Celebrating the Course that Successfully Engaged 4000+ Learners
25 Jul 2019, Thu
Prof. Irwin King (Principal Investigator of KEEP) and Dr. Ramon C. Bacani (Center Director of SEAMEO INNOTECH)
Celebrating the 2-year partnership between Knowledge & Education Exchange Platform (KEEP) and SEAMEO INNOTECH, the two parties held an official MoU Signing Ceremony in Hong Kong on the 10th of July.
During the ceremony, both parties shared their experiences in online education and reviewed the partnership that has been going for 2 years.
SEAMEO INNOTECH, which has been implementing online courses since 2006 and has covered about 17,000 school heads and teachers in the Philippines alone, shared the evaluation of their two very successful Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) programs hosted on the KEEP platform.
These two courses interacted with a huge number of learners far beyond their expectations.
The first course, “Igniting Passion for Teaching”, which aims to inspire and rekindle teachers’ passion for teaching, targeted a total of 300 learners, but the team successfully enrolled a total of 1,010 learners. The second course, "Teach On: Keeping the Passion Alive”, was expected to engage 1,000 learners, but 4,349 learners participated in the course.
Ms. Joan Atienza (Senior Associate for Instructional Design of SEAMEO INNOTECH)
“We had very good feedback on both ‘Passion for Teaching’ courses that we had already run. On the scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being excellent or the highest and 1 is poor, the overall impression is 4.8, and that’s very high in both courses. And 99 percent of the learners said that they would recommend the courses to others”, said Joan Atienza, Senior Associate for Instructional Design of SEAMEO INNOTECH.
These MOOC programs utilized the KEEP Open edX platform, which is a one-stop platform that allows integration of online courses, as well as the creation of courses using Moodle or Open edX.
Prof. Irwin King (Principal Investigator of KEEP)
Prof. Irwin King, Principal Investigator of KEEP, explained how KEEP is trying to bring the best together inside its platform. Led by CUHK and in collaboration with 8 universities in Hong Kong, KEEP is a hub of online learning resources, connecting top platforms in Hong Kong, the Greater China region, and other parts of the world.
He also shared how KEEP empowers both educators and learners through useful features inside its platform. KEEP’s easy-to-use data analysis provides instructors with students’ browsing and interaction records. This analysis enables instructors to utilize learning data in reviewing and adjusting their pedagogical strategies.
After the sharing sessions, both parties discussed future partnerships and possible collaborations, hoping that the partnership will continue to create a worthwhile impact for learners all over the region.
If you would like to collaborate with KEEP, you can contact us through info@keep.edu.hk
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