
Mr. Ivan NG
Honorary Institute Associate, The Asia-Pacific Institute of Business, CUHK
Co-founder, Lively Impact
Ivan Ng graduated from the Chinese University of Hong Kong with a Master of Science degree in Finance (2007), a Master of Philosophy degree in Information Engineering (2000) (with an Outstanding Thesis honorary mentioning, among all the engineering master and doctorate candidates of the year) and a Bachelor of Engineering degree in Information Engineering (with a First-Class Honor) (1998).
Ivan Ng is the co-founder of a technology start-up - Lively Impact and the company focuses on Big Data applications and Services. The company offers a Big Data platform (called Fingereach) for the digital advertising and media industry and the platform focuses on optimized and targeted mobile advertising with sophisticated and patent-pending analytic technologies. The platform has earned various recognitions such as the Cloudera Data Impact Award, ICT Silver Award (Big Data Stream), and GD-HK IOT Creative Award.
Ivan Ng practiced different big data technologies from the world-leading big data vendor - Cloudera since 2011. With a mission to bring leading and practical Big Data technologies to Hong Kong, he introduced a series of structured Cloudera-based Big Data training to the region in 2012. He has delivered numerous Big Data training sessions, seminars, and online courses and has trained over 15,000 practitioners since then – topics include “Big Data from the ground up”, “Big Data and the Cloud”, “Big Data and Scalable Analytics”, “Big Data and Security”, “Big Data Use Case and Application”, “Develop Big Data applications on Hadoop”, “Administration of Big Data platform Hadoop” and so on. Participants came from OGCIO, Hong Kong Police, Education Bureau, Macau government, Hong Kong Monetary Authority, OOCL, MOL Asia, AXA Insurance, Morgan Stanley Composite Index, FedEx, HP, Oracle, HKPC, and more. He also led over a dozen of high-profile Big Data projects for government agencies and enterprises.
Lively Impact
吴先生Ivan於香港中大文学的讯息工程学系获取哲学硕士(2000)(并在同年众多硕士及博士毕业生中,获取最佳论文表扬),及香港中大文学的金融学系获取理学硕士(2007),及在香港中大文学的讯息工程学系获取理学士(一级荣誉)。吴先生Ivan早於2011年创立利联互动科技有限公司,致力开发大数据及人工智能的应用。利联的达众移动广告平台(Fingereach),更获取了Cloudera Data Impact奖项,粤港物联网大奖 (最佳创意奖),及香港资讯科技及通讯奖 (大数据应用组别)多个奖项。吴先生Ivan亦在2012年已开始将大数据及人工智能技术的培训,从海外引入香港丶内地丶以至海外,学生人数已超越15,000人,学生亦来自不同的大型企业丶机构及政府部门。