The Inaugural Asia-Pacific Strabismus and Paediatric Ophthalmology Society (APSPOS) Congress held in conjunction with the Inaugural Hong Kong Paediatric Ophthalmology Congress (APSPOS-HKPOC 2017), co-organized by our Department and Asia-Pacific Strabismus and Paediatric Ophthalmology Society (APSPOS) along with tremendous support from various parties, has ended with resounding success. Held at Hong Kong Eye Hospital during October 11-12, this event had attracted nearly 400 delegates from over 43 countries, with more than 96 invited speakers from 16 countries presenting 92 lectures in 21 scientific sessions and workshops in 2 days.
Our Assistant Professor Dr. Jason Yam, the Congress President and also the Secretary-General of APSPOS shared : “We have made the history to organize this Inaugural Congress, which will be instrumental to the children eye care development in the whole Asia-Pacific Region in the many years to come!” Prof. Frank Martin, APSPOS President, echoed with Dr. Yam saying that the event was historic and believed the Congress venue of Hong Kong Eye Hospital was very well-fitted, as “this is where our Society began.”
Apart from the exciting and popular scientific sessions that allow ophthalmologists and visual scientists to exchange great insights and new findings, delegates had also been invited to join social programmes like CUHK Dinner, Hong Kong Eye Hospital Tour, and the Gala Dinner. All these events helped participants further making new friends and planning innovative collaborations for the future.
During the Gala dinner, Dr. Tze-Leung Lee, Hospital Chief Executive of Hong Kong Children’s Hospital has presented an overview of the hospital’s development, vision and goals to the guests from different parts of the world.
Besides, Prof. Kanxing Zhao (China), Prof. Marilyn Miller (U.S.A.) and Dr. Jason Yam (Hong Kong) received great applause from the attendees at the Gala dinner for their major contributions to paediatric ophthalmology in the Asia-Pacific region. Prof. Zhao was presented the APSPOS Asia-Pacific Award, Prof. Miller the APSPOS International Award and Dr. Yam the APSPOS Young Investigator Award. Congratulation, Dr. Yam !
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