Exclusive Interview with Prof. Nick Noakes of HKUST on eLearning and his views on KEEP
20 Jan 2016, Wed
News writing & Video transcription by Gabrielle Poon
In the following 3 interviews, Prof. Nick Noakes introduced HKUST’s current projects on developing e-learning and short-term challenges of carrying out this project. He also talked about The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology's five-year time frame plan on further reinforcing the use of technologies in teaching and learning. In the last part of the interview, Prof. Nick Noakes gave some positive comments on KEEP, illustrating its strength and forecasting how the platform helps to further enhance education experience in the future.
Interview with Prof Nick Noakes at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
1. What are the particular challenges that UST faces with e-learning in both short and long term?
2. Where do you see e-learning going in the future—say, five or 10 years out?
3. What do you think about KEEP?
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