Programme Overview

Prof. Suen is a brilliant speaker who is very knowledgeable, presentable and flexible in conveying ideas and knowledge. His presentation is interesting and inspiring. He delivered many up-to-date information to us, which are very impressive.

Participant of Design Thinking Workshop

Managing in Turbulent

With continuous economic uncertainties, technological disruptions, social upheavals, and environmental threats, organisations need to become more agile and adaptive to change. Amid the ongoing challenges, modern business entities need to be more sensitive to unforeseen customers’ needs caused by turbulent market conditions. Strategic initiatives backed by user experience insights and data analytic intelligence will become indispensable for any organisation to remain competitive in the upcoming decade.

Design Thinking, as a problem discovery method, has provided us with the process and tools to be more sensitive to changing market contexts and customer needs, while Agile Product Development, built upon well founded know-how from the IT industry, has given us another set of techniques to produce tangible and measurable results. By combining Design Thinking and Agile Product Development, modern organizations can acquire the required competence to excel in the digital economy.

Learning Outcomes

This programme aims to prepare participants to become more agile and adaptive to the challenges, taking advantages of management tools such as Design Thinking and CRISP-DM for transforming business enterprise into responsive engine. The participants will acquire hands-on experience in going through a Design Thinking process: from empathizing the user experience to defining users’ needs, generating alternative ideas to building and testing prototypes, finally arriving at a feasible solution ready for implementation. The uniqueness of this programme is that it goes beyond Design Thinking to incorporate Agile Product Development into the picture. When the two approaches are used together, the result will be more promising. The former focuses on a deep dive into the user experience to identify the right problems to address, whereas the latter focuses on generating quantifiable measures to help prioritize allocation of resources for implementation.

Key Benefits

  • Complimentary 2-week access to one of the selected Self-Paced Programmes for Executives
  • Certificate of Attendance will be awarded to participant upon completion of the programme
  • Special offer on Self-Paced Programmes for Executives subscription
  • Consultation session at special rate is available upon request
  • Becoming an Associate Member of CUHK Business School Alumni

Who Should Attend

This programme is designed for executives who are interested in taking a customer-centric approach to drive innovation and growth, including functional and cross-functional teams. No pre-requisite is required.



  • What is design thinking? Why is it important for modern day professionals to master it now?
  • Understanding the design thinking process and tools
  • Design thinking is not enough: deployment considerations for overcoming
    resistance to change.
  • Turning stories into data, design into system.
  • The CRISP-DM cycle and important tools for data mining and machine learning.
  • User research and data analytics for prototype and model testing in validating
  • UX and business model assumptions.
  • Telling stories with data: data visualization as product features for customers and decision making tools for businesses.
  • Integrating Agile Product Development into the process for producing quantifiable metrics to steer product-market fit.




Duration : 2 day (Total 12 hours)

Programme Dates: 13 & 20 Nov 2021

Venue: Executive Education Suite, 1/F, Cheng Yu Tung Building, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shatin Campus)





Prof. Bernard Suen

Adjunct Associate Professor,

Department of Management, CUHK Business School





Programme Details

Programme Dates: 13 & 20 Nov 2021

Application Deadline: 29 Oct 2021

Medium of Instruction: English / Chinese

Duration: 2 days (12 hours)

Venue: Executive Education Suite, 1/F, Cheng Yu Tung Building, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shatin Campus)

Programme Fee:


  • Early Bird offer: HK$15,500 (register by 8 Oct 2021)
  • “Learn together” offer: HK$14,025 (enroll in the same programme with friends)

Remarks: Two applicants must enroll together at the same time in the same programme. Therefore, this offer does not apply when enrollment of two participants at different times or for different programmes.

  • Alumni rate: CUHK/CUSCS/APIB Alumni can enjoy a 15% discount on the programme fee
  • Corporate rate: please contact our education professionals for details
  • Continuous Learning Offer: Additional 5%, 10% and 15% discount will be offered to applicant who has previously completed 1, 2 and 3 programme(s) of the Digital Leadership Series for Executives within 24-month period, respectively. This offer can be used in conjunction with other promotional privileges.



Other Programmes in Digital Leadership Series for Executives

Jun 2022

Corporate Innovation & Intrapreneurship

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Mar/Apr 2022

The Power Duo of AI & Big Data

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8 & 9 Dec 2021

Platform Revolution & Breakthrough

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10 & 11 May 2022

AI & Big Data Experiential Workshop for Executives

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12 & 13 Jan 2022

Digital Marketing & Customer Engagement

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12 & 13 Oct 2021

Leadership and Workforce Transformation in the Digital Era

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16 & 17 Feb 2021

Blockchain for Business Executives

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Contact Us

Miss Teresa Chung

Phone: (852) 3943 4413