CUHK Launches Territory's First Cloud-based eLearning Platform 創建香港首個雲端教育平台

19 Apr 2015, Sun





KEEPCourse──讓用戶透過KEEP進入多個國際大型公開網上課程平台如Coursera、edX、ewant 和學堂在線,選讀課程。教師亦可簡便使用線上工具,如Open edX、Google Course Builder、Moodle、Open Canvas,創建課程。再把課程連結分享給學生。





The University has launched KEEP (Knowledge & Education Exchange Platform), a cloud-based eLearning platform developed and initiated by CUHK with its partner institutions and funded by the University Grant Committee (UGC). KEEP aims at offering a personalized educational portal for users to easily search, subscribe and access content related to education from the KEEP Cloud Ecosystem. KEEP is now open for subscription. 

KEEP is support by UGC with a grant of HK$15 million for three years. Its principle investigators include Prof. Irwin King, Department of Computer Science and Engineering; Prof. Poon Wai-yin, Department of Statistics; and Prof. Hau Kit-tai, Choh-Ming Li Professor of Educational Psychology.

Major features of KEEP are as follows:

KEEPSearch— an in-depth directory and search engine with dedicated and exclusive educational resources with over three million education-related webpages being crawled and indexed;

KEEPCourse— providing cutting-edge eLearning platforms for teachers and students to experiment blended-learning on advanced MOOC environments such as Coursera, edX, ewant, xuetangX, etc., as well as LMS systems such as Moodle, Open edX, Open Canvas, Course Builder, etc.;

KEEPCatalog— a showcase collection of the best-in-class software, hardware, and services for teaching and learning;

KEEPoll— providing real-time web and mobile polling service to increase student engagement and teaching quality.

For details, please click here.



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