Promoting primary school English teachers' assessment literacy: developing primary students' ability to assess and improve their learning of English and 21st century skills supported with e-learning tools
(QEF No.: 2020/0317)
For students
Promoting students’ self-regulated learning through their own AaL for English learning
Facilitating students’ development of 21st century skills and ability to assess their learning of 21st century skills
Enriching students’ learning experiences through peer and collaborative activities on iPads and with relevant e-learning resources/tools
Promoting students’ overall motivation in English learning
For teachers
Helping teachers develop their ability to design and use assessment as an effective tool to inform and enhance teaching
Facilitating teachers to carry out assessment activities through iPads and e-learning resources/apps
Enhancing English teachers’ assessment literacy in terms of students’ learning of 21st century skills
For schools
Helping adjust and increasing e-learning and assessment in school-based English curriculums (upper grade levels x students’ English competence levels) to better cater for learner differences
Developing assessment and teaching materials and resources appropriate for upper primary school students (i.e., primary 4-6) and two competence levels (i.e., more able and less able)
Developing relevant activities with appropriate e-learning tools and resources to support teachers’ assessment and students’ learning and execution of AaL
For parents
Helping parents understand and help their children apply relevant skills to assess their own learning of English and 21st century skills.
A total of 114 teachers including 76 English teachers, 19 PSMCDs and 19 English panel heads, 2,280 students and 2,000 parents of 19 local primary schools.