About CLEMR and our QEF projects
Our projects are housed under the Centre for Language Education and Multiliteracies Research (CLEMR) of the Faculty of Education, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, which was known as the Centre for Enhancing English Learning and Teaching (CEELT) before September 2019. The Centre sees its mission as enhancing English language education locally as well as in mainland China and Asia. Since its establishment in 2008, the Centre has been providing professional development training and professional support to English language teachers in Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan and mainland China.
In 2012/2013, CEELT was commissioned by Quality Education Fund (QEF) to conduct the Consolidation and Redevelopment Work on Quality Education Fund English Language (Primary) Projects (C&R Work). Then, in order to further improve English teachers’ professional capacity and students’ learning with school-based English curriculums, CEELT was commissioned to set up the Quality Education Fund Thematic Network (QTN) on English Language (Primary) since 2013. In the five implementation years, 2013 – 2018, CEELT has successfully collaborated with a total number of 88 local primary schools to develop school-based learning and teaching materials for five modules, namely Reading, Phonics, e-Learning, Drama and Project Writing.
In the academic year 2018/19, the project team implemented the Read to Write QEF Project, with 26 participating schools. In 2019/20, another Quality Education Fund project was implemented, focusing on enhancing secondary students' English writing, in 40 local secondary schools. Last year, the project team collaborated with 39 local primary schools in the QEF 2020/21 Project: Using e-Learning to develop primary school students' 21st century skills (critical thinking, creativity, collaboration and self-regulation) in English language learning and teachers' assessment literacy. The project that is going to be implemented in the academic year 2021/22 is entitled Promoting primary school English teacher's assessment literacy: developing primary students' ability to assess and improve their learning of English and 21st century skills supported with e-learning tools.