Prof. CAO Ye

Current Position:
Research Assistant Professor
(appointed jointly by Dept of Paed and Dept of O&G)
Office Phone:
(852) 3505-2859
Dr. Ye Cao obtained her PhD degree and had her postdoctoral training in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. After that, she completed a two-year American Board of Medical Genetics and Genomics (ABMGG)-accredited fellowship in the Molecular and Human Genetics, Baylor College of Medicine, TX, USA. She then took up an academic post with CUHK in 2019.
Dr. Cao has established research interests in various aspects of medical genetics and genomics, including understanding the etiology of genomic disorders such as birth defects, neurodevelopmental disorders, infertility on a molecular basis, discovering the novel disease-causing genes, investigating the how the somatic mosaicism of SNVs and CNVs that contribute to the human diseases and traits.
Research Interests:
- Development and Clinical application of Exome & Genome sequencing, chromosome microarray
- Genomic identification and functional characterization of disease-causing genes
- Constitutional mosaicism in the human diseases and traits
- Medical genetics and genomics
Honorary Appointment:
Honorary Scientific Officer, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Prince of Wales Hospital
1 | A Fetus with Congenital Microcephaly, Microphthalmia and Cataract Was Detected with Biallelic Variants in the OCLN Gene: A Case Report Ng VKS, Lau TK, Kan ASY, Chung BHY, Luk HM, Ng WF, Shi M, Choy KW, Cao Y, Leung WC Diagnostics 2021 Aug;11(9): 1576 |
2 | Expanded carrier screening using next-generation sequencing of 123 Hong Kong Chinese families: a pilot study Chan OYM, Leung TY, Cao Y, Shi MM, Kwan AHW, Chung JPW, Choy KW, Chong SC Hong Kong Med J. 2021 Jun;27(1):177-183 |
3 | Clinical Implementation of Expanded Carrier Screening in Pregnant Women at Early Gestational Weeks: A Chinese Cohort Study Shi M, Liauw AL, Tong S, Zheng Y, Leung TY, Chong SC, Cao Y, Lau TK, Choy KW, Chung JPW Genes (Basel). 2021 Mar 29;12(4):496 |
4 | Clinical utility of expanded non-invasive prenatal screening and chromosomal microarray analysis in high-risk pregnancy Zhu X, Chen M, Wang H, Guo Y, Chau MHK, Yan H, Cao Y, Kwok YKY, Chen J, Hui ASY, Zhang R, Meng Z, Zhu Y, Leung TY, Xiong L, Kong X, Choy KW Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. 2021 Mar;57(3):459-465 |
5 | Genotype-phenotype study and expansion of ARL6IP1-related complicated hereditary spastic paraplegia Cao Y, Manning M, Pope K, He W, Vetrini F, Siskind C, Rosenfeld JA, Yang Y, Xiao R Clin Genet. 2021 Mar;99(3):477-480 |
6 | The role of chromosomal microarray analysis among fetuses with normal karyotype and single system anomaly or nonspecific sonographic findings Hui ASY, Chau MHK, Chan YM, Cao Y, Kwan AHW, Zhu X, Kwok YKY, Chen Z, Lao TTH, Choy KW, Leung TY Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2021 Feb;100(2):235-243 |
7 | Noninvasive prenatal sequencing for multiple Mendelian monogenic disorders among fetuses with skeletal dysplasia or increased nuchal translucency Yan H, Zhu X, Chen J, Cao Y, Kwok YKY, Chen Z, Leung TY, Chen M, Choy KW Prenat Diagn. 2020 Oct;40(11):1459-1465 |
8 | Clinical Significance of Non-Invasive Prenatal Screening for Trisomy 7: Cohort Study and Literature Review Zhu X, Lam DYM, Chau MHK, Xue S, Dai P, Zhao G, Cao Y, Cheung SWH, Kwok YKY, Choy KW, Kong X, Leung TY Genes (Basel). 2020 Dec 24;12(1):E11 |
9 | Low-level parental somatic mosaic SNVs in exomes from a large cohort of trios with diverse suspected Mendelian conditions Gambin T, Liu Q, Karolak JA, Grochowski CM, Xie NG, Wu LR, Yan YH, Cao Y, Coban Akdemir ZH, Wilson TA, Jhangiani SN, Chen E, Eng CM, Muzny D, Posey JE, Yang Y, Zhang DY, Shaw C, Liu P, Lupski JR, Stankiewicz P Genet Med. 2020 Nov;22(11):1768-1776 |
10 | Bi-allelic Mutations in NADSYN1 Cause Multiple Organ Defects and Expand the Genotypic Spectrum of Congenital NAD Deficiency Disorders Szot JO, Campagnolo C, Cao Y, Iyer KR, Cuny H, Drysdale T, Flores-Daboub JA, Bi W, Westerfield L, Liu P, Leung TN, Choy KW, Chapman G, Xiao R, Siu VM, Dunwoodie SL Am J Hum Genet. 2020 Jan 2;106(1):129-136 |
11 | Characteristics and mode of inheritance of pathogenic copy number variants in prenatal diagnosis Chau MHK, Cao Y, Kwok YKY, Chan S, Chan YM, Wang H, Yang Z, Wong HK, Leung TY, Choy KW American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2019;221(5):493e1-e11. |
12 | Genome Sequencing Explores Complexity of Chromosomal Abnormalities in Recurrent Miscarriage Dong Z, Yan J, Xu F, Yuan J, Jiang H, Wang H, Chen H, Zhang L, Ye L, Xu J, Shi Y, Yang Z, Cao Y, Chen L, Li Q, Zhao X, Li J, Chen A, Zhang W, Wong HG, Qin Y, Zhao H, Chen Y, Li P, Ma T, Wang WJ, Kwok YK, Jiang Y, Pursley AN, Chung JPW, Hong Yan, Kristiansen K, Yang H, Piña-Aguilar RE, Leung TY, Cheung SW, Morton CC, Choy KW, Chen ZJ Am J Hum Genet. 2019 Dec 5;105(6):1102-1111 |
13 | Prenatal detection of 10q22q23 duplications: dilemmas in phenotype prediction Kong Grace Wing Shan, Cao Ye, Huang Jin, Cheng Kwun Yue, Pursley Amber Nolen, Rosenfeld Jill Anne, Edwards Janice G., Chan Yiu Man, Cheung Sau Wai, Leung Tak Yeung, Choy Kwong Wai Prenat Diagn. 2016 Dec;36(13):1211-1216 |
14 | SNaPshot Reveals High Mutation and Carrier Frequencies of 15 Common Hearing Loss Mutants in a Chinese Newborn Cohort. Chen Y, Cao Ye, Li HB, Mao J, Liu MJ, Liu YH, Wang BJ, Jiang D, Zhu Q, Ding Y, Wang W, Li H, Choy KW Clin Genet 2015;87(5): 467 - 472 |