Ahlstrom, David(區大衛)
BA, MPhil, PhD (New York); MBA (Hawaii)

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+852 3943 7093
Prof. David Ahlstrom is a Professor in Department of Management at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. He received a PhD in Management and International Business after working in government and the computer industry.
His research includes managing in Asia, and innovation and entrepreneurship. He has published over 120 peer-reviewed articles in journals such as the Strategic Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Management Studies, Journal of Business Venturing, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, the Brown Journal of World Affairs and The Wall Street Journal. Prof. Ahlstrom co-authored the textbook International Management: Strategy and Culture in the Emerging World and guest edited two Special Issues of Entrepreneurship: Theory & Practice.
Prof. Ahlstrom has also guest edited four Special Issues of Asia Pacific Journal of Management: Turnaround in Asia (in 2004), Managing in Ethnic Chinese Communities (in 2010), Asia & Poverty: Closing the Great Divide through Entrepreneurship & Innovation (in 2015), and Innovation and Entrepreneurship in India (in 2015). He was Senior Editor of APJM 2007-2009, Editor-in-Chief from 2010-2012, and currently Consulting Editor there, as well as Senior Editor of Journal of World Business.
Prof. Ahlstrom also won the Highly Cited Researcher Award from 2017-2019, from Clarivate (formerly Thomson-Reuters). Highly Cited Researchers are those professors/researchers who are in the top 0.1% of all researchers in terms of having several highly cited papers over the previous decade.
Teaching Areas
Management of Technology
Organisational Behaviour
Research Interests
Managing in Asia
Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Strategic Leadership
Management and Organisational History
- Publications & Working Papers
- D. Ahlstrom and L.C. Wang (2021), “Temporal strategies and firms’ speedy responses to COVID-19,” Journal of Management Studies, 58(2), 592-596.
- S.Y. Chen, A.Y.P. Lee, and D. Ahlstrom (2021), “Strategic talent management systems and employee behaviors: the mediating effect of calling,” Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 59(1), 84-108.
- W.T. Lin, Y.Y. Chen, D. Ahlstrom, and L.C. Wang (2021), “Does international expansion constrain growth? Business groups, internationalization, institutional distance, and the Penrose effect,” Multinational Business Review, 29(1), 70-95.
- G.D. Bruton, D. Ahlstrom, and J. Chen (2021), “China has emerged as an aspirant economy,” Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 38(1), 1-15.
- D. Ahlstrom (2020), “Is China ready to drop the ‘developing’ label?” Nikkei Asian Review, 38-39.
- S.L. Sun, W.S. Shi, D. Ahlstrom, and L.R. Tian (2020), “Understanding institutions and entrepreneurship: The microfoundations lens and emerging economies,” Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 37(4), 957-979.
- Y. Li and D. Ahlstrom (2020), “Risk-taking in entrepreneurial decision-making: A dynamic model of venture decision,” Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 37(3), 899-933.
- C.S. Wong, D. Ahlstrom, J. Lu, et al. (2020), “Making contributions beyond theory-based studies: From the APJM editorial team,” Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 37(1), 1-6.
- D. Ahlstrom, J.L. Arregle, M.A. Hitt, G. Qian, X. Ma, and D. Faems (2020), “Managing Technological, Sociopolitical, and Institutional Change in the New Normal,” Journal of Management Studies, 57(3), 411-437.
- S. Si, D. Ahlstrom, J. Wei, and J. Cullen (2020), “Business, entrepreneurship and innovation toward poverty reduction,” Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 32(1-2), 1-20.
- S.Y. Tarba, F.L. Cooke, Y. Weber, D. Ahlstrom, C.L. Cooper, and D.G. Collings (2020), “Mergers and acquisitions in the global context: The role of human resource management,” Journal of World Business, 55(2), 1-7.
- A. Tomizawa, L. Zhao, G. Bassellier, and D. Ahlstrom (2020), “Economic growth, innovation, institutions, and the Great Enrichment,” Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 37(1), 7-31.
- D. Ahlstrom, A. Y. Chang, and J.S. Cheung (2019), “Encouraging Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth,” Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 12(4), 1-14.
