Top 7 Courses Recommended for Students

20 Jun 2018, Wed

There are certain fields of knowledge that would be particularly helpful in allowing students to gain a competitive edge or pursue a more fulfilling life. This list contains courses from different universities and MOOC providers that may be essential to students from all paths of life in secondary or tertiary learning levels.

1. Programming for Everybody (Coursera/University of Michigan)

Information technology is transforming the world, and education curriculums need to change along with it. However, some may not be able to afford or be exposed to institutions that teach the correct curriculum. Why not learn from the best without the burden of a large fee? Programming for Everybody, by the University of Michigan, introduces learners the basics of programming. It is a great course to take before undergoing an undergraduate study or just to self-teach programming.

Course Duration: 2-4 hours a week/7 weeks

User Rating: 4.8/5 from 38,174 ratings


2. Marketing in a Digital World (Coursera/University of Illinois)

Due to the rise of the Internet, smartphones, and 3D printing, the marketing world is going through a revolution. Students that wish to understand the major changes happening in marketing are recommended to take Marketing in a Digital World course, during which they will explore the shift of power from firms to consumers.

Course Duration: 6-8 hours a week/4 weeks
User Rating: 4.6/5 from 4,250 ratings

3. Introduction to FinTech (edX/The University of Hong Kong)

Hong Kong, a financial hub of the world, is one of the leaders in innovations in the financial industry, such as FinTech. Learn from one of the best about the interaction of finance and technology across the financial system. This course is Asia’s first interdisciplinary Professional Certificate Program in FinTech on the edX platform.

Course Duration: 1-3 hours a week/6 weeks


4. Economics of Money and Banking (Coursera/Columbia University)

Most young students already learn about basic economics early in the academic careers, but Economics of Money and Banking takes things one stop further. This course explores new analytical apparatuses and theories that people can use to understand the financial system. Students will learn to a new economic way of thinking reevaluating the foregone monetary ideas that have become newly relevant.

Course Duration: 5 hours a week/13 weeks
User Rating: 4.9/5 from 444 ratings

5. A Life of Happiness and Fulfillment (Coursera/ Indian School of Business at The University of Texas)

There is a social problem regarding mental health issues for young students, and they could benefit from learning about the secret to achieving happiness. Professor Raj Raghunantahn, who is also known as Dr. Happy Smarts, draws content from a variety of fields, such as psychology, neuroscience, and behavioral decision theory to explain that being smart and successful is not everything.

Course Duration: 2-3 hours a week/6 weeks
User Rating: 4.8/5 from 3,064 ratings


6. Young People and Their Mental Health (FutureLearn/University of Cambridge and University of Groningen)

Young People and Their Mental Health can provide knowledge on why common mental health problems among teens occur and how to recognize them. It can help learners over the age of 14 to prevent such issues from developing or cope with them if they are already experiencing problems. For students, or their parents, that cannot afford mental health care or do not have access to it, they could take advantage of online courses, such as this, to inform themselves about the symptoms of mental health problems and their treatments.

Course Duration: 2 hours a week/5 weeks 


7. Chasing your Dream: How to End Procrastination and Get a Job You Love (edX/National Research Nuclear University)

Students need to prepare themselves for the job market, especially because it is common for people to be stressed out about their occupations or even feel trabbed by them. This course aims to resist procrastination and engage a process of self-determination by drawing academic teachings from universities like Harvard and Moscow State University. Students will be given the tools for solving key problems that affect their self-fulfillment, important for students that strive for greatness in their careers.

Course Duration: 2-3 hours a week/5 weeks