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Talk on Appreciating Asian Poetry in English

Event Power of Words: Talk on Appreciating Asian Poetry in English
Date 3 October 2012 (Wednesday)
Time 6:00pm to 7:30pm
Venue AIT 212, An Integrated Teaching Building, Station Road
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Description Professor Lam, a Nosside International Poetry Prize (Special Mention) winner and an Honorary Fellow in Writing at the University of Iowa, will share some of her favourite poems written in English by Asian poets. She will also read a few poems of her own and discuss with students how to appreciate and understand poetry.
Speaker's Bio Professor Agnes Lam Agnes Lam is a Professor at the University of Hong Kong. She has also held visitorships from Fulbright, the British Council, the International Research and Development Centre, ASAHIL and Universitas 21. She specializes in Asian poetry in English and language education in China. She is internationally known as a poet and some of her works have been translated into German, Italian and other languages. Representative works include: Woman to woman and other poems (1997) and Water wood pure splendour (2001). In 2008, she was awarded the Nosside International Poetry Prize (Special Mention) and was made Honorary Fellow in Writing by the University of Iowa. In 2009, she was commended by the Home Affairs Bureau, Hong Kong SAR Government, for her outstanding achievements in international arts and cultural activities. Her current project on Asian poetry in English, funded by the Hong Kong Research Grants Council (2009-2012), took her to several Asian cities from Macao to Delhi.
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