- D. Ahlstrom, D. J. Cumming, and S. Vismara (2018), “New methods of entrepreneurial firm financing: Fintech, crowdfunding and corporate governance implications,” Corporate Governance: An International Review, 26(5): 310-313.
- S. Si, J. Cullen, D. Ahlstrom, and J. Wei (2018), “Special Issue: Business, entrepreneurship and innovation toward poverty reduction,” Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 30(3-4): 475-477.
- L. Zhao, C. Wang, X. Peng, B. Liu, and D. Ahlstrom (2017), “The Pricing Strategy of Oligopolistic Competition Food Firms with the Asymmetric Information and Scientific Uncertainty,” Journal of Food Quality, (October), 1-14.
- D. Ahlstrom (2017), “How to Publish in Academic Journals: Writing a Strong and Organized Introduction Section,” Journal of Eastern European and Central Asian Research, 4(2), 1-9.
- M. W. Peng, D. Ahlstrom, S. M. Carraher, and W. S. Shi (2017), “An institution-based view of global IPR history,” Journal of International Business Studies, 48(7), 893-907.
- A. Newman, S. Schwarz, and D. Ahlstrom (2017), “Microfinance and entrepreneurship: An introduction,” International Small Business Journal: Researching Entrepreneurship, 35(7), 787-792.
- M. W. Peng, D. Ahlstrom, S. M. Carraher, and W. Shi (2017), “History and the debate over intellectual property,” Management and Organization Review, 13(1), 15–38.
- D. Ahlstrom, D. J. Cumming, and S. Vismara (2017), “Corporate governance implications of new methods of entrepreneurial firm formation,” Corporate Governance: An International Review, 25(2), 145-146.
- H. Guo, Z. Su, and D. Ahlstrom (2016), “Business model innovation: The effects of exploratory orientation, opportunity recognition, and entrepreneurial bricolage in an emerging economy,” Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 33(2), 533-549.
- D. Ahlstrom (2010), “Geef voorrang aan innovatie en groei, ook in het belang van de samenleving,” Holland Management Review, 28(134), November-December: 49-60.
- C. Stan, D. Ahlstrom, M. W. Peng, K. Xu, and G. D. Bruton (2016), “State control can result in good performance for firms,” LSE Business Review, January 4: 1-3.
- Y. Li and D. Ahlstrom, (2016), “Emotional stability: A new construct and its implications for individual behaviour in organisations,” Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 33(1), 1-28.
- Liang-chih Huang, D. Ahlstrom, Amber Yun-ping Lee, Shu-yuan Chen and Meng-jung Hsieh (2016), “High performance work systems, employee well-being, and job involvement: an empirical study,” Personnel Review, 45(2), 296-314.
- D. Ahlstrom (2015), “Innovation und Wachstum in Schwellenländern,” Im Rat für Forschung und Technologieentwicklung. Die gestaltung der zukundft: Wirtschaftliche, gesellschaftliche und politische dimension en von innovation, Vienna: Echomedia, 403-445.
- D. Ahlstrom (2015), “Innovation and growth in emerging economies.” In Designing the future: Economic, societal, and political dimensions of innovation, edited by Austrian Council for Research and Technology Development, Vienna: Echomedia, pp.353-387.
- S. Jain, A. Nair, and D. Ahlstrom (2015), “Introduction to the Special Issue: Towards a theoretical understanding of innovation and entrepreneurship in India,” Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 32 (4), 835-841.
- D. Ahlstrom (2015), “Successful publishing in academic and scientific journals: Framing and organizing the scholarly paper,” International Journal of Higher Education Management, 2(1), 106-120.
- Li, Y., F.K. Yao, and D. Ahlstrom (2015), “The social dilemma of bribery in emerging economies: A dynamic model of emotion, social value, and institutional uncertainty,” Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 32(2), 311-334.
- D. Ahlstrom and Z. Ding (2015), “Entrepreneurship in China: Progress and challenges.” In Developments in Chinese entrepreneurship: Key issues and challenges, edited by D. Cumming, M. Firth, W. Hou & E. Lee, New York: Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 1-32.
- G. D. Bruton, M. W. Peng, D. Ahlstrom, C. Stan, K, Xu (2015) “State-owned enterprises around the world as hybrid organisations,” Academy of Management Perspectives, 29(1), 92–114.
