

e-Writing in action

  • Enhancing students’ writing skills through self-regulated writing strategies and e-Learning resources/tools

  • Enabling students to use self-regulated writing strategies and e-Learning resources/tools during the before, while and after writing stages

  • Providing opportunities for students to develop their higher-order thinking skills, collaboration skills and creativity through group activities and e-treasure hunt

Learning English with drama fun

  • Providing students with opportunities to use English in real-life situations where English is used together with non-verbal expressions (facial expressions, body movements and tone of voice etc.)

  • Enhancing the motivation of students as they are experiencing learning in a social setting, with different people assuming different roles

  • Enabling students to build up their confidence through purposeful use of the language, for example, offering ideas, stating reasons/opinions/feelings, making decisions and building something of their own


e-Writing in action

  • 20 participating schools (30 students + 5 teachers from each school) = 600 students + 100 teachers

Learning English with drama fun

  • 16 participating schools (30 students + 5 teachers from each school) = 480 students + 80 teachers