eteaching4u: Copyright, Creative Commons and Open Educational Resources in Virtual Instruction
29 Sep 2021, Wed
Copyright is meant to encourage creativity by conferring exclusive rights on authors and enabling copyright owners to make profits by distributing or licensing copyright works. Nevertheless, in reality, the copyright regime is too complex and technical for a layman to comprehend. In virtual learning, teachers are creators as well as users of copyright materials.

There are burning questions regarding copyright issues in teaching and learning. For example, would it be copyright infringement when teachers and students include copyright works like images or music into their presentations, teaching/learning materials or social media? Who owns the copyright for contents created during learning activities? How can we creatively and ethically use copyright works?

We would like to discuss the potential and affordances of Creative Commons (CC), Open Educational Resources (OER) and CC/OER-enabled pedagogies with some examples in training. 

  • Copyright, OER and CC in teaching and learning
  • OER/CC adoption (e.g. how to search and adopt CC-licensed works)
  • OER/CC creation (e.g. deciding which CC licenses should be adopted)
  • OER/CC in general education, introductory courses and other courses
Through the training, participants can reflect on better practices and design considerations in CC/OER-enabled pedagogies. Upon completion, the participants will be able to:

  • Identify copyright owners and avoid infringement;
  • Identify the opportunities and challenges of adopting CC and OER in the curriculum; and
  • Use CC and OER to facilitate classroom learning and assessment.

Ms Alice Suet Ching LEE is an Associate Professor of Law at the University of Hong Kong, SFHEA (Senior Fellow of AdvanceHE), and convenor of the T&L Interest Group at the Faculty of Law. Associate Dean (Academic Affairs) from 2011 to 2020, she has received the University Distinguished Teaching Award and two Outstanding Teaching Awards from HKU, and a student-led Teaching Feedback Award. She chaired the HKU Teaching Exchange Fellowship Sub-group from 2017 to 2021, and led or joined a number of TDG projects including “Promoting Creative and Ethical Curriculum and Pedagogical Innovations through Copyright Education” (PI) and “Knowledge and Experience Generalisation through Daily Sharing by Legal Professionals to Break the ICE: Internationalisation, Common sense and Ethics education” (PI).

Dr. Leon Lei is currently an e-learning technologist in the University of Hong Kong (HKU). He received his Ph.D. degree in electrical and electronics engineering from HKU. He has been working on remote/blended/MOOC learning initiatives in higher education and K12 education. His research interests include learning analytics, open licensing and education, and chatbot tutors. He was awarded with the Best/Outstanding Paper Award in IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment, and Learning for Engineering (TALE) 2013, 2017 and 2020. He is an IEEE Senior Member and an Advance HE Senior Fellow.


This webinar is supported by:
  • UGC Special Grant for Strategic Development of Virtual Teaching and Learning – Inter-institutional Collaborative Activities Projects
  • IEEE Region 10 Education Activities Committee (2021 Region-10 Call for Capacity Building Workshop under Educational Activity; IEEE R-10 EAC’s Call for Proposal for “Reaching Local Initiatives”)
  • IEEE Hong Kong Section and IEEE Hong Kong Section Education Chapter.

Date & Time
29 Sep 2021, Wed
12:30pm - 1:30pm HKT
The University of Hong Kong
Date & Time
29 Sep 2021, Wed
12:30pm - 1:30pm HKT