Flipped Classroom Workshop Series in March

13 Feb 2018, Tue


To support teachers to adopt flipped classroom approach in their teaching, the Centre for Learning Enhancement And Research (CLEAR) of CUHK is launching a series of three workshops in March that studies the ways to introduce this teaching practice effectively. The workshops consist of invited guests’ sharing of overseas examples of flipped classroom application, and key strategies from local educators to guide teachers through the flipped process.

Interested readers can visit the project website for registration.


Flipped Classroom Workshop Series 1: Invited Guests' Sharing on Effective Application

Prof. Juergen Handke from Germany and Prof. Dawn Bennett from Germany will share how they apply flipped classroom in student employability and language learning.


Date: 6 Mar 2018 (Tue)

Time: 10:00 - 13:00

Venue: MMW707, Mong Man Wai Building, The Chinese University of Hong Kong


Flipped Classroom Workshop Series 2: 6 Steps - A Roadmap Towards Digitization

Prof. Juergen Handke will introduce the central steps towards the digitization of language learning materials. His 6-step-roadmap serves as a blueprint for digitization of any academic content.


Date: 7 Mar 2018 (Wed)

Time: 10:00 - 11:30

Venue: WMY303, Wu Ho Man Yuen Building, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

*This workshop is for CUHK faculties and staff only


Flipped Classroom Workshop Series 3: Five Strategic Components Towards Effective Flipped Classroom

E-learning specialists from five local universities will share tips and strategies of the key components to enhance the effectiveness of a flipped classroom. They will also demonstrate good practices derived from various teaching cases in different institutions.


Date: 12 Mar 2018 (Mon)

Time: 15:30 - 18:05

Venue: W208, Industrial Centre, The Polytechnic University of Hong Kong



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