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Recommended Resources of the Month


  • Vocabulary
  • Creative Writing

Book Display Period: 1 July 2017 - 31 August 2017

English Resources

The world of words: Vocabulary for college success, 9th Ed.

This book helps students acquire the vocabulary for their academic studies and develop an interest in words. Part 1 describes dictionary skills and contextual clues while Part 2 introduces different Greek and Latin word elements. The explanations of these essential word acquisition skills are accompanied by interesting word exercises. You will learn how to expand your vocabulary through developing independent vocabulary learning strategies.

Highlights include “Words in the news” (Ch. 2), “Words for feeling, expression, and action” (Ch. 3), “Word elements: Movement” (Ch. 7), and “Word elements: Thought and belief” (Ch. 10).

Active vocabulary: General and academic words, 4th Ed.

This book guides students to enrich their vocabulary through reading a mix of academic and general texts from 18 topics. In addition to review chapters for consolidating knowledge, three chapters are dedicated to word parts – prefixes, roots, and suffixes. “Word Wise” boxes throughout the book draw students’ attention to connotations, collocations, and etymologies. Special four-colour visual effects are added to enhance students’ vocabulary acquisition experience.

Highlights include “Mystery: Missing from the mound” (Ch.8), “English writing tips” (Ch.14), and “Drama: All the world’s a stage” (Ch.25).

Vocabulary mastery 2: Using and learning the academic word list.

This practical book is written for students who want to learn words that appear particularly frequently in academic texts. Based on a researched word list, the book helps students acquire academic words through studying six theme-based units covering different topics. Each unit contains vocabulary review exercises, a reading preview, a comprehension check, and a word usage section, helping students learn the words systematically.

Highlights include “Business” (Unit 1), “The Civil Rights Movement” (Unit 2), and “Serving one’s country” (Unit 5).

The Bloomsbury introduction to creative writing.

Organised in eight chapters by literary genre, the book aims to help students shape ideas and turn ideas into creative writing. Integrated with exercises and writing prompts, the book introduces self-writing, fiction, screenwriting, performance writing, poetry composition, writing for digital media, and critique and exegetical writing. You will learn how to conceptualise and produce creative writing in different forms.

Highlights include “Reflective writing” (pp. 45-52), “Poetry as ‘language distilled’” (pp. 74-80), “Plot and conflict” (pp. 114-117), “Theme and narrative” (pp. 153-163), “Digital storytelling” (pp. 186-188).

The road to somewhere: A creative writing companion, 2nd Ed.

This writing companion appeals to university student writers seeking ideas and guidance on creative writing. The quadruple book describes the elements in creative writing (Part I), explains different forms of creative text type (Part II), deals with publication matter (Part III), and suggests writing resources (Part IV). The book also contains practical activities and exercises, helping you gain a better understanding of the creative writing road and be inspired.

Highlights include “Creativity” (pp. 15-21), “The necessity of mess” (pp. 30-37), “Revision: Cut it out, put it in” (pp. 80-90), and “Digital writing” (pp. 209-226).

Writing true: The art and craft of creative nonfiction, 2nd Ed.

The book aims to assist writers in discovering and developing non-fiction topics in creative forms. Part I takes you through the process of turning initial ideas into polished written pieces with end-of chapter exercises that help you reinforce ideas and practise strategies. Part II presents some well-written non-fiction pieces in different forms that will inspire you how to read and write creatively. By experimenting with language and form, you will learn how to discover and spark writing ideas.

Highlights include “Ten ways to a draft” (Ch. 3), “Taking shape” (Ch. 4), “Finding voice” (Ch. 5), and “The craft of revision” (Ch. 7).

Chinese Resources


本書收錄作者在不同時期發表的十二篇文章,可分為兩類:一類專述作者的創作心得,如「謬思養成指南」(頁47 - 66),即指出靈感並非憑空出現,而必須建基於日常的觀察,以及多閱讀與反覆練習,才能有寫出新意的可能。另一類則為作品序言,如「酒醉騎單車」一文(頁68 - 88),作者講述多個短篇故事的取材來源,當中既有出自童年回憶、亦有源於所鍾愛的事物,以至旅遊見聞。讀者稍加思索,自當明白創意來自生活的道理。


全書分為六十六節,作者將寫作比喻為修行,從不同角度述說寫作心得。而單就創意來說,作者亦在多個段落提及此一主題,如第五節「堆肥」(頁58 - 60),作者強調創意往往不能一蹴而就,必須自己主動爬梳,再經過時日沉澱,才能迎來靈感的突然爆發。又如第十六節「原創的細節」(頁101 - 102),作者指出生活經歷往往是上佳的素材,可視乎題材而作不同程度的糅合或改寫。讀者如能試行書中建議,相信應能提高個人創造力。


本書雖以廣告創作立論,惟當中對捕捉創意的說明,與寫作實有共通之處。作者主張創意即「舊元素的新結合」,如第六章(頁77 - 91)「集結材料」鼓勵讀者擺脫一成不變的習慣,以及對日常事物多作深入觀察,於寫作之道亦然。另第十至十四章(頁134 - 189)順序講述捕捉創意的步驟,從確定主題、搜集資料到尋找靈感,亦無疑可與寫作對應。作者強調只有付諸行動才能檢驗創意,讀者若能於寫作上試行其法,定當有所獲益。


全書收錄了近二百個中文詞語,作者對各詞語的意思、出處與演變均有扼要說明,當中既包括「佩服」等常用詞語(頁 138 - 141),亦有「大相徑庭」等四字成語(頁 32 - 35)。儘管解說偶有紕漏(如誤以為庾信曾自稱為「天潢之派水」),但閱讀此書除了能增進語文知識,更重要的是培養考究用字的精神,避免知其然而不知其所以然。另此書已出版數輯,讀者如有興趣,亦不妨一讀。







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  • “Education consists mainly of what we have unlearned.”

    Mark Twain

  • “I am always ready to learn although I do not always like being taught.”

    Winston Churchill

  • “The purpose of learning is growth, and our minds, unlike our bodies, can continue growing as we continue to live.”

    Mortimer Adler

  • “Always walk through life as if you have something new to learn and you will.”

    Vernon Howard

  • “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.”

    Benjamin Franklin

  • “Be observing constantly. Stay open minded. Be eager to learn and improve.”

    John Wooden

  • “Learning is not attained by chance. It must be sought for with ardor and attended to with diligence.”

    Abigail Adams

  • “Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.”

    Henry Ford