Proceedings - 2002 International Bone Research Instructional
course & Hands-on
Ed. by Prof. QIN Ling, Dr.
KM Lee, Dr. Chen Di, Miss. KK Lai, and Prof. KS Leung, 2002
The Chinese Univesity of Hong Kong, SAR, PR China
workshop proceeding has a total of 411 pages, edited by the workshop
director Prof. QIN Ling, Dr. KM Lee, Dr. Chen Di, Miss. KK Lai,
and Prof. KS Leung,
This workshop proceeding contains very informative and practical information
- Basic sciences & osteoporotic animal models
- prevention & treatment of osteoporosis
- Fixation of osteoporotic fractures & biomaterials
- Biophysical intervention for musculoskeletal tissues
- State-of the-art biotechnologies in bone research
- Technical papers & experimental protocols, including 1) Bone molecular
biology, histology & histomorphometry, 2) Bone densitometry, and 3) Bone
mechanical testing
該工作坊彙編共411頁, 由工作坊主任秦嶺和李廣文、陳棣、黎勁筠和梁國穗主編。
該工作坊彙編內容面廣而實用, 包含以下骨研相關內容:
- 骨研基礎科學和骨質疏鬆動物模型
- 骨質疏鬆的預防和治療
- 骨質疏鬆性骨折的固定和生物材料),
- 骨的生物物理幹擾療法
- 骨研現代生物技術
- 技術演講文摘與操作方法與方案, 包括1)骨分子生物學、骨組織學和形態計量學、 2)骨密度儀 以及3)骨生物力學測試等。