Fight Blindness with The CUHK

Dear friends and colleagues,
We sincerely invite you to go hand-in-hand with us, and to bring hope to tens of thousands of those with eye diseases, and their loving families.
Your generous gift will make a huge difference to what impact we could create in the areas of eye care, research, teaching and public education. Gifts made to our Department can be dedicated to support our specific world-leading research projects, internationally-renowned training programmes, impactful public educational campaigns, or even help establish a brand-new named treatment and research centre dedicated to a particular eye disease. Better still, all gifts at the amount of HK$100 or above are tax-deductible.
You are always most welcome to contact Ms Sukie SK WONG at (852) 3943 5859 or, if you are interested in learning more about the many ways in which you can support us, and support eye care.
Warmest personal regards,
Clement CY THAM
Chairman, Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Director, CUHK Eye Centre