- D. Ahlstrom (2015), “From the Editors: Publishing in the Journal of World Business,” Journal of World Business, 50(2), 251-255.
- G. D. Bruton, D. Ahlstrom, and S. Si (2015), “Entrepreneurship, poverty, and Asia: Moving beyond subsistence entrepreneurship,” Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 32(1), 1-22.
- J. F. Uen, D. Ahlstrom, S. Chen, and J. Liu (2015), “Employer brand management, organisational prestige and employees’ word-of-mouth referrals in Taiwan,” Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 53(1), 104–123.
- D. Ahlstrom (2014), “The hidden reason why the First World War matters today: The development and spread of modern management,” Brown Journal of World Affairs, 21(1), 201-218.
- D. Ahlstrom and Zhujin Aing (2014), “Entrepreneurship in China: An Overview,” International Small Business Journal, 32(6), 610-618.
- N. Michael Young, Terence Tsai, Xinran Wang, Shubo Liu, and D. Ahlstrom (2014), “Strategy in Emerging Economies and the Theory of the Firm,” Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 31(2), 331-354.
- D. Ahlstrom, Edward Levitas, Michael A. Hitt, M. Tina Dacin, and Hong Zhu (2014), “The Three Faces of China: Strategic Alliance Partner Selection in Three Ethnic Chinese Economies,” Journal of World Business, 49(3), 572-585.
- Bo Yu, Shengbin Hao, D. Ahlstrom, Steven Si, and Dapeng Liang (2014), “Entrepreneurial firms’ network competence, technological capability, and new product development performance,” Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 31(3), 687–704.
- Michael N. Young, Terence Tsai, Xinran Wang, Shubo Liu, and D. Ahlstrom (2014), “Strategy in emerging economies and the theory of the firm,” Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 31(2), 331–354.
- D. Ahlstrom and G. D. Bruton (2014), “Laying the foundations for Asia-focused research through qualitative research.” In How to get published in the best entrepreneurship journals: A guide to steer your academic career, pp. 183-200.
- Yan Li, Neal M. Ashkanasy, and D. Ahlstrom (2014), “The rationality of emotions: A hybrid process model of decision-making under uncertainty,” Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 31(1), 293-308.
- Yunshi Liu, Linda C. Wang, Li Zhao, and D. Ahlstrom (2013), “Board turnover in Taiwan’s public firms: An empirical study,” Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 30, 1059-1086.
- Li Zhao, Haiying Gu, Chengyan Yue, and D. Ahlstrom (2013), “Consumer welfare and GM food labeling: A simulation using an adjusted Kumaraswamy distribution,” Food Policy, 42, 58-70.
- Zhongfeng Su, D. Ahlstrom, Jia Li, and Dejun Cheng (2013), “Knowledge creation capability, absorptive capacity, and product innovativeness,” R&D Management, 43(5), 473-485.
- Almaz Man-kuen Chak, P. L. Nesbit, and D. Ahlstrom (2013), “The boundaryless career form: Its nature and driving forces,” Employment Relations Record, 13(2), 44-55.
- D. Ahlstrom, C. D. Bruton, and Li Zhao (2013), “Turning good research into good publications,” Nankai Business Review International, 4(2), 92-106.
- Yan Li, Chun Hui, Neal M. Ashkanasy, and D. Ahlstrom (2012), “A multi-level study of emergent group leadership: Effects of emotional stability and group conflict,” Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 29, 351-366.
- D. Ahlstrom (2012), “Continuing the progress at the Asia Pacific Journal of Management,” Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 29(4), 841-848.
- D. Ahlstrom (2012), “Contributing to the Asia Pacific Journal of Management,” Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 29, 191-194.
- Franz T. Lohrke, D. Ahlstrom, and G. D. Bruton (2012), “Extending Turnaround Process Research: Important Lessons From the U.S. Civil War,” Journal of Management Inquiry, 21(2), 217-234.
- Jin Feng Uen, D. Ahlstrom, Shu-yuan Chen, and Pai-wei Tseng (2012), “Increasing HR’s strategic participation: The effect of HR Service Quality and Contribution Expectations,” Human Resource Management, 51(1), 3-24.
