Assessment - Communication Challenges: Vision, Hearing and Speech (Professional) - Website
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1. Which of the following belong(s) to language disorders? *
10 points
2. Which of the following is/are sign(s) of speech/language disorders? *
10 points
3. Which of the following is NOT signs/symptoms of dysarthria? *
10 points
4. You are looking after Mrs. Wong who is 78 years old. She complains of blurred central vision for a few months. She has difficulty in reading and finds the straight lines became wavy. She does not complain of any eye pain. What is the possible condition with Mrs. Wong’s eyes? *
10 points
5. Which of the following sentence that mentioning warning signs of eye problems among older adults is INCORRECT? *
10 points
6. Dry eye syndrome is very common among older adults. Which of the following sentence that mentioning dry eye syndrome is INCORRECT? *
10 points
7. Which of the following statements best describes the use of hearing aids in older adults? *
10 points
8. Mr Chan’s son is going to buy a hearing aid for his father. Which of the following is true concerning the choice of hearing aid? *
10 points
9. The followings are warning features against presbyacusis and require early attention by specialist EXCEPT: *
10 points
10. Which of the following sentence is the best to show positive encouragement to the older adult when he can feed on his own and finish his meal? *
10 points
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