Programme Overview

Through Dr. Charm’s explanation, I have a deeper and more precise understanding of AI, which prompted me to plan and implement AI solutions outside the original framework. In the class, Dr. Charm used many daily life examples to introduce the application and value of AI and verify its reliability through many successful cases. He also provided many demonstrations and tools so that we can quickly grasp and implement this new technology. Therefore, I am very confident and know how to implement AI technology in our solutions.

Participant in The Power Duo of AI & Big Data Programme


What is the Power Duo of AI & Big Data?  

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is only possible with big data, because we need a tremendous amount of data to “teach” or “train” AI systems. As its name suggests, AI has a form of intelligence of its own.  It figures out which rules to follow based on the data that we feed them. 

An AI application doesn’t just do what it’s been programmed to do.  AI can go further than that.  It responds to changing information and makes adjustment based on what it learns as it goes along. AI differs from supercomputers and other systems with powerful computing capabilities in one important way.  AI systems are capable of not just computing, but actual learning — machine learning.  The more data you give these machine learning networks and the more computational capability you give them, the better the result becomes because the results of previous machine-learning exercises can be fed back into the algorithms.

Why is this Power Duo of AI and Big Data so critical for the success of large and small-to-medium traditional businesses in the current decade?

According to Mckinsey, AI will potentially contribute US$13 trillion to the global economy by 2030. Similarly, PWC estimated that the global GDP will be 14% higher in 2030 as a result of AI - the equivalent of US$15.7 trillion, more than the current output of China and India combined. Both sources confirmed the AI is extremely significant to the growth and survival of any businesses on earth.

The Power Duo of AI and Big Data are quietly taking over the global economy. Today's more than US$1 billion "unicorn" start-ups, such as Airbnb, Grab, Robinhood, Spotify, and more, are mostly AI and Big Data driven platforms.  These platforms make much of their money not by what they sell but by monetising the data captured in their platforms.  AI will drive automation to all kinds of current processes in any industries. It will dramatically change the skill sets of current workforces.  According to PWC, 30% of current jobs will be replaced by AI automation by 2030. Traditional product manufacturers, brands, and intermediaries (or “middleman”) in all major industries are being seriously disrupted by AI with no doubt.  Their competitiveness and even survival are highly questionable if they don’t act now in a right way.

Why do business leaders have an urgency to formulate a winning AI strategy for their companies?

The next generation of Fortune 500 companies in the current decade will be mostly AI driven.  Not just tech giants like Amazon, Alibaba, Airbnb, Grab and so on are leading the world but also traditional industry leaders like Citi, Walmart, Tesco, Coca Cola, Volkswagen, GE, Ctrip, Haier and so on are fighting back and have their own “AI first” strategy.

AI is no doubt revolutionise the whole world but what it means to you as business leaders.  According to Porsche Consulting, AI is a driver for top-line growth through new AI-driven or AI-enhanced products and services, improved customer experience through new personalised customer interactions, and efficiency through automation and optimisation of business processes or augmentation of human tasks. The early adopters of AI will have the first mover advantage, and this will inevitably divide the leaders and laggards even further. Every business leader today, irrespective of whether they are in traditional companies or in the middle of AI and Big Data transformation, has an urgency to formulate a winning and sustainable AI and Big Data strategy for their company.  Every business in fact will be an AI business in this decade.

Fireside chat with AI & Big Data Corporate User (From left to right: Dr. Toa Charm, Associate Professor of Practice in Management, CUHK Business School, and Mr. Jade Lee, General Manager, Analytics & Technology Application, Chow Tai Fook Jewellery Group)

Learning Outcomes

The programme will prepare the participants to lead their organisation’s AI strategy. This is a practical programme for business leaders and executives to learn how to transform their companies into AI and data-driven organisations that leverage the full potential of AI and Big Data. While the traditional industry leaders are trying to embrace Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Big Data as a strategic business enabler, the majority of these companies are still struggling and are not generating the promised value of AI and Big Data. Customer centricity is the key to success. When developing AI/Big Data solutions, design thinking creates a clear vision and understanding of what the company is creating a solution for. Applying design thinking when building advanced data analytics solutions places a priority on what is needed from a human interaction perspective. Our programme will empower participants to successfully kick-start and scale AI and Big Data across the organisation.

