
Open Forum And Pilot Study For The Establishment Of A Corporate Innovation Index
On 4 October, 2021, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) Business School held the Open Forum and Pilot Study for the development of a Corporate Innovation Index (CII) to disseminating our preliminary results on the corporate innovation framework and solicit feedback from industry practitioners for futher CII development study.

Prof. Waiman Cheung of CUHK, Mr. Watson Chan of HKGCC and our speakers posed for a group photo in the Open Forum and Pilot Study of Corporate Innovation Index.
Funded by Innovation and Technology Commission of the Hong Kong Government under the General Support Programme, CUHK Business School’s Asia-Pacific Institute of Business (APIB) has taken charge of the CII project.
Prof. Waiman Cheung, Associate Dean (Graduate Studies) and Co-Executive Director of APIB at CUHK Business School, introduce the construction of the CII conceptual framework from literature review, industrial consultations and gap analysis. He also disseminated our preliminary results on the corporate innovation framework.

Prof. Waiman Cheung, Associate Dean (Graduate Studies) and Co-Executive Director of APIB at CUHK Business School
Ir. Andrew YOUNG - Associate Director (Innovation), Sino Group delivered keynote speech "The Global Trend for Corporate Innovation". Insights from industry trends, strategy roadmap, vital parameter on innovation and the approach at Sino were shared.

Ir. Andrew YOUNG - Associate Director (Innovation), Sino Group
The open forum also included a panel discussion about "Corporate Innovation: The Myth, The Reality and The Future". Innovation has been a hot topic in the corporates, start-ups as well as SMEs recently. There are quite a few myths about innovation. Unfortunately, not many companies can make it work. In the forum, leaders from large corporate, startup and SME to explore these areas and share their experiences with the participants.

From left to right: Prof. Toa CHARM - Director of Business Development, The Asia-Pacific Institute of Business, CUHK, Ms. Mandy CHAN - Founder, Frutodor Ltd., Mr. Horace CHU - Director & Chief Information Officer, Gammon Construction Ltd., Mr. Andy ANN - CEO & Founder, NDN Group, Mr. Patrick LEE - Convenor, Smart City Working Group, The Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce
In the pilot study discussion session, participants were divided into smaller groups to express their viewpoints and opinions on the measurements of Corporate Innovation Index. Industry practitioners have early participation in the development of CII framework, so as to bring greater recognition and acceptance of the research results. The questionnaire measurements and questions will be further fine-tuned after the discussion.
Date & Time : 4 October, 2021 (Mon), 2 - 5:30pm
Venue : Live virtual (Zoom)
Language : English
Fee: Free Registration
The Corporate Innovation Framework in the Digital Age & Measurement for the HKCII
Prof. Waiman CHEUNG
Associate Dean (Graduate Studies), CUHK Business School
Co-Executive Director, The Asia-Pacific Institute of Business, CUHK
Keynote Speech on The Global Trend for Corporate Innovation
Ir. Andrew YOUNG(Associate Director (Innovation), Sino Group)
Panel Discussion - Corporate Innovation: The Myth, The Reality and The Future
Innovation has been a hot topic in the corporates and start-ups recently in SMEs as well. There are quite a few myth about innovation. Unfortunately, not many companies can make it work. What is the reality of innovation and where is it heading to? More importantly, how leaders can make Innovation work for their companies.
In the forum, we have invited leaders from large corporate, startup and SME to explore these areas with the participants.
Mr. Andy ANN (CEO & Founder, NDN Group)
Ms. Mandy CHAN (Founder, Frutodor Limited)
Mr. Horace CHU (Director & Chief Information Officer, Gammon Construction Limited)
Prof Toa CHARM (Director of Business Development, The Asia-Pacific Institute of Business, CUHK; Former Senior Executive: Cyberport, HSBC, IBM & Oracle)
Mr Patrick LEE (Convenor, Smart City Working Group, The Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce; Former Senior Executive: Inchcape, Intertek)
Panel Discussion - Measurement for CII
Are the measurements competent to your industries and to your companies?
Participants will be divided into smaller groups and express their viewpoints and opinions on the measurements of Corporate Innovation Index
Prof. Waiman CHEUNG
Associate Dean (Graduate Studies), CUHK Business School
Co-Executive Director, The Asia-Pacific Institute of Business, CUHK
An innovation management and assessment tool to promote corporates' innovation culture and to enhance corporate innovation capabilities and achievements in both large and small corporates in Hong Kong. Receive The Latest Updates Right In Your Inbox CONTACT USCorporate Innovation Index (CII)
Phone: (852) 3943 8772
Email: apib@cuhk.edu.hk
This project is funded by the Innovation and Technology Commission (ITC) of the HKSAR, under the General Support Scheme (GSP).
Disclaimer: Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this material / event (or by members of the project team) do not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Innovation and Technology Commission, or the General Support Programme Vetting Committee of the Innovation and Technology Fund.
2021 年 10 月 4 日,香港中文大學商學院舉辦企業創新指數(CII)公開論壇和試點研究,以發佈企業創新能力研究框架的初步結果,並收集業界意見,以發展CII 的進一步研究。

Prof. Waiman Cheung中大商學院副院長(碩士課程)兼APIB常務所長張惠民教授,從文獻回顧、行業諮詢和差距分析等方面介紹了CII概念框架是如何構建出來。他還介紹了創新能力研究框架的初步結果。



從左到右:湛家揚博士 - 香港中文大學商學院亞太工商研究所、陳文玲女士 – 果臨門創辦人、朱凱威先生 - 金門建築有限公司董事及資訊總監、安宇昭先生 - NDN Group 創辦人及行政總裁、李世賢先生 – 香港總商會智慧城市工作小組召集人
日期及時間:2021 年 10 月 4 日(星期一)下午 2 時至 5 時 30 分
語言: 英語
數碼時代的企業創新框架與 HKCII 評估
專題討論 - 企業創新:迷思、現實與未來
安宇昭先生 - NDN Group 創辦人及行政總裁
陳文玲女士 – 果臨門創辦人
朱凱威先生 - 金門建築有限公司董事及資訊總監
湛家揚博士 - 香港中文大學商學院亞太工商研究所業務拓展主任 / 前高級主管:數碼港、匯豐銀行、IBM 和甲骨文公司
李世賢先生 – 香港總商會智慧城市工作小組召集人 / 前高級主管:Inchcape, Intertek
專題討論 - CII 的評估方式
參加者完成問卷後,將獲贈中大商學院最新的口罩套作為紀念品,以表謝意。 除此之外,每個行業的最高排名企業,更可獲得中大商學院2022年高管教育課程的限量免費席位。
電話: (852) 3943 8772
電郵: hkcii@cuhk.edu.hk
此項目由香港特別行政區創新科技署 (ITC) 在「一般支援計劃」 (GSP) 下資助。