- D. Ahlstrom (2012), “On the Types of Papers the Asia Pacific Journal of Management Generally Publishes,” Asia Pacific of Journal Management, 29(1), 1-7.
- D. Ahlstrom (2012), “Several Key Reasons Why a Paper Is Likely To Be Rejected At the Asia Pacific Journal of Management,” Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 29(3), 519-524.
- D. Ahlstrom (2011), “A Checklist for Prospective Authors of Asia Pacific Journal of Management,” Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 28(3), 449-452.
- Yuanyuan Gong, Irene Hau-siu Chow, and D. Ahlstrom (2011), “Cultural Diversity in China: Dialect, Job Embeddedness, and Turnover,” Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 28, 221-238.
- D. Ahlstrom (2011), “On the Aims and Scope of the Asia Pacific Journal of Management: What Does APJM Really Seek to Publish?” Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 28, 215-219.
- D. Ahlstrom (2011), “Some helpful sources for prospective authors in Asia,” Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 28(4), 661-665.
- Michael Young, D. Ahlstrom, G. D. Bruton, and Yuri Rubanik (2011), “What do firms from transition economies want from their strategic alliance partners,” Business Horizons, 54(2), 163-174.
- Yan Li, D. Ahlstrom, and Neal M. Ashkanasy (2010), “A Multilevel Model of Affect and Organisational Commitment,” Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 27, 193-213.
- D. Ahlstrom (2010), “Avoiding Common Missteps: Writing Papers Suitable for the Asia Pacific Journal of Management,” Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 27(4), 583-586.
- Yan Li, Neal M. Ashkanasy, and D. Ahlstrom (2010), “Complexity Theory and Affect Structure: A Dynamic Approach to Modelling Emotional Changes in Organisations.” In Emotions and Organizational Dynamism (Research on Emotion in Organizations), pp.139-165.
- D. Ahlstrom and Linda C. Wang (2010), “Entrepreneurial Capitalism in East Asia: How History Matters,” Historical Foundations of Entrepreneurship Research, 406-427.
- D. Ahlstrom (2010), “Innovation and Growth: How Business Contributes to Society,” Academy of Management Perspectives, 24(3), 10-23.
- G. D. Bruton, D. Ahlstrom, and Han-lin Li (2010), “Institutional Theory and Entrepreneurship: Where Are We Now and Where Do We Need to Move in The Future?” Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 34(3), 421-440.
- D. Ahlstrom, Shyh-jer Chen, and Kuang S. Yeh (2010), “Managing in Ethnic Chinese Communities: Culture, Institutions, and Context,” Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 27(3), 341-354.
- D. Ahlstrom and G. D. Bruton (2010), “Rapid Institutional Shifts and the Co-evolution of Entrepreneurial Firms in Transition Economies,” Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 34(3), 531-554.
- G. D. Bruton, D. Ahlstrom, and Tomas Puky (2009), “Institutional Differences and the Development of Entrepreneurial Ventures: A Comparison of the Venture Capital Industries in Latin America and Asia,” Journal of International Business Studies, 40, 762-778.
- D. Ahlstrom, David Lamond, and Zhujun Ding (2009), “Reexamining Some Management Lessons from Military History,” Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 26(4), 617-642.
- Anil Nair and D. Ahlstrom (2008), “Balancing Hamiltonian and Jeffersonian Contradictions Within Organisations,” Journal of Management Inquiry, 17(4), 306-317.
- Michael Young, M. W. Peng, D. Ahlstrom, G. D. Bruton, and Yi Jiang (2008), “Corporate Governance in Emerging Economies: A Review of the Principal-Principal Perspective,” Journal of Management Studies, 45(1), 196-220.
- G. D. Bruton, D. Ahlstrom, Krzysztof OBLOJ (2008), “Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies: Where Are We Today and Where Should the Research Go in the Future,” Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 32(1), 1-14.
- D. Ahlstrom, G. D. Bruton, and Kuang S. Yeh (2008), “Private firms in China: Building legitimacy in an emerging economy,” Journal of World Business, 43(4), 385-399.
- Anil Nair, D. Ahlstrom, and L. Filer (2007), “Localised Advantage in a Global Economy: The Case of Bangalore,” Thunderbird International Business Review, 49(5), 591-618.
