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Assessment - Keep Preventable Falls Away from You (Professional)
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1. Which of the following statement regarding falls is NOT true?
5 points
a) Falls in older people is the number one cause of geriatric trauma
b) Falls incident escalates as one aged
c) Fall is a predictor for decreased functional state
d) Falls is sudden, uncontrolled, unintentional downward displacement of the body to the ground or other object
e) An incident resulting from a major acute event such as stroke
2. To prevent falls, providers should focus on modifiable risk factors. Which of the following is NOT a modifiable risk factor?
5 points
a) Advanced age
b) Postural dizziness
c) Poor vision
d) Problems with footwear
e) Home hazards
3. Older people who fall, even if they are uninjured are at risk of another fall.
5 points
4. When an older person falls, they psychologically feel more capable of handling another fall.
5 points
5. Multifactorial falls risk assessment provides a good starting point for lowering the chance of falling in older people.
5 points
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