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  • 求職文件及技巧


Case in point: Complete case interview preparation

With a special focus on case interviews, this book coaches students how to think through the questions before giving sensible and thorough answers. Not only does it present several logical frameworks which help interviewees manage the given cases (Ch. 4), it also offers concrete sample interviews for readers’ reference (Ch. 5). This book is particularly useful for students who is about to attend a case interview for the first time.

Highlights include "Types of case questions" (pp. 15-19), "The four key case scenarios, developing your structure" (pp. 36-46), "Case starts" (pp. 74-83).

Brilliant graduate CV: How to get your first CV to the top of the pile.

Catering for university graduates with little work experience, the book helps you craft persuasive CVs with examples. Beginning with an introduction of the general features in a CV in Part 1, the book guides you how to refine a CV in Part 2, followed by tips in content selection in Part 3 and suggested job search resources in Part 4. "Brilliant tips" in boxes from human resource experts are abundant throughout the chapters.

Highlights include "Making the perfect fit" (pp. 81-106), "Presenting your CV" (pp. 107-120), "Job application letters" (pp. 157-162), and "Addressing selection criteria" (pp. 165-176).

Case in point: Complete case interview preparation.

The primary aim of the book is to help you tackle various interview questions. The book hooks the readers with an introduction about the author’s pre-interview preparation experience, vividly illustrating how to predict questions by context and theme through brainstorming. You will gain insights into interpreting and answering difficult interview questions. In addition to worksheets and exercises for preparing interviews, you will learn how to customise your resume for different job positions.

Highlights include "Behind the scenes: Into the interviewer’s mind" (pp. 51-72), "The telephone interview" (pp. 125-130), "Great answers to special challenge questions" (pp. 171-176), and "Great questions to ask hiring managers" (pp. 187-198).

Kick Start Your Career: Successful Strategies and Winning Techniques

In addition to basic job searching strategies, this book features practical advice on finding a job in an international context in the 21st century. There is a special section on establishing your online profile in social media such as LinkedIn and Twitter (Ch. 7). Detailed discussions have also been devoted into the preparation of country-specific resumes (Ch. 12, 13 & 15) and cover letters (Ch. 16). The book finishes off with a chapter of practical interviews tips (Ch. 17) and is genuinely an all-in-one book for your job application preparation.

Cracking the Code to a Successful Interview: 15 Insider Secrets from a Top-Level Recruiter

Knowing what job interviewers want based on his extensive hiring experience, the author of this book will help bring out the best of you in job interviews. Concepts are distilled into the eight-step REAPRICH practices, namely Results, Energy, Attitude, Process, Relationships, Interview the interviewer, Close the interviewer and Humanity. Insider secrets are also revealed, giving you relevant tips in each chapter. This book is especially good for a last-minute quick preparation as it is short and easy to read.

Highlights include "Critical commonsense interview preparation" (Ch. 2), "Interview the interviewer" (Ch. 6) and "Recap of REAPRICH steps in order" (Ch. 9).

Chasing Chickens: When Life after Higher Education Doesn't Go the Way You Planned

Instead of enhancing your practical job hunting skills, this book has a slightly different focus on sharpening your way of thinking and improving your attitude. Illustrating with false starts and personal failures, the author attempts to mentally prepare university graduates with the possibility of a career path which is not exactly the same as the one originally planned. Students are likely to find resonance in this light read and be supported during the job seeking process. The book targets at university graduates, and it is particularly suitable for doctoral students as the author has gone through typical difficulties PhD students usually face upon graduation.

Highlights include "Getting over the fear of 'no'" (pp. 45-64) and "The best-laid plans of mice and control groups" (pp. 101-112).


5 Steps!搵工面試Easy Pass

本書共分五部分,作者以生活化的語言,深入淺出地講解求職面試各個階段的注意事項。其中第一部分(頁16 - 46)主要介紹履歷與求職信的寫法,並以輕鬆而不失深刻的方式帶出「8大CV禁忌」及「求職信7宗罪」等問題,甚具參考價值。至於餘下四部分,則集中講解面試前的準備與面試的應對技巧,當中第三部分(頁76 - 92)提及「畢業生面試『潛規則』」等話題,有助同學做好個人定位。


全書總計有八章,作者以幫助讀者謀職為目標,說明求職面試所須掌握的各種技巧。比如第二章(頁35 - 89)論述了中式、港式、英式和美式四種不同的履歷寫作方式,並講解人事部門篩選履歷的原則,讀者閱後自能避免犯上同樣錯誤。至於第三章(頁92 - 114),則談及求職信的寫作步驟,以至中英文求職信的異同等問題,均是相當實用的說明。書中另附多則專業人士分析,以便讀者能作合適的求職選擇。


本書分為八章,作者藉其工作心得與見聞,講論人力資源管理的各項要訣。其中第一章(頁14 - 33)主要說明大學畢業生投身職場前應注意的事項,如怎樣決定求職方向、如何改善面試臨場表現,以及怎樣面對難纏考官等,皆為切實可行的提示。而第四章(頁88 - 111)則從招聘人員的角度,介紹主持面試的準備、面試提問的誤區,以至有效的提問方式等,讀者如多加了解,當能收知彼知己之效。


本書分為十三單元,除了第一至三單元簡介面試基礎知識外,其餘單元皆為面試常見問題的分類詳析。比如第五單元(頁51 - 86)結集的七十七條問題主要考核求職者的解難能力,由如何說明自己處理問題的方式,到考官表示「如果我說你今天表現很差,你會怎麼辦」等突擊提問,都提出了應對策略。讀者可視乎需要,或通閱全書以了解各式題目,或針對某類問題多加研讀,面試時自能得心應手。









  • 「外物之味,久則可厭;讀書之味,愈久愈深。」


  • 「書就是風。讀了很多書,大風就來了。你像風箏,順勢而起,便往天空遠處飛去,讀越多,風越大;飛得越高,看得越遠。」


  • 「書山有路勤為徑,學海無涯苦作舟。」

  • 「立身以立學為先,立學以讀書為本。」


  • 「善讀者日攻、日掃。攻則直透重圍,掃則了無一物。 」


  • 「(任何一個人,都必須養成自學的習慣,即使是今天在學校的學生,也要養成自學的習慣,因為遲早總要離開學校的!)自學,就是一種獨立學習,獨立思考的能力。行路,還是要靠行路人自己。」


  • 「敏而好學,不恥下問 。」


  • 「喜愛讀書,就等於把生活中寂寞無聊的時光換成巨大享受的時刻。」


  • 「讀書應自己思索,自己做主。」


  • 「善學者盡其理,善行者究其難。 」


  • 「人若志趣不遠,心不在焉,雖學無成。 」


  • 「不要把學問看做是用來裝飾的王冠,也不要把學問看做是用來擠奶的奶牛。」


  • 「遠行要假良朋,數數清於耳目;住止必須擇伴,時時聞於未聞。故雲:「生我者父母,成我者朋友。」親附善者,如霧露中行,雖不濕衣,時時有潤。」


  • 「寫作可以使一天中,工作的二、三小時,化為更有意味的二、三小時。」


  • 「寫作,最終是一連串允許你以某些特定方式來表達自己的過程。去創造。去跳躍。去飛翔。去掉落。去發現你自己獨樹一格的敘述方式和堅持;也就是讓你找到內在的自由。」

    ——Susan Sontag

  • 「有時候我想,天堂一定是一場永不疲倦的閱讀。」

    ——Virginia Woolf