- D. Ahlstrom, G. D. Bruton, and Kuang S. Yeh (2007), “Venture Capital in China: Past, Present, and Future,” Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 24, 247-268.
- Yunshi Liu, D. Ahlstrom, and Kuang S. Yeh (2006), “The separation of ownership and management in Taiwan’s public companies: An empirical study,” International Business Review, 15(4), 415-435.
- D. Ahlstrom, Kuang S. Yeh, and G. D. Bruton (2006), “Venture capital in China: high technology investing in an emerging economy,” Growth of New Technology Ventures in China’s Emerging Market, 61-84.
- D. Ahlstrom and G. D. Bruton (2006), “Venture Capital in Emerging Economies: Networks and Institutional Change,” Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, 30(2), 299-320.
- G. D. Bruton and D. Ahlstrom (2005), “Chinese Entrepreneurship: Today and Tomorrow.” In The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Management (2nd ed.), pp. 30-32.
- D. Ahlstrom, S. Foley, M. Young, and E. S. Chan (2005), “Human Resource Strategies for Competitive Advantage in Post-WTO China,” Thunderbird International Business Review, 47(3), 263-285.
- Michael A. Hitt, D. Ahlstrom, M. Tina Dacin, E. Levitas, and L. Svobodina (2004), “The economic and institutional contexts of international strategic alliance partner selection: China versus Russia,” Organization Science, 15(2), 173-185.
- Michael N. Young, D. Ahlstrom, and G. D. Bruton (2004), “The globalisation of corporate governance in East Asia: The transnational solution,” Management International Review, 44(2), 31-50.
- G. D. Bruton, D. Ahlstrom, and Kuang S. Yeh (2004), “Understanding venture capital in East Asia: the impact of institutions on the industry today and tomorrow,” Journal of World Business, 39, 72-88.
- D. Ahlstrom and G. D. Bruton (2003), “An institutional view of China’s venture capital industry: Explaining the differences between China and the West,” Journal of Business Venturing, 18, 233-259.
- Nair Anil and D. Ahlstrom (2003), “Delayed creative destruction and the coexistence of technologies,” Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 20, 345–365.
- G. D. Bruton, D. Ahlstrom, Wan, and Johnny Chun-cheong Wan (2003), “Turnaround in East Asian Firms: Evidence from Ethnic Overseas Chinese Communities,” Strategic Management Journal, 24, 519-540.
- Bee-leng Chua, Hugh Thomas, Kevin Yuk-fai Au, D. Ahlstrom, Cheung-kwok Law, Shige Makino, and Chee-keong Low (2002), Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Hong Kong 2002.
- D. Ahlstrom and G. D. Bruton (2001), “Learning from successful local private firms in China: Establishing legitimacy,” Academy of Management Executive, 15(4), 72-83.
- G. D. Bruton, D. Ahlstrom, and Johnny Chun-cheong Wan (2001), “Turnaround success of large and midsize Chinese owned firms: Evidence from Hong Kong and Thailand,” Journal of World Business, 36, 2, 146-165.
- Raghu Garud and D. Ahlstrom (1997), “Researchers’ Roles in Negotiating the Institutional Fabric of Technologies,” American Behavioral Scientist, 40(4), 523-538.
- R. Dunbar and D. Ahlstrom (1995), “Seeking The Institutional Balance of Power: Avoiding The Power of A Balance View,” Academy of Management Review, 20(1), 171-192.
- Grants
- “Outsourcing Strategic Source of Organisational Success or Failure”, awarded by National Sun Yat Sen University, 2004-2005
- “Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Hong Kong National Study 2002-2004”, Hong Kong Management Association and SME Development Fund awarded by HKSAR Government, 2003-2004
- Awards & Honours
- 2017 Highly Cited Researcher, the Web of Science, 2017
- Faculty Teaching Excellence Award 2014-2015, CUHK Business School, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2016
- Nominated for The Economist newspaper’s First ‘Business Professor of the Year’ Award, 2012
- Outstanding Teaching Award 2009-2010, CUHK Business School, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2011
- Outstanding Teacher Award 2001-2002, CUHK Business School, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2003
- Vice Chancellor’s Exemplary Teaching Award 1999, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2000
- The Outstanding Teaching Award, New York University Stern School of Business, 1995