Programme Overview

Fireside Chat with Platform Leader and Start-up (From left to right: Dr. Toa Charm, Associate Professor of Practice in Management, CUHK Business School, Mr. Norman Tam, General Manager - International Business, Tencent & Mr. Samuel Wan, Co-founder and Chairman, StockViva)

What is a platform?

What do these top companies like Alibaba, Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google, Netflix, Tencent and Ctrip have in common? Apart from being the world's highest valuated businesses, they are the world's most influential platforms.

By operating as open ecosystems, companies match suppliers of products, services, or content to consumers, and gain enormous value and market share.  These companies, known as multilateral platforms, act as intermediaries, connecting service providers and users to serve users of different needs.


Why is a platform so critical for the success of large and small-to-medium traditional businesses in the decade of 2020?  

The next generation of Fortune 500 companies in the decade of 2020 will be mostly platform-based business.  Platforms, a near-monopolistic business model, are quietly taking over the global economy.  Today's more than $1 billion "unicorn" start-ups, such as Airbnb, Grab, Robinhood, Spotify and more, are mostly platforms.  These platforms make much of their money not by what they sell but by facilitating the interactions or transactions of others.  More importantly, they are experts in delivering great customer experience and monetising the data captured in their platforms.

Traditional product manufacturers, brands and intermediaries (or “the middleman”) in all major industries are being seriously disrupted by these platforms.  Their competitiveness and even survival are highly questionable if they don’t act now in the right way.  Platform owner is on the driver seat while the rest are just the passengers with not much bargaining power on their pockets.

Why do business leaders have an urgency to formulate a winning platform strategy for their companies?

Building a successful platform like Alibaba, Amazon, Uber, Ctrip, have lots of challenges. There are countless ways to fail it.  While there are many ways to seed users into a platform, the strategies all have the potential to backfire.

Rather than having a feature mindset in traditional product or middleman businesses, business leaders in digital economy need to have a seeding mindset.  However, recruiting a popular user to kick start the platform and draw other users can backfire if that user violates the platform’s governance.  For instance, how well a driver in Uber’s platform behaves on that Uber ride may cause a big impact on Uber’s success.  Focusing on low prices or free services can backfire when users become accustomed to and anchored at that low price in the long run.  The list of challenges goes on.  Business leaders need to overcome these challenges or the platform will fail.  Every business leader today, no matter they are in traditional companies or existing platforms, has an urgency to formulate a winning and sustainable platform strategy for their company.

Learning Outcomes

The programme will prepare the participants to lead their organisation’s platform strategy.  The participants will learn about where their company fits best within a platform ecosystem and formulate a winning strategy for their companies.  The learning outcomes of the programme are as follows:

  1. Understand the disruptiveness and dominance of platform in the new economy
  2. Leverage on a platform to co-create values for customers and its ecosystems
  3. Design platform strategies to compete effectively with other major platforms
  4. Transform from a traditional product/service company to a leading platform
  5. Set up right governance to manage and sustain a platform
  6. Master the key underlying technologies of a platform

Key Benefits

  • Complimentary 2-week access to one of the selected Self-Paced Programmes for Executives
  • Certificate of Attendance will be awarded to participant upon completion of the programme
  • Special offer on Self-Paced Programmes for Executives subscription
  • Consultation session at special rate is available upon request
  • Becoming an Associate Member of CUHK Business School Alumni

Who Should Attend

This programme is designed for leaders in platform organisations or in the traditional firms that must compete with them.  C-suite, to operations managers, technology officers and R&D in all industries are welcome.  No pre-requisite is required.

Programme Curriculum

Day 1 Day 2
 1.  Disruptive Platform Business Model

- Dominance of Platforms
- New Competitive Landscape
- Marketing 4.0


5. Transforming from Traditional Product Company to Platform

- Should We Be a Platform?
- From Product to Platform
- Co-opetition with Platform


 2.  Core Concepts of Platform

- Value Chain and Economy of Scale
- Network Effect and Ecosystem
- Open Innovation and Value Co-creation


 6. Platform Governance

- Regulator and Policy Maker
- Social Contributor
- Data privacy and IP rights


Fireside Chat with Platform Leaders and Start-ups
“From Ideas to Business Impact”

What are the pros and cons of being a platform company?

How to operate, run and sustain a platform business?


 3. Winning in Platform Competition

- Monetisation and Pricing
- Chicken and Egg Challenge
- Competition among Platforms
- Platform Performance Measurement


 7. Key Platform Technologies

- Big Data
- IoT
- Cybersecurity


 4. Case Discussion  8. The Future Platforms

Request a Brochure




Duration : 2 days (Total 12 hours)

Programme Dates: 19 & 20 Jul 2022

Venue: CUHK Business School Town Centre (Central) or Live virtual class (Zoom)

Programme Fee:


RTTP Rate*: After reimbursement, the programme fee per eligible participant is HK$5,500 / HK$5,167 / HK$4,675 for the programme fee HK$16,500 / HK$15,500 / HK$14,025, respectively.

*The programme has been applied to be included in the list of registered public courses under the “Reindustrialisation and Technology Training Programme” (RTTP) - funding scheme under the Innovation and Technology Fund.




