CUHK and KEEP have jointly curated a list of MOOCs for secondary school students.
Do you want to try out university courses at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)? Check out #CUHKeLearning to enlighten your learning journey!
Partnering with CUHK, #CUHKeLearning aims to introduce the University’s Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) to secondary school students via KEEP. Not only can students experience university learning through MOOC-setting, but they also are able to explore their interests in career planning.
#CUHKeLearning aims to encourage students to furnish knowledge via university education.
CUHK and KEEP have always striven to inspire students to never stop learning, and the pandemic is no exception. We have hand-picked self-paced MOOCs that are suitable for secondary school students. We hope to enhance student's abilities in a variety of subjects, including Arts and Social Sciences, Law and Business, Mathematics and Engineering, Sciences and Medicines. We also provide the most updated news and events for you to prepare for a fruitful summer.
#CUHKeLearning has selected the most suitable MOOCs from different disciplines for students.
During the pandemic, what you need to do is find a safe and comfy place, enjoy the MOOCs provided by CUHK and KEEP and discover the joy of learning anytime, anywhere.
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