Study Programme: full time Ph.D. (2020-2024)
Research Topic: First trimester biochemical marker for preeclampsia prediction
Supervisor(s): Prof. Liona Poon
Office Phone: (852) 2352 1798
Email: sakitamoungmaithong@link.cuhk.edu.hk
1 | First Trimester Screening for Preeclampsia: An Asian Perspective Moungmaithong S, Wang XQ, Tai AST, Feng QL, Sahota D, Leung TY, Poon LC Maternal-Fetal Medicine. 2021 Apr; 3(2):116-12 |
2 | Relationship between viral load, infection-to-delivery interval and mother-to-child transfer of anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies Poon LC, Leung BW, Ma T, Yu FN, Kong CW, Lo TK, So PL, Leung WC, Shu W, Cheung KW, Moungmaithong S, Wang CC Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2021 Jun;57(6):974-978 |
3 | Ultrasonographic evaluation of cervical length, cervical volume and cervical vascularization between 18 and 40 weeks of gestation Sirichareon C, Moungmaithong S Siriraj Medical Journal, 68(5), 299-304 |
4 | Cervical Strain Values Measured by Ultrasonographic Elastography in Pregnant Women between 18- and 40-Weeks’ Gestation J Wongsaroj P, Moungmaithong S Med Assoc Thai 2017; 100 (8): 825-33 |
5 | Cervical shear wave elastography as a predictor of preterm delivery during 18–24 weeks of pregnancy J Suthasmalee S, Moungmaithong S Obstet. Gynaecol. Res. 2019; 45(11):2158-68 |
6 | Additional benefits of three-dimensional ultrasound for prenatal assessment of twins Wataganara T, Yapan P, Moungmaithong S, Sompagdee N, Phithakwatchara N, Limsiri P, Nawapun K, Rekhawasin T & Talungchit P (2020) Journal of Perinatal Medicine, 48(2), 102-114 |
7 | First Trimester Screening for Preeclampsia: An Asian Perspective Moungmaithong S, Wang X, Tai AS, Feng Q, Sahota D, Leung TY, Poon LCY. Maternal Fetal Med 2021; 00:00. doi: 10.1097/FM9.0000000000000101. |