
Professor Wei Jian PAN
Adjunct Associate Professor, MSc in Financial Technology, Faculty of Engineering
Managing Director, BofA Securities
PhD (University of Nottingham)
MSc, BSc (Fudan University)
Professor Wei Jian PAN joined CUHK as Adjunct Associate Professor in FinTech starting Jan 2021. He teaches the course on Quantitative and Algorithmic Trading.
Professor Pan is a Managing Director at Bank of America (BofA) Securities, he is now leading the quant team in Asia Equity Execution.
He joined Merrill Lynch in London in 2008 as an associate to start with his career in Quantitative Research. In 2010, he internally transferred to Hong Kong, where he has been working in the Algorithmic Trading & Quantitative Strategies Group. He is now the head of the quant team in Asia Equity Executions (Algorithmic trading/portfolio trading and high touch). He is leading quant team in Algorithmic trading design, research and implementation. Professor Pan has over ten years’ experience in Algorithmic trading, he has in-depth understanding of Asia market microstructure, professional industry experience in strategy design, signal research and client execution consulting.
Professor Pan obtained his Bachelor of Science degree in Physics from Fudan University (2001), Master of Science degree in Optics/Optical Sciences from Fudan University (2004), and Doctor of Philosophy in Electronic Engineering from University of Nottingham (2008).