevention, and Treatment”, “Advancements in Technologies for Treatment” and
“Contemporary Tissue Engineering of the Cornea”. As an invited speaker, he delivered the talk entitled “Hereditary Basis of Uveitis”.
Prof Christopher Leung
Prof Leung was the Chair of two symposia – “New Frontiers in Glaucoma Diagnosis and Treatment” and “Latest Developments in Ocular Imaging”. As an invited speaker, he delivered several talks including “Within 10 Years, In Vivo RGC Imaging will Revolutionize Glaucoma Diagnosis and Management”, “OCT Imaging to Evaluate Progression in Glaucoma” and “Advances in Detecting and Monitoring Glaucoma With Swept Source Optical Coherence Tomography”.
Dr Kelvin Chong
Dr Chong was the Chair Speaker and presented on “The American Academy of Ophthalmology ONE Network”, “ITEDS and Course Introduction”, “Medial Wall Decompression” and “Endoscopic Jones Tube”. As an invited speaker, he presented on “Stent Out of Your Comfort Zone in Endoscopic DCR”
Dr Li Jia Chen
Dr Chen was the Chair of “APSEG Symposium on Retinal Diseases”. As an invited speaker, he delivered two talks, entitled “Genetics of Myopia” and “New Genes for Age-Related Macular Degeneration and Polypoidal Choroidal Vasculopathy”
Dr Mårten Brelén
Dr Brelén was the Chair Speaker and presented on “Angiopoietin 2: A Link Between Inflammation and Vascular Remodeling in Diabetic Retinopathy. He was the Chair of two symposia – “Retinal Vein Occlusion, Other/Rare Maculopathies, and ROP” and “Rapid Fire Medical Retina Update Session 1”. He was also invited to give presentations on “Near and Distant Vision: Treatment Goals in Adult Noninfectious Uveitis” and “Didactic Lecture and Hands-on Training Section 3” and “Didactic Lecture and Hands-on Training Section 4”.
Dr Jason Yam
Dr Yam was the Chair of four symposia – “Ocular Genetics for the Pediatric Ophthalmologist”, “APSPOS-APMS Symposium: Myopia—Epidemiology, Prevention, and Treatment”, “APSEG Symposium on Clinical Genetics” and “APMS Symposium: How do I Treat Myopic Patients in Real World Practice”. He also chaired the instruction course and presented on “Surgical management of intermittent exotropia”.
Dr Carol Cheung
Dr Cheung was the Chair of symposia and workshop – “APSEG Symposium on Glaucoma Genetics”, “APAO-AAPPO Symposium: Lessons, Challenges and Experience in Conducting Collaborative Multi-Center Studies in Asia” and “APAO-AAPPO Workshop: Clinical Research Design and Methods”. She also chaired the symposium “Latest Developments in Ocular Imaging” and delivered the lecture on “Retinal Imaging in Alzheimer Disease”. As an invited speaker, she presented on “Clinical Benefits of Diabetic Microvascular Disease Evaluation Using Swept-Source OCT Angiography” in the Topcon Sponsored Symposium: Ultimate Source of Value—Topcon’s Posterior Imaging Device for Researchers and Clinicians.
Dr Danny Ng
Dr Ng was the Chair of symposia “Diabetic Retinopathy and DME” and “New Data on Ophthalmic Epidemiology in the Asia-Pacific Region”. He was also the Chair of free paper session – “Learning Curve of SMILE”.
Dr Tommy Chan
Dr Chan was the Chair Speaker and presented on “Femtosecond Laser-Assisted Arcuate Keratotomy and Cataract Surgery”, “Learning Curve of SMILE”, “Using CXL in Treating Keratitis”, “Didactic Lecture”, “Learning Curve of SMILE”. He chaired the symposium entitled “Corneal Implants and Intraocular Implants”. As an invited speaker, he presented on “Didactic Lecture” and “Diagnosis and Classification: Prognostic Implications”.
Dr Michael Ng
Dr Ng was the Chair Speaker of “Neoplastic Mechanisms and Treatment Insights on Pterygium” and “Histological and MicroRNA Signatures of Corneal Epithelium in Keratoconus”. He was an invited speaker and presented on “Genetics and Biology of HTRA1 in Age-Related Macular Degeneration”. He chaired the symposia – “Retinoblastoma” and “Rapid Fire Visual Sciences Update Session”.
Dr Wai Kit Chu
Dr Chu was the Chair Speaker of “Green Tea Extract Alleviates Intraocular Autoimmune Inflammation in a Mouse Model of Experimental Autoimmune Uveoretinitis”. He was also an invited speaker and gave a presentation on “Retinoblastoma Genetics in the Clinic”, “Biology of Growth Hormone-Releasing Hormone in Retinoblastoma”.
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