The fetal medicine provides a wide range of prenatal screening, diagnostic, therapeutic and counseling_services, to pregnant women in Hong Kong and oversea, as either public and private patients.
Prenatal Screening
- First trimester Combined Down syndrome screening using Nuchal translucency and biochemical markers (OSCAR)
- First trimester Preeclampsia Screening
- Second trimester biochemical Down Syndrome Screening
- Non-invasive prenatal testing of Down syndrome using circulating cell free fetal DNA (NIPT)
- Second trimester Fetal morphological scan
- Fragile X-screening
Prenatal Diagnostic procedures
- Chorionic villus sampling
- Amniocentesis
- Cordocentesis
Fetal genetic diagnosis
- Standard Karyotyping
- Rapid testing: PCR, FISH, BoBs Assay
- Comprehensive Fetal DNA Chip
Fetal therapy
- Fetoscopic laser for twin-twin transfusion syndrome
- Selective fetocide for complicated twin pregnancies
- Shunting / pleurodesis for fetal pleural effusion
- Other therapy such as fetoscopic endotracheal balloon occlusion
Genetic Counseling
- Explanation and discussion with parents for abnormal or complicated genetic test results, with guidance on the future investigation and management