Self-Paced Online Programme For Executives

Emerging Technologies for Business

Technologies, such as AI, Big Data, Blockchain, Cloud, Cryptocurrency, Cybersecurity, FinTech, IoT, 5G, VR/AR, Quantum Computing, etc., are not just for technologists but also for every one of us in all levels across different industries. Unfortunately, it is always a challenge for many of us without technical background to understand these technologies. In the old economy, no one can survive if they are illiterate which means they cannot read and write words. In the digital economy, it is very hard to survive if we are digitally illiterate. Digital Literacy becomes the most needed skill for everyone in the digital economy.


Learning Outcomes

In this course, the participants will learn the major emerging technologies in layman terms and more importantly how these technologies change the ways that we work, live and think.

- Urgency of Mastering Digital Literacy for Everyone

- Understanding of Major Emerging Technologies

- Game-Changing Applications Driven by Technologies

- Practical Ways of Re-Skilling and Up-Skilling Our Digital Literacy

- Future Trends of Technologies and Their Implications

Who Should Attend

This course is designed for business leaders and professionals in traditional industries.  No pre-requisite is required.


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Prof. Toa CHARM

Associate Professor of Practice in Management, CUHK Business School

Director of Business Development, The Asia-Pacific Institute of Business





Programme Details

Course: Emerging Technologies for Business

Course ID: ETB - 101

Medium of Instruction: Cantonese with English Materials

Duration: A series of self-paced video sessions for overall about 2 hours. Recommending an additional 2-3 hours self-directed learning on other materials including readings and assignments.

Course Fee: HK$2,100 / person

• Corporate rate: Please contact our education professionals for details. Tailor-made course design is ready for corporate/organisation, let us know your ideas.

• Alumni rate: CUHK/CUSCS/APIB Alumni can enjoy a 15% discount on the course fee.

• Continuous Learning Offer: Additional 5%, 10% and 15% discount will be offered to applicant who has previously completed 1, 2 and 3 course(s) of the Self-Paced Online Programme for Executives within 24-month period, respectively.

• Upon successful completion of any self-paced online course, 15% discount is available when applying Digital Leadership Series for Executives.

• Upon successful completion of any self-paced online course, you will also be eligible as an Associate Member of CUHK Business School Alumni who is part of the school’s network for future events organized by the CUHK Business School Alumni Office.

Registration Deadline: Enrollment is open round the year



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Contact Us

Mr. Kelvin Ho

Phone: (852) 3943 7479