Corporate Innovation Index (CII)

Energizing the Hong Kong Economy with Innovation in the Digital Age through a Corporate Innovation Index
Corporate Innovation Index
An innovation management and assessment tool to promote corporates' innovation culture and to enhance corporate innovation capabilities and achievements in both large and small corporates in Hong Kong.
What is a Corporate Innovation Index (CII) ?
In response to the SAR Government’s call for developing HK into an Innovation Hub of the Region, we propose to:
- Establish a conceptual framework of corporate innovation that is suitable for HK in the digital age,
- Develop a set of measurement matrices and recruit 100 corporates and 200 SMEs to participate in the Corporate Innovation Index ranking, and
- For sustainability, (i) produce guidebooks and online, quick CII measurement tools; (ii) conduct workshops and training sessions for business leaders; (iii) repeat the ranking exercise.
This project is funded by the Innovation and Technology Commission (ITC) of the HKSAR, under the General Support Scheme (GSP).
This project aims to achieve the following five objectives:
- Promote the awareness and importance of innovation to Hong Kong Corporates and subsequently the Hong Kong economy in the fast-changing, digital age,
- Develop a Corporate Innovation framework and measurement instruments to assess the overall innovation spirit and culture of Hong Kong corporates, as well as to measure their innovation capabilities and achievements of individual Hong Kong corporates,
- • Recognize top-ranked innovative Hong Kong corporates and facilitate participating corporates to benchmark with and learn from industry leaders,
- Strengthen the innovation capabilities of Hong Kong corporates and business leaders in Hong Kong through education and training (e.g., through case study and best practice training on corporate innovations as they apply to Hong Kong corporates or to international corporates already operating in Hong Kong or considering operating in Hong Kong), and
- Inform policymakers on the state and current trends of innovation in the HK corporate landscape in order to formulate or supplement public policies to advance the sustainability, competitiveness, and reputation of Hong Kong corporates, both at a local level and an international level.
Intended Impacts on the Innovation & Technology Ecosystem
- Hong Kong Society
- Strengthen innovation awareness and innovation culture for the companies and people in Hong Kong
- Leverage innovation & technologies to drive long term productivity, job creation, and economic growth in the digital economy
- Corporates and SMEs
- Develop an innovation framework and measurement metrics unique to HK companies
- Improve corporate innovation through benchmarking the CII performance with industry leaders
- Business Investors
- Provide a reference for large corporates to make investment decisions on innovation & technologies
- Provide investors with a reference on the innovation capabilities of their investing corporates
- Policy Makers
- Provide objective and scientific analysis to formulate innovation and technology policies and schemes
- Create a favourable, innovative business environment to attract innovative talent and foreign companies to Hong Kong
- Tech Start-ups
- Strengthen start-ups’ knowledge on the innovation gaps in corporates and SMEs
Steering Committee
- To advise the CII project on the direction, development and implementation of the project;
- To monitor and review the overall progress of the CII project; and
- To advise the CII project on the way forward including promoting and enhancing corporate innovation capabilities and achievements for both large and small corporates in Hong Kong.
Committee Members:
Mr. Watson CHAN (Chairman) | Deputy CEO, The Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce |
Prof. Waiman CHEUNG (Secretary) | CUHK Business School, The Chinese University of Hong Kong |
Prof. Chun Kwong CHAN | Faculty of Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong |
Prof. Dominic CHAN | CUHK Business School, The Chinese University of Hong Kong |
Mrs. Eunice CHAN | Interim Chief Operating Officer, HSBC Hong Kong | |
Mr. Matthew CHAN | Group Chief Innovation Officer, Jardine Restaurant Group |
Prof. Toa CHARM | CUHK Business School, The Chinese University of Hong Kong | |
Ms. Yvonne CHE | Chief Information Officer, Joint Electronic Teller Services Ltd |
Ms. Vivien W M CHIU | Chief Operating Officer, Hang Seng Bank Limited | |
Mr. David CHOW | Partner – Hong Kong Region Leader Global Business Services, IBM China/Hong Kong Limited |
Mr. Eugene HSIA | Chief Corporate Development Officer, Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation |
Dr. Stella KWAN | Chief Corporate Development Officer, Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company Ltd |
Mr. Patrick LEE | Convener, Smart City Working Group, The Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce |
Mr. Andrew LING | Director of Value Advisory, SAP Hong Kong |
Mr. Chris SO | Head of Business Development, Hong Kong & Macau, Amazon Web Services |
Prof. Michael ZHANG | CUHK Business School, The Chinese University of Hong Kong |
Support From Industry & Tech Ecosystems,
Sponsor Companies & Organizations
Strategic Partner:
- The Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce
Sponsors (in alphabetical order)
- Amazon Web Services
- Hang Seng Bank Limited
- Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company Limited
- Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation
- IBM China/Hong Kong Limited
- Jardine Restaurant Group
- Joint Electronic Teller Services Limited
- Prestique Limited
- SAP Hong Kong
- Tradelink Electronic Commerce Limited
Supporting Organizations(in alphabetical order)
- ACCA Hong Kong
- Association of Women Accountants (Hong Kong)
- CPA Australia
- Federation of Hong Kong Industries
- FinTech Association of Hong Kong
- Hong Kong Computer Society
- Hong Kong Independent Non-Executive Director Association
- Hong Kong Information Technology Joint Council
- Hong Kong Women Professionals and Entrepreneurs Association
Participate in Corporate Innovation Index Ranking
CUHK Business School has developed a set of measurement matrices and is now recruiting 100 corporates and 200 SMEs to participate in the Corporate Innovation Index(CII) ranking. Top-ranked achievers will be announced in the award ceremony in the second quarter of 2022, and will be received a certification to commend their effort to empower Hong Kong’s economy through innovation.
