Self-Paced Online Programme For Executives

Intrapreneurship and Disruptive Innovation

Intrapreneurship is the act of behaving like an entrepreneur while working within a large organization. The term is derived from a combination of "intra" or internal, and "entrepreneurship." Intraprenuers are usually highly self-motivated, proactive and action-oriented people who are comfortable with taking the initiative, even within the boundaries of an organization, in pursuit of an innovative product or service. The challenge for an organization or a team is how to recognize its intrapreneurs and keeping them motivated. An increasing number of U.S. companies now encourage intrapreneurship, especially in certain sectors such as technology and biotechnology.

This course will discuss some basic ideas on how to transform the entrepreneurial aspirations of entrepreneurial individuals into real action and new business within an organization or a team. After all, intrapreneurship helps create a corporate culture of building innovation and sustain growth.


Learning Outcomes

- Defining Intrapreneurship Verses Entrepreneurship

- “Innovate or get marginalized”

- Generating innovative ideas: Where do great ideas come from?

- The importance of framing the problem properly

- How to identify potential markets?

- How to conduct a brainstorming session?

- What is your market positioning? And strategic implications

- How to prioritize business ideas?

- How to test your product with a MVP (Minimal Viable Product)

- How to do initial online marketing to validate the market

Who Should Attend

This course is designed for business leaders and professionals in traditional industries.  No pre-requisite is required.


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Prof. Dominic Chan

Associate Professor of Practice in Entrepreneurship, Department of Decision Sciences and Managerial Economics

Associate Director, EMBA Program

Honorary Project Director, Center for Entrepreneurship





Course Details

Course: Intrapreneurship and Disruptive Innovation

Course ID: IDI - 102

Medium of Instruction: Cantonese with English Materials

Duration: A series of self-paced video sessions for overall about 2 hours. Recommending an additional 2-3 hours self-directed learning on other materials including readings and assignments

Course Fee: HK$2,100 / person

• Corporate rate: Please contact our education professionals for details. Tailor-made course design is ready for corporate/organisation, let us know your ideas.

• Alumni rate: CUHK/CUSCS/APIB Alumni can enjoy a 15% discount on the course fee.

• Continuous Learning Offer: Additional 5%, 10% and 15% discount will be offered to applicant who has previously completed 1, 2 and 3 course(s) of the Self-Paced Online Programme for Executives within 24-month period, respectively.

• Upon successful completion of any self-paced online course, 15% discount is available when applying Digital Leadership Series for Executives.

• Upon successful completion of any self-paced online course, you will also be eligible as an Associate Member of CUHK Business School Alumni who is part of the school’s network for future events organized by the CUHK Business School Alumni Office.

Registration Deadline: Enrollment is open round the year



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Contact Us

Mr. Kelvin Ho

Phone: (852) 3943 7479