包素菊黃斑病變治療及研究中心(MDTRC)成立於2016年,是中文大學眼科中心不可或缺的治療和研究設施之一。受惠於張培明先生與張包素菊夫人的慷慨捐款,包素菊黃斑病變治療及研究中心的成立及總體目標是發展和提高對抗黃斑疾病,例如老年性黃斑部病變(Age-related Macular Disease),糖尿病視網膜病變(Diabetic Retinopathy),糖尿病性黃斑水腫(Diabetic Macular Edema)和視網膜色素病變 (Retinitis Pigmentosa),視網膜靜脈阻塞(Retinal Vein Occlusions)和黃斑營養不良 (Macular Dystrophies) 的診斷能力和治療專業知識。該中心除了提供最先進的黃斑疾病檢測和治療方法,也旨在加強我們對黃斑疾病檢測和治療方面的臨床和實驗室研究。這也將是我們對醫生和公眾進行有關黃斑病變的培訓和教育的重要的一部分。
在2010年,醫院管理局預計每年將有3,000例新的濕性老年黃斑部病變(Wet AMD)病例。據估計,香港有50萬人患有老年黃斑部病變,其中10%為濕性。由於人口老齡化,受老年黃斑部病變影響的人數正在迅速增加。如今,約有15%的濕性老年黃斑部病變患者對標準治療的反應不佳並慢慢失去視力。






Our members obtained a list of external grants relating to studies in a wide range of macular diseases from S.K. Yee Medical Foundation, Health and Medical Research Fund, General Research Fund, Innovation Technology Fund, Hong Kong Jockey Club (HKJC) Charities Trust and a list of pharmaceutical collaborators like Novartis Pharmaceuticals (HK) Ltd, Bayer HealthCare Limited and Allergan Hong Kong Ltd. The total funding obtained worth over six million Hong Kong dollars. Whether the projects are investigator initiated or pharma contracted, all the research works are conducted at the MDTRC.
Our published work has led to many high impact publications in peer reviewed journals as well as presentations at regional and international meetings (see below). Of note, articles have been published by the members of the research unit in Nature Communications, Nature Biomedical Engineering, Nature Genetics, Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, American Journal of Ophthalmology and Survey of Ophthalmology to name a few. The work has also been presented at international meetings such as the Association of Research in Vision and Ophthalmology annual meeting, Asia-Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology, Asia-Pacific Vitreo-retina Society, etc.
Prof. Marten Erik BRELEN
Active electrode detection device for electroretinogram and electro-oculogram
(World Intellectual Property Organization Application no: PCT/CN2018/090853)
International Filing Date: 12.06.2018, Publication Number: WO/2019/052239, Publication Date 21.03.2019)
Prof. CHEUNG Yim Lui, Carol
Methods and systems for automatic location of optic structures in an image of an eye, and for automatic retina cup-to-disc ratio computation.
European Patent No.: 2888718; Grant Date: 17 January 2018; Co-inventor
Research collaboration
Our work also involves many international collaborations. An ongoing genetic study relating to diabetic macular edema collaborates leading eye departments from Singapore, Osaka, Shantou (China) and National Eye Institute in USA. Collaborations with pharmaceutical industries on different sponsored clinical trials and training programs were also continued in the reporting period. Our members also contributed in many of the international activities, such as being the scientific program coordinator, convenor of international conference, consultant of pharmaceuticals industry, editor and reviewer of international peer review journals.
Our center members involved in knowledge transfer including giving invited lectures and seminars in international conferences and interviews in public media, to educate the professionals and public the new technology on treatment of macular disease.