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Assessment - Communication Challenges: Vision, Hearing and Speech (Professional) - Website
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1. Which of the following belong(s) to language disorders?
10 points
A) Dysarthria.
B) Aphasia.
C) Apraxia.
D) All of the above.
2. Which of the following is/are sign(s) of speech/language disorders?
10 points
A) Change of voice.
B) Object naming difficulties.
C) Give irrelevant answers to questions.
D) All of the above.
3. Which of the following is NOT signs/symptoms of dysarthria?
10 points
A) Word finding problem.
B) Unclear speech.
C) Monopitch.
D) Hoarseness of voice.
4. You are looking after Mrs. Wong who is 78 years old. She complains of blurred central vision for a few months. She has difficulty in reading and finds the straight lines became wavy. She does not complain of any eye pain. What is the possible condition with Mrs. Wong’s eyes?
10 points
A) Cataract.
B) Acute glaucoma.
C) Macular degeneration.
D) Normal ageing eye syndromes.
5. Which of the following sentence that mentioning warning signs of eye problems among older adults is INCORRECT?
10 points
A) Sudden appearance of large amounts of floaters or black spots in the visual field.
B) The transparent part of the eye looks cloudy.
C) Eyes become watery, with persistent discharge or crust.
D) Blurred vision but can be corrected by appropriate corrective glasses.
6. Dry eye syndrome is very common among older adults. Which of the following sentence that mentioning dry eye syndrome is INCORRECT?
10 points
A) Decreased lacrimal secretion and unstable tear quality are the reasons of older adults are more prone to having dry eye syndrome.
B) Symptoms of dry eye syndrome includes dry eye, red eye, blurred vision and persistent eye pain.
C) Apply warm compress to eyes for 10 minutes is recommended to relieve dry eye syndrome.
D) Insufficient oil content of human tears will make tears easy to volatilize and cause dry eye syndrome.
7. Which of the following statements best describes the use of hearing aids in older adults?
10 points
A) All older adults with presbyacusis will benefit from hearing aid.
B) An ITC (inside the canal) hearing aids which has ear mold inside the ear canal is most convenient for use by elderly.
C) Hearing aids give universal amplification, cannot differentiate noise from voice, and can cause nuisance to user.
D) “Low volume” (low amplification of sound) usually implies machine failure.
8. Mr Chan’s son is going to buy a hearing aid for his father. Which of the following is true concerning the choice of hearing aid?
10 points
A) Hearing aids should be chosen according to the assessment result of audiology only.
B) Subjective preferences and cosmetic concern should be considered when choosing the hearing aids.
C) Hearing ability can be returned to normal once older adult wearing the hearing aid.
D) Wearing hearing aid is beneficial to all older adults without concerning any environmental factor.
9. The followings are warning features against presbyacusis and require early attention by specialist EXCEPT:
10 points
A) Apparent “selective listening”
B) Sudden onset
C) Only one ear is involved
D) Presence of ear discharge or ear pain
10. Which of the following sentence is the best to show positive encouragement to the older adult when he can feed on his own and finish his meal?
10 points
A) “Good boy!”, with thumbs up.
B) “You did it! Very good!”, with thumbs up and smiles.
C) “Wow, today you have rice, fish, corns and lettuce for your lunch. You can finish your meal so quickly and you feed on your own this time.”, talked quickly and loudly.
D) “Good job!”, praising the older adult while walking towards the kitchen.
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