KEEP and uReply Demonstrated eLearning in CityU

10 Jan 2019, Thu
KEEP introduced itself as an open platform with cross-institutional learning materials.

KEEP and uReply, both being eLearning projects from CUHK, demonstrated eLearning applications in a CityU seminar today.

After its launch in 2015, KEEP has hosted more than 200 online courses offered by local universities. ELearning practices such as flipped classroom, online supplementary learning modules and content visualization have been adopted by the teachers to enhance the students’ engagement and teaching effectiveness. KEEP’s representative mentioned that universities have been co-offering courses on the platform, including the credit-bearing general education course “In Dialogue with Nature” and the self-learning course “InfoLit for U”.

In the sharing by uReply, the representatives demonstrated both the original in-class mobile Q&A function and a new location-based Q&A tool called “uReply GO". Teachers can use uReply GO to set questions that can only be found and answered in particular spots, such as checkpoints in a field trip. According to uReply, there were more than 10,000 sessions of usage in the last semester.

uReply representatives invited the audience to join the in-class Q&A activity with their own smartphones.

The seminar was co-hosted by the Office of Education Development & Gateway Education (EDGE) and the Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) of CityU.


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