Participants will learn how to formulate a winning AI and Big Data strategy for their companies. The learning outcomes of the programme are as follows:

  1. Formulate a right AI and Big Data strategy and roadmap to drive your company to become an AI and Data Driven enterprise
  2. Leverage on AI and Big Data to improve customer experience, grow your businesses and optimise your processes by studying successful and failure cases
  3. Comprehend the core concepts of Machine Learning, Deep Learning and the key technologies of AI and Big Data
  4. Utilise Design Thinking to unleash the power of AI/Big Data to enhance customer centricity
  5. Empower decision makers and users to take actions based on AI/Big Data analysis and recommendations
  6. Communicate effectively with data scientists and start-ups for sustainable AI/Big Data innovation and business growth
  7. Propose and approve business proposals for AI and Big Data projects with industry ROIs and KPIs
  8. And more

Key Benefits

  • Complimentary 2-week access to one of the selected Self-Paced Programmes for Executives
  • Certificate of Attendance will be awarded to participants upon completion of the programme
  • Special offer on Self-Paced Programmes for Executives subscription
  • Consultation session at special rate is available upon request
  • Becoming an Associate Member of CUHK Business School Alumni


Who Should Attend

This programme is designed for business leaders and professionals in traditional industries. Individuals from C-suite to operations managers, technology officers and R&D in all industries are welcome. There are no pre-requisites.

Programme Curriculum


Day 1 Day 2
 1.  Core Concepts

- Business Intelligence
- AI and Big Data
- Design Thinking and AI/Big Data


 5. AI and Data Driven Organisation

- Strategy & Leadership
- Challenges & CSFs
- Talents and Competence


 2. AI & Big Data Innovations

- Business Models
- Applications
- Monetisation


 6. AI & Big Data Project Management

- Initialisation & Prioritisation
- Culture & Process
- Business Case & ROIs


Fireside Chat with AI & Big Data Start-ups and Corporate User

“From Ideas to Business Impact”

How Do Innovative Big Data Start-ups Create Values to Traditional Enterprises?

How Do CXOs Lead their Enterprises to Become AI and Big Data-Driven?

 3. Algorithm Primer

- Machine Learning
- Deep Learning


 7. Sustainable Growth

- AI Governance & Ethics;
- Data Privacy and Security


 4. AI & Big Data Technologies Primer


 8. Future of AI and Big Data


Fireside chat with AI & Big Data Start-up (From left to right: Mr. Calvin Cheng, Founder and CEO, Wizpresso and Dr. Toa Charm, Associate Professor of Practice in Management, CUHK Business School)

Request a Brochure



Duration : 2 days (Total 12 hours)

Programme Dates: 18 & 19 May 2022

Venue: CUHK Business School Town Centre (Central) or Live virtual class (Zoom)

Programme Fee:


RTTP Rate*: After reimbursement, the programme fee per eligible participant is HK$5,500 / HK$5,167 / HK$4,675 for the programme fee HK$16,500 / HK$15,500 / HK$14,025, respectively.

*The programme has been included in the list of registered public courses under the “Reindustrialisation and Technology Training Programme” (RTTP) - funding scheme under the Innovation and Technology Fund.



Prof. Toa CHARM

Associate Professor of Practice in Management, CUHK Business School

Director of Business Development, The Asia-Pacific Institute of Business






Programme Details

Programme Dates: 18 & 19 May 2022

Application Deadline: 3 May 2022

Medium of Instruction: English / Chinese

Duration: 2 days (6 hours per day)

Venue: CUHK Business School Town Centre (Central) or Live virtual class (Zoom)

Programme Fee:


RTTP Rate*: After reimbursement, the programme fee per eligible participant is HK$5,500 / HK$5,167 / HK$4,675 for the programme fee HK$16,500 / HK$15,500 / HK$14,025, respectively.

*The programme has been included in the list of registered public courses under the “Reindustrialisation  and  Technology Training Programme” (RTTP) - funding scheme under the Innovation and Technology Fund. Companies interested in applying for RTTP training grant (two-thirds of programme fee for each eligible participant) for their employee(s) to attend this programme should apply via the online system at least two weeks before the commencement of the programme.

