CUHK-HKEH-PWH Ophthalmology Subspecialty Fellowship Programme

Programme Convener and Advisors

Prof Clement CY THAM

Programme Convener

Prof Calvin CP PANG

Programme Advisor

Dr LAM Mei Yee Jenny

Programme Advisor

hunter yuen

Prof YUEN Kwok Lai Hunter

Programme Advisor

Prof YOUNG Lerrmann Alvin

Program Advisor

Prof LAM Nai Man Ben

Programme Advisor

Dr YIP Wai Kuen Wilson

Programme Advisor

The CUHK-HKEH-PWH Ophthalmology Subspecialty Fellowship Programme provides in-depth and structured clinical training and education in Ophthalmology to residents, fellows, and faculty of teaching hospitals in Hong Kong and beyond. The programme emphasises interactions between the programme directors, attending ophthalmologists, faculty, fellows, and residents at all levels. The goal of the programme is to help train new ophthalmic surgeons and doctors with tools that enhance the learning experience in the pursuit of surgical excellence in Ophthalmology.

For further information, please contact Ms Magic Yam :

Tel: +852 3943 5820
Fax: +852 2715 9490

Ophthalmology Subspecialty Fellowship Programme Coordinators (HKEH)

Corneal and External Eye Diseases : Dr CHOW Wing See Vanissa
Glaucoma : Dr CHAN Pui Man Poemen
Neuro-ophthalmology : Dr CHAN Kar Mun Carmen
Orbital & Oculoplastic Surgery : Prof YUEN Kwok Lai Hunter
Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus : Dr YAM Cheuk Sing Jason
Retina : Dr TSANG Chi Wai

Ophthalmology Subspecialty Fellowship Programme Coordinators (NTEC)

Corneal and External Eye Diseases : Prof YOUNG Lerrmann Alvin
Glaucoma : Dr CHAN Ching Yan Noel
Neuro-ophthalmology : Dr CHAN Ching Yan Noel
Orbital & Oculoplastic Surgery : Dr CHONG Kam Lung Kelvin
Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus : Dr YIP Wai Kuen Wilson
Retina : Dr BRELÉN Erik Mårten