Prof. Toa CHARM

Associate Professor of Practice in Management, CUHK Business School

Director of Business Development, The Asia-Pacific Institute of Business





Programme Details

Programme Dates: 19 & 20 Jul 2022

Application Deadline: 4 Jul 2022

Medium of Instruction: English / Chinese

Duration: 2 days (6 hours per day)

Venue: CUHK Business School Town Centre (Central) or Live virtual class (Zoom)

Programme Fee:


RTTP Rate*: After reimbursement, the programme fee per eligible participant is HK$5,500 / HK$5,167 / HK$4,675 for the programme fee HK$16,500 / HK$15,500 / HK$14,025, respectively.

*The programme has been applied to be included in the list of registered public courses under the “Reindustrialisation and Technology Training Programme” (RTTP) - funding scheme under the Innovation and Technology Fund. Companies interested in applying for RTTP training grant (two-thirds of programme fee for each eligible participant) for their employee(s) to attend this programme should apply via the online system at least two weeks before the commencement of the programme.

  • Early Bird offer: HK$15,500 (register by 20 Jun 2022)
  • "Learn together” offer: HK$15,500 (enroll in the same programme with friends)

Remarks: Two applicants must enroll together at the same time in the same programme. Therefore, this offer does not apply when enrollment of two participants at different times or for different programmes.

  • Alumni rate: CUHK/CUSCS/APIB Alumni can enjoy a 15% discount on the programme fee
  • Corporate rate: please contact our education professionals for details
  • Continuous Learning Offer: Additional 5%, 10% and 15% discount will be offered to applicant who has previously completed 1, 2 and 3 programme(s) of the Digital Leadership Series for Executives within 24-month period, respectively. This offer can be used in conjunction with other promotional privileges.



Other Programmes in Digital Leadership Series for Executives


From Design Thinking to Digital Transformation

Learn More

16 - 17 Jun 2022

Corporate Innovation & Intrapreneurship

Learn More

18 & 19 May 2022

The Power Duo of AI & Big Data

Learn More

10 & 11 May 2022

AI & Big Data Experiential Workshop for Executives

Learn More


Digital Marketing & Customer Engagement

Learn More



Leadership and Workforce Transformation in the Digital Era

Learn More

Contact Us

Miss Teresa Chung

Phone: (852) 3943 4413



Return to English version for more details



第一天 第二天
 1.  顛覆性平台商業模式

- 平台的支配地位
- 新的競爭格局
- 營銷4.0

 5. 從傳統產品公司轉型至平台

- 我們應該成為平台嗎
- 從產品到平台
- 與平台的合作與競爭


 2. 平台的主要概念

- 價值鏈與規模經濟
- 網絡效應與生態圈
- 開放式創新與價值共創

6. 平台治理

- 監管機構和政策制定者
- 社會貢獻者
- 數據私隱和知識產權



3. 贏在平台競爭

- 數據貨幣化和定價
- 雞與雞蛋的挑戰
- 平台間的競爭
- 平台績效的評定

7. 主流的平台技術

- 應用程式編程介面
- 大數據
- 物聯網
- 網絡安全



 4. 案例討論


 8. 平台的未來







時間 : 2天(共12小時)

日期: 2021年7月28日至29日

地點: 中大商學院市區教學中心 / Zoom





湛家揚 博士











日期: 2021年7月28日至29日


時間 : 2天(共12小時)

地點: 中大商學院市區教學中心 / Zoom



  • 早鳥優惠:HK $ 15,500
  • “一起學習”優惠:HK $ 15,500(與朋友一起參加同一課程)


  • 校友優惠:中大/中大專業進修學院/亞太工商研究所校友可享受課程費15%的折扣
  • 公司優惠:請聯繫我們的教育專業人員以獲取詳細信息




Contact Us

Miss Teresa Chung

Phone: (852) 3943 4413



Return to English version for more details



第一天 第二天
 1.  颠覆性平台商业模式

- 平台的支配地位
- 新的竞争格局
- 营销 4.0

 5. 从传统产品公司转型至平台

- 我们应该成为平台吗?
- 从产品到平台
- 与平台的合作与竞争


 2. 平台的主要概念

- 价值链与规模经济
- 网络效应与生态圈
- 开放式创新与价值共创

6. 平台治理

- 监管机构和政策制定者
- 社会贡献者
- 数据私隐和知识产权



3. 赢在平台竞争

- 数据货币化和定价
- 鸡与鸡蛋的挑战
- 平台间的竞争
- 平台绩效的评定

7. 主流的平台技术

- 应用程序编程接口
- 大数据
- 物联网
- 网络安全



 4. 案例讨论


 8. 平台的未来








时间: 2天(共12小时)

日期: 2021年7月28日至29日

地点: 中大商学院市区教学中心 / Zoom





湛家扬 博士










日期: 2021年7月28日至29日


时间: 2天(每天6小时)

地點: 中大商学院市区教学中心 / Zoom



  • 早鸟优惠:HK $ 15,500
  •     “一起学习”优惠:HK $ 15,500(与朋友一起参加同一课程)


  • 校友优惠:中大/中大专业进修学院/亚太工商研究所校友可享受课程费15%的折扣
  • 公司优惠:请联系我们的教育专业人员以获取详细信息




Contact Us

Miss Teresa Chung

Phone: (852) 3943 4413