Programme Overview

We are now living in a VUCA world, in which, the pace of change is so fast that people find it difficult to respond to.  This creates lots of challenges for the leader who needs to motivate people to adapt to change.  However, people cannot be motivated, people needs to be engaged!

Leader is an enabler is a programme developed to facilitate a learning process among the participants on how to engage people to change by enabling them to adapt better in the 21st century.

This programme contains three main components:
1. Dialogic Leadership Skills – how to develop a dialogic approach to lead.
2. How to understand people’s beliefs by practicing Empathetic Listening Skills and
3. The skills in reframing.

This programme is highly interactive and participants will have ample opportunities to practice the skills they have acquired in each session.



The objective of this programme is to develop participants’ mindset and skill set to practice a dialogic approach in leading so that he/she can be a better enabler.


Key Benefits

  • Complimentary 2-week access to one of the selected Self-Paced Programmes for Executives
  • Certificate of Attendance will be awarded to participant upon completion of the programme
  • Special offer on Self-Paced Programmes for Executives subscription
  • Consultation session at special rate is available upon request
  • Becoming an Associate Member of CUHK Business School Alumni


Who Should Attend

This programme is designed for

  • Business owners, leaders and executives of traditional large to small companies
  • Leaders and executives of corporate innovation teams
  • Consultants and professionals
  • Entrepreneurs and investors
  • Leaders and executives of incubators or accelerators


No pre-requisite is required.


Programme Curriculum

  Introduction To introduce the objectives of the programme and background of the facilitator
- Leading in the VUCA world
- Adaptive challenges vs Technical problems
 Dialogic Leadership


Modern leaders need to take a dialogic leadership approach to engage people’s mindset and performance. This session focus on developing the participants with the practice of dialogic leadership at work.
- Dialogue vs. debate
- What is dialogic leadership?

Practicing Positive Communication

Positive team climate enhances team collaboration and performance. In this session, participants will be trained on how to develop positive team climate through positive dialogues.
- Generating Positive Communication
- Developing positive relationship


Enabling people to change


Self-talk and beliefs influences how we feel and what we do. In this session, participants will be facilitated to explore how to enable people to change by understanding their beliefs and to reframe.
- Self-talk & beliefs
- Voice of judgment
- Limiting Beliefs
- Framing and Reframing

Lunch Time

Applying EQ at Work

EQ has been proven as an important relationship building skill that leaders should use at work. In this session, participants will develop the techniques in applying EQ at work to foster trust and facilitate people to explore their beliefs behind.
- EQ
- Understanding trigger point
- Empathetic listening skills

Enabling People to Change

The focus of this session is to develop participants with practical skills in developing and enabling people to change. Participants will learn how to conduct constructive dialogues to enable others.
- Questioning technique
- Asking reframing question

Leadership in East / West Context

This session will give an overview about culture, and how a leader can lead a team of colleagues with different cultural background, by Professor Howard Lam (CUHK EMBA Director)



Duration : 1 day (Total 6 hours)

Programme Date & Time :
22 March 2022, 9:30a.m. - 5:00p.m.

Venue: CUHK Business School Town Centre (Central)

Programme Fee: HK$8,000


Dr. Gilbert Cheung
Honorary Institute Fellow Of APIB


Guest Speaker

Prof Howard Lam
Director, EMBA Programme


Programme Details

Programme Date & Time : 22 March 2022, 9:30a.m. - 5:00p.m.

Application Deadline: 8 March 2022

Medium of Instruction: English / Chinese

Duration: 1 day (6 hours)

Venue: CUHK Business School Town Centre (Central)

Programme Fee:


  • Early Bird offer: HK$7,200 (register by 18 Feb 2022)
  • “Learn together” offer: HK$7,200 (enroll in the same programme with friends)

Remarks: Two applicants must enroll together at the same time in the same programme. Therefore, this offer does not apply when enrollment of two participants at different times or for different programmes.

  • Alumni rate: CUHK/CUSCS/APIB Alumni can enjoy a 15% discount on the programme fee
  • Corporate rate: please contact our education professionals for details
  • Continuous Learning Offer: Additional 5%, 10% and 15% discount will be offered to applicant who has previously completed 1, 2 and 3 programme(s) of the Digital Leadership Series for Executives within 24-month period, respectively. This offer can be used in conjunction with other promotional privileges.



Other Programmes in Digital Leadership Series for Executives

Mar 2022

The Power Duo of AI & Big Data

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May 2022

AI & Big Data Experiential Workshop for Executives

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12 & 13 Jan 2022

Digital Marketing & Customer Engagement

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Contact Us

Ms Rebecca Wong

Phone: (852) 3943 8774