As a token of appreciation, participants will receive our CUHK Business School's latest mask holder as a souvenir after completing the questionnaire. Limited complimentary seats from CUHK Business School Executive Education Programme(s) in 2022 will also be offered to the top-ranked achievers from each industry sectors.
Phone: (852) 3943 8772
Disclaimer: Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this material / event (or by members of the project team) do not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Innovation and Technology Commission, or the General Support Programme Vetting Committee of the Innovation and Technology Fund.
企業創新指數 (CII)
企業創新指數 (CII) 是什麼?
- 建立在數碼時代適用的香港企業創新概念框架
- 制定一套評估準則,招募100間企業和200間中小企業參與企業創新指數排名
- 為實現可持續性,將 (i) 製作指南,和在線、快速的 CII 測量工具; (ii) 為商界領袖舉辦工作坊和培訓課程; (iii) 定期重新排名。
此項目由香港特別行政區創新科技署 (ITC) 在「一般支援計劃」 (GSP) 下資助。
- 在瞬息萬變的數碼時代,提升香港企業以致整個經濟體系對創新的認知和重視
- 制定企業創新項目的框架和衡量工具,以評估香港企業的整體創新精神和文化,以及評估個別香港企業的創新能力和成就
- 表揚香港的創新型企業,並促進其他參與創新項目的企業參考及學習業界領袖
- 以教育和培訓加強香港企業和商界領袖的創新能力(例如,為香港企業、正在或計劃在香港營運的國際企業,提供有關企業創新的案例、和相關標準做法的培訓)
- 讓政策制定者了解香港企業創新項目的現狀和趨勢,以制定附加的公共政策,提升香港企業在本地和國際市場的競爭力和聲譽,並得以持續發展。
- 香港社會
- 加強香港企業和普羅大眾的創新意識和文化
- 在數碼經濟環境中,利用創新和技術推動長期生產力、創造就業機會和經濟增長
- 企業和中小企業
- 建立香港公司獨有的創新項目框架和評估指標
- 透過參照行業領袖的CII積效標準來提高企業的創新項目
- 商業投資者
- 為大型企業提供參考,以作出創新科技投資的決策
- 為投資者提供參考,了解企業的創新能力
- 政策制定者
- 提供客觀和科學分析,以制定創新科技政策和計劃
- 創造有利的創新營商環境,吸引具創新思維的人才和外國公司來港
- 科技初創公司
- 加強初創公司認識企業和中小企,明白他們在創新項目中的缺欠
- 就CII項目提供項目方向、發展及如何落實執行等建議;
- 監督和審查 CII 項目的整體進展;以及
- 為 CII 項目的未來發展提供建議,包括如何促進和提升香港大小企業的創新能力和成就
Mr. Watson CHAN (Chairman) | Deputy CEO, The Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce |
Prof. Waiman CHEUNG (Secretary) | CUHK Business School, The Chinese University of Hong Kong |
Prof. Chun Kwong CHAN | Faculty of Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong |
Prof. Dominic CHAN | CUHK Business School, The Chinese University of Hong Kong |
Mrs. Eunice CHAN | Interim Chief Operating Officer, HSBC Hong Kong | |
Mr. Matthew CHAN | Group Chief Innovation Officer, Jardine Restaurant Group |
Prof. Toa CHARM | CUHK Business School, The Chinese University of Hong Kong | |
Ms. Yvonne CHE | Chief Information Officer, Joint Electronic Teller Services Ltd |
Ms. Vivien W M CHIU | Chief Operating Officer, Hang Seng Bank Limited | |
Mr. David CHOW | Partner – Hong Kong Region Leader Global Business Services, IBM China/Hong Kong Limited |
Mr. Eugene HSIA | Chief Corporate Development Officer, Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation |
Dr. Stella KWAN | Chief Corporate Development Officer, Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company Ltd |
Mr. Patrick LEE | Convener, Smart City Working Group, The Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce |
Mr. Andrew LING | Director of Value Advisory, SAP Hong Kong |
Mr. Chris SO | Head of Business Development, Hong Kong & Macau, Amazon Web Services |
Prof. Michael ZHANG | CUHK Business School, The Chinese University of Hong Kong |
- 香港總商會
贊助商 (按英文字母順序)
- 亞馬遜網絡服務公司
- 恆生銀行有限公司
- 香港數碼港管理有限公司
- 香港科技園公司
- IBM 中國/香港有限公司
- 怡和餐飲集團
- 銀聯通寶有限公司
- Prestique Limited
- SAP 香港
- 貿易通電子貿易有限公司
支持機構 (按英文字母順序)
- ACCA 香港
- 香港女會計師協會
- 澳洲會計師公會
- 香港工業總會
- 香港金融科技協會
- 香港電腦學會
- 香港獨立非執行董事協會
- 香港資訊科技聯會
- 香港女工商及專業人員聯會
參加者完成問卷後,將獲贈中大商學院最新的口罩套作為紀念品,以表謝意。 除此之外,每個行業的排名最前的企業,更可獲得中大商學院2022年高管教育課程的限量免費席位。
電話: (852) 3943 8772
企业创新指数 (CII)
企业创新指数 (CII) 是什么?