  • Early Bird offer: HK$15,500 (register 19 April by 2022)
  • “Learn together” offer: HK$15,500 (enroll in the same programme with friends)

Remarks: Two applicants must enroll together at the same time in the same programme. Therefore, this offer does not apply to enrollment of two participants at different times or for different programmes.

  • Alumni rate: CUHK/CUSCS/APIB Alumni can enjoy a 15% discount on the programme fee
  • Corporate rate: please contact our education professionals for details
  • Continuous Learning Offer: Additional 5%, 10% and 15% discounts will be offered to applicants who have previously completed 1, 2 and 3 programme(s) of the Digital Leadership Series for Executives within 24-month period, respectively. This offer can be used in conjunction with other promotional privileges.



Other Programmes in Digital Leadership Series for Executives


From Design Thinking to Digital Transformation

Learn More


16 & 17 Jun 2022

Corporate Innovation & Intrapreneurship 

Learn More

10 & 11 May 2021

AI & Big Data Experiential Workshop for Executives

Learn More

19 & 20 Jul 2022

Platform Revolution & Breakthrough

Learn More


Digital Marketing & Customer Engagement

Learn More



Leadership and Workforce Transformation in the Digital Era

Learn More

Contact Us

Miss Teresa Chung

Phone: (852) 3943 4413



Return to English version for more details



第一天 第二天
 1.  主要概念

- 商業智能
- 人工智能和大數據
- 設計思維與人工智能 /大數據

 5. 人工智能和數據驅動組織

- 戰略與領導
- 挑戰與關鍵成功因素
- 人才和能力


 2. 人工智能與大數據創新

- 商業模式
- 應用
- 數據貨幣化

6. 人工智能與大數據項目管理

- 項目始創與選擇策略
- 文化與過程
- 立案與投資回報




3. 算法入門

- 機器學習
- 深度學習

7. 可持續增長

- 人智能治理與道德
- 數據隱私與安全



 4. 人工智能與大數據技術入門


 8. 人工智能和大數據的未來







時間 : 2天(共12小時)

日期: 2021年7月21日至22日

地點: 中大商學院市區教學中心 / Zoom



本課程已列入再工業化及科技培訓計劃已登記公開課程 - 創新及科技基金下的一個資助計劃。 




湛家揚 教授










日期: 2021年7月21日至22日


時間 : 2天(共12小時)

地點: 中大商學院市區教學中心 / Zoom



本課程已列入再工業化及科技培訓計劃已登記公開課程 - 創新及科技基金下的一個資助計劃。 


  • 早鳥優惠:HK $ 15,500
  • “一起學習”優惠:HK $ 15,500(與朋友一起參加同一課程)


  • 校友優惠:中大/中大專業進修學院/亞太工商研究所校友可享受課程費15%的折扣
  • 公司優惠:請聯繫我們的教育專業人員以獲取詳細信息




Contact Us

Miss Teresa Chung

Phone: (852) 3943 4413



Return to English version for more details



第一天 第二天
 1.  主要概念

- 商业智能

 5. 人工智能和数据驱动组织

- 战略与领导


 2. 人工智能与大数据创新


6. 人工智能与大数据项目管理

- 项目始创与选择策略



















时间: 2天(共12小时)

日期: 2021年7月21日至22日

地点: 中大商学院市区教学中心 / Zoom







湛家扬 教授










日期: 2021年7月21日至22日


时间: 2天(每天6小时)

地點: 中大商学院市区教学中心 / Zoom



本课程已列入再工业化及科技培训计划已登记公开课程 - 创新及科技基金下的一个资助计划。 


  • 早鸟优惠:HK $ 15,500
  •     “一起学习”优惠:HK $ 15,500(与朋友一起参加同一课程)


  • 校友优惠:中大/中大专业进修学院/亚太工商研究所校友可享受课程费15%的折扣
  • 公司优惠:请联系我们的教育专业人员以获取详细信息




Contact Us

Miss Teresa Chung

Phone: (852) 3943 4413