The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) is holding the Teaching and Learning Innovation Expo 2017 on 7 December 2017 to showcase recent advances in teaching and learning that have been trialed and/or implemented over the year. The Expo is jointly organized by the
Centre for Learning Enhancement And Research (CLEAR) and the
Information Technology Services Centre (ITSC) of CUHK and is the eleventh annual event since 2007.
The organizers have invited Prof. Chan Ying Yang, Emily, and Prof. So Ho-wai, Suzanne, both being the Awardee of the 2017 UGC Teaching Award and 2017 University Education Award, to deliver keynote addresses. The Expo is comprised of the two keynotes and a student sharing in the morning, followed by a poster presentation during the lunch break and parallel sessions in the afternoon. The posters will be exhibited at the venue till 15 Dec 2017.
Hundreds of teachers and e-learning support units from various local universities joined the expo in the past years. Presenter application is available up to 31 Oct 2017, while visitor registration is also open.