Kick-Off Joint Seminars with All Partner Institutions in Hong Kong
17 Aug 2015, Mon
KEEP has started a series of seminars with all partner institutions in Hong Kong. The agenda are designed in two folds:
Introduction of the KEEP platform and the latest update by the KEEP team and the updating of the progress by the partner institutions.
The first KEEP Seminar was held with The Hong Kong Polytechnic University at the Poly U main campus on 17 August, 2015. The seminar was hosted by professor Eric Tsui from the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering.
The next KEEP Seminar will be held at The University of Hong Kong on 21 September, 2015.
The Schedule of the coming KEEP Seminars:
September 21 (Monday): The University of Hong Kong
October 14 (Wednesday): Lingnan University
October 20 (Tuesday): Hong Kong Baptist University
October 22 (Thursday): The Chinese University of Hong Kong
October 29 (Thursday): The Hong Kong Institute of Education
November 13 (Friday): City University of Hong Kong
November 18 (Wednesday): The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
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