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  • 《丁玲的最後 37年》。秦林芳。北京:中國文史出版社。(2005) (UCIPL2747 P5 Z75)
  • 《毛澤東:鮮為人知的故事》。張戎、喬.哈利戴;張戎譯。香港:開放出版社。(2006) (UCIDS778 M3 C38312)
  • 《我的伯父周恩來》。周秉德。香港:滿威利基金會。(2007) (UCIDS778 C593 Z434)
  • 《我的青春回憶錄:陳凱歌自傳》(第一部)。陳凱歌。北京:中國人民大學出版社。(2009) (UCIPN1998.3 C454 A3 v.1)
  • 《我的前半生:全本》。愛新覺羅.溥儀。北京:群眾出版社。(2007) (UCIDS773 C515)

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  • 《我負丹青:吳冠中自傳》。吳冠中。香港:三聯書店。(2005) (UCIND1049 W7813 A2)
  • 《周作人的最後22年》。耿傳明。北京:中國文史出版社。(2005) (UCIPL2754 T75 Z667)
  • 《陳獨秀的最後15年》。袁亞忠。北京:中國文史出版社。(2005) (UCIDS777.15 C5 Y83)
  • 《潮平岸闊:高錕自述》。高錕著;許廸鏘譯。香港:三聯書店。(2005) (UCI/UCISQC16 K26 A3)
  • 《陸侃如和馮沅君》。許志傑。濟南:山東畫報出版社。(2006) (UCIPL2783 U573 Z88)


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  • “Education consists mainly of what we have unlearned.”

    Mark Twain

  • “I am always ready to learn although I do not always like being taught.”

    Winston Churchill

  • “The purpose of learning is growth, and our minds, unlike our bodies, can continue growing as we continue to live.”

    Mortimer Adler

  • “Always walk through life as if you have something new to learn and you will.”

    Vernon Howard

  • “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.”

    Benjamin Franklin

  • “Be observing constantly. Stay open minded. Be eager to learn and improve.”

    John Wooden

  • “Learning is not attained by chance. It must be sought for with ardor and attended to with diligence.”

    Abigail Adams

  • “Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.”

    Henry Ford