Department Laboratory

CUHK Ophthalmic Research Laboratory are equipped with comprehensive facilities to coordinate and support research of the Department.

We are committed to research of eye diseases at the highest standard and using state-of-the-art technologies. We conduct clinical research, laboratory based basic research and community research.

Our basic research involved studies on the etiology, molecular genetics, histopathology, biochemistry, and therapeutic responses of various eye diseases. In 1999, we have established a comprehensive research laboratory system with modern facilities:

  • Ocular Histology: embedding center, automated tissue processor, cryostat, rotary microtome, stereomicroscope with light source, fluorescent photomicroscope with polarization and imaging processing system


  • Experimental Animals: animal surgical room, animal suites, transgenic and gene manipulation technologies, surgical microscope, multifocal electroretinography (mf-ERG), retina angiography and optical coherence tomography




  • Analytical Biochemistry: sample processing facilities, LC solid phase extraction system, high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GCMS), Ultra-Performance Liquid Chromatography (UPLC) and liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LCMSMS)


  • Microscopy and Photography Laboratories: fluorescence microscopy with imaging system, laser capture micro-dissection system, multiphoton confocal microscopy imaging system with high speed scanner

Clinical research is conducted by our faculty members in collaborations with colleagues at major hospitals in Hong Kong, including the CUHK Medical Centre, Hong Kong Eye Hospital, Prince of Wales Hospital, Alice Ho Nethersole Hospital and Hong Kong Children Hospital. The patient pool of the centers cover a population of around 3 million people and together we see over 400,000 outpatient cases and perform over 10,000 eye operations per year. In addition to providing quality services to the patients in need, the huge case number and case-mix provide a lot of good clinical material for research and publication. Clinical staff in all centers have attended regular courses in good clinical practice (GCP) to facilitate good quality clinical research. A dedicated clinical research office is available in Hong Kong Eye Hospital for coordinating clinical trials

Cataract Surgery Thyroid Eye Diseases
Glaucoma Lamella Keratoplasty
Diabetic Retinopathy Macular Diseases
Myopia Neuro-ophthalmology
Ocular Genetics Ocular Imaging
Ocular Surface Diseases Ophthalmic Epidemiology
Pediatric Eye Diseases Prevention of Eye Diseases
Pterygium Refractive Surgery
Retinal Detachment Surgery Retinal Vascular Diseases
Retinoblastoma Visual Electrophysiology