- 建立在数码时代适用的香港企业创新概念框架
- 制定一套评估准则,招募100间企业和200间中小企业参与企业创新指数排名
- 为实现可持续性,将 (i) 制作指南,和在线、快速的 CII 测量工具; (ii) 为商界领袖举办工作坊和培训课程; (iii) 定期重新排名。
此项目由香港特别行政区创新科技署 (ITC) 在「一般支援计划」 (GSP) 下资助。
- 在瞬息万变的数码时代,提升香港企业以致整个经济体系对创新的认知和重视
- 制定企业创新项目的框架和衡量工具,以评估香港企业的整体创新精神和文化,以及评估个别香港企业的创新能力和成就
- 表扬香港的创新型企业,并促进其他参与创新项目的企业参考及学习业界领袖
- 以教育和培训加强香港企业和商界领袖的创新能力(例如,为香港企业、正在或计划在香港营运的国际企业,提供有关企业创新的案例、和相关标准做法的培训)
- 让政策制定者了解香港企业创新项目的现状和趋势,以制定附加的公共政策,提升香港企业在本地和国际市场的竞争力和声誉,并得以持续发展。
- 香港社会
- 加强香港企业和普罗大众的创新意识和文化
- 在数码经济环境中,利用创新和技术推动长期生产力、创造就业机会和经济增长
- 企业和中小企业
- 建立香港公司独有的创新项目框架和评估指标
- 透过参照行业领袖的CII积效标准来提高企业的创新项目
- 商业投资者
- 为大型企业提供参考,以作出创新科技投资的决策
- 为投资者提供参考,了解企业的创新能力
- 政策制定者
- 提供客观和科学分析,以制定创新科技政策和计划
- 创造有利的创新营商环境,吸引具创新思维的人才和外国公司来港
- 科技初创公司
- 加强初创公司认识企业和中小企,明白他们在创新项目中的缺欠
- 就CII项目提供项目方向、发展及如何落实执行等建议;
- 监督和审查 CII 项目的整体进展;以及
- 为 CII 项目的未来发展提供建议,包括如何促进和提升香港大小企业的创新能力和成就
Mr. Watson CHAN (Chairman) | Deputy CEO, The Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce |
Prof. Waiman CHEUNG (Secretary) | CUHK Business School, The Chinese University of Hong Kong |
Prof. Chun Kwong CHAN | Faculty of Engineering, The Chinese University of Hong Kong |
Prof. Dominic CHAN | CUHK Business School, The Chinese University of Hong Kong |
Mrs. Eunice CHAN | Interim Chief Operating Officer, HSBC Hong Kong | |
Mr. Matthew CHAN | Group Chief Innovation Officer, Jardine Restaurant Group |
Prof. Toa CHARM | CUHK Business School, The Chinese University of Hong Kong | |
Ms. Yvonne CHE | Chief Information Officer, Joint Electronic Teller Services Ltd |
Ms. Vivien W M CHIU | Chief Operating Officer, Hang Seng Bank Limited | |
Mr. David CHOW | Partner – Hong Kong Region Leader Global Business Services, IBM China/Hong Kong Limited |
Mr. Eugene HSIA | Chief Corporate Development Officer, Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation |
Dr. Stella KWAN | Chief Corporate Development Officer, Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company Ltd |
Mr. Patrick LEE | Convener, Smart City Working Group, The Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce |
Mr. Andrew LING | Director of Value Advisory, SAP Hong Kong |
Mr. Chris SO | Head of Business Development, Hong Kong & Macau, Amazon Web Services |
Prof. Michael ZHANG | CUHK Business School, The Chinese University of Hong Kong |
- 香港总商会
赞助商 (按英文字母顺序)
- 亚马逊网络服务公司
- 恒生银行有限公司
- 香港数码港管理有限公司
- 香港科技园公司
- IBM 中国/香港有限公司
- 怡和餐饮集团
- 银联通宝有限公司
- Prestique Limited
- SAP 香港
- 贸易通电子贸易有限公司
支持机构 (按英文字母顺序)
- ACCA 香港
- 香港女会计师协会
- 澳洲会计师公会
- 香港工业总会
- 香港金融科技协会
- 香港电脑学会
- 香港独立非执行董事协会
- 香港资讯科技联会
- 香港女工商及专业人员联会
电话: (852) 3943 8772