Workshops, Seminars and Events
Synchronous and Asynchronous Support for Students Learning – Use of the Flipped Class Technique and Dialogic Videos
Speaker: Dr Michael BOTELHO
Clinical Associate Professor of Oral Rehabilitation of the Faculty of Dentistry,
The University of Hong Kong
Awardee of 2015 UGC Teaching Award

Abstract: Flipping the classroom is not really a new idea… it’s simply a large class, student centered, small-group seminar! What is new is the way we as teachers have to change from being “the sage on the stage” to more of a “guide on the side” and how we manage that change.

In this presentation I will show how I have used a variation of the flipped classroom in dentistry using worksheets with problem statements/photographs of scenarios, clinical problems and judgement skills to focus the learning and discussion between students and to me. In addition, I have used videos to capture the feedback sessions of these for students to re-watch when they wish to revise or revisit concepts they have not understood so giving them an additional resource for learning.

This seminar will include a flipped class element with participants required to perform small group work to discuss and feedback to the class. A worksheet will be distributed by e mail in the week before the seminar.

Biography: Dr Botelho has been at the University of Hong Kong for over 20 years and has been actively involved in the design, development and implementation of a range of curriculum innovations and reforms in: PBL, e-learning, simulation training and competency assessments. He has published and presented on education in peer reviewed journals and at conferences locally and internationally and has conducted workshops on PBL, facilitator training, problem writing and standards descriptors for clinical skills performances. He is actively involved in the scholarship of teaching and learning and has been awarded a number of teaching development and research grants as principal or co-investigator and has a number of teaching and learning prizes including the Hong Kong UGC teaching award.

1015 – 1030 Registration
1030 – 1035 Welcoming Remarks
1035 – 1150 Dr. Botelho’s workshop “Synchronous and Asynchronous Support for Students Learning – Use of the Flipped Class Technique and Dialogic Videos’
1150 – 1200 Flipped Classroom Promotional Video Trailer Competition Award Ceremony
1205 – 1215 Closing

Date & Time: 7 September 2018 (Friday), 10:30 to 12:15

Venue: SB UG06, Sino Building, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
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