• To encourage gerontological research
• To nurture academic leadership in social gerontology and to bolster collaboration across disciplines |
CADENAZ Fellows 2007 | ||||
Dr Patsy Chau
PhD Assistant Professor The University of Hong Kong Research interests Biostatistics & epidemiology Social statistics Gerontology Demography |
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Discipline: Statistics Institution and Department: School of Nursing Office number: (+852) 3917 6626 |
Lee J., Chau P.H., Hui E., Chan F., Woo J. (in press) Survival prediction in nursing home residents using the Minimum Data Set subscales: MDS-ADL, MDS-CPS and CHESS scales. European Journal of Public Health (available online 12 Feb 2009, doi:10.1093/eurpub/ckp006).
Chau P.H., Yen E., Morley J.E., Woo J. (2008). The effects of environmental stressors on the mortality of the oldest old male population in Hong Kong, 1977-2006. The Aging Male, 11: 179-188. Chau P.H., Woo J. (2008). How Well are Seniors in Hong Kong Doing? An International Comparison. Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Jockey Club. Cheung Y.T., Chau P.H., Yip P.S.F. (2008). A revisit on older adults suicides and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) epidemic in Hong Kong. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 23: 1231-1238. Yip P.S.F., Lam K.F., Xu Y., Chau P.H., Xu J., Chang W., Peng Y., Liu Z., Xie X., Lau H.Y. (2008). Reconstruction of the infection curve for SARS epidemic in Beijing, China. Using a back-projection method. Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 37: 425-433. Chau P.H., Yen E., Woo J. (2007). Caring for the Oldest Old: ""Mixing and Matching"" Informal and Formal Caregiving, British Medical Journal. available at: http://www.bmj.com/cgi/eletters/334/7593/570#164600 Ho P.L., Chau P.H., Yip P.S., Ooi G.C., Khong P.L., Ho J.C., Wong P.C., Ko C., Yan C., Tsang K.W.. (2005). A prediction rule for clinical diagnosis of severe acute respiratory syndrome. The European Respiratory Journal, 26: 474-479. Yip P.S.F., Lam K.F., Lau E.H.Y., Chau P.H., Tsang K.W., Chao A.. (2005). A comparison study of realtime fatality rates: severe acute respiratory syndrome in Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, Toronto and Beijing, China. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A, 168: 233-243. Cui J.S., Yip P.S.F., Chau P.H. (2004). Estimation of reporting delay and suicide incidence in Hong Kong. Statistics in Medicine, 23: 467-476. Chau P.H., Yip P.S.F. (2004). Non-parametric back-projection of HIV positive tests using multinomial and Poisson settings. Journal of Applied Statistics, 31: 553-564. |
Dr Angela Leung
PhD, MHA, BN, RN Assistant Professor The University of Hong Kong Research interests Health literacy Health promotion among older adults Intergeneration communication Learning in later life |
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Discipline: Nursing Institution and Department: School of Nursing, The University of Hong Kong Office number: (+852) 2819 2630 |
Journal articles
Leung, A., Chi, I., & Chiang, V. (2008). Chinese Retirees' Learning Interests: A Qualitative Analysis. Educational Gerontology, 34(12), 1105 -1121. Chan, S. S. C., Wong, D. C. N., Fong, D. Y. T., Leung, A. Y. M., Lam, D. O. B., Mak, Y. M., & Lam, T. H. (2008). The establishment and promotion of the first youth quitline in Hong Kong: challenges and opportunities. Evaluation and the Health Professions, 31(3), 258-271. Newsletter Leung, A. (2008). What is the real world of aging? Nursletter (Newsletter of Department of Nursing Studies, The University of Hong Kong), 12, 3. Leung, A. (2007). Learning in later life: how enjoyable could this be? Nursletter (Newsletter of Department of Nursing Studies, The University of Hong Kong), 9, 2. Leung, A. (2004). A new approach to health education among older adults: seeking health information via the web. Nursletter (Newsletter of Department of Nursing Studies, The University of Hong Kong), 3, 3. Leung, A., Farideh, S., & Chan, S. (2004). My first health lesson in the University": Hong Kong Chinese older adults' experience with web-searching about health issues. Connections, 7(2), 17. (Newsletter from Royal College of Nursing, Australia) Conference Abstracts and Proceedings Leung, A., Chu, D., Shum, W. C., Chan, S. S. C. (2008). Health communication in diabetic care: a qualitative study in Hong Kong. Abstract book of The 16th Annual Congress of Gerontology, organized by Hong Kong Association of Gerontology (p. 55) , Langham Hotel, Tsimshatsui, Hong Kong, November 28, 2008. Lou, V. W. Q., Chui, E. W. T., Leung, A., Kwan, C. W., Chi, I. , Leung, E. (2008). Who choose to stay in community? Abstract book of the 16th Annual Congress of Gerontology (p.31-35), organized by Hong Kong Association of Gerontology, Langham Hotel, Tsimshatsui, Hong Kong, November 28, 2008. Leung, A., Chan, S. S. C., Fong, D. Y. T., Chi, I. (2008). Medical and nursing students' knowledge and attitudes towards older adults in Hong Kong. Abstract book of The 61st Annual Conference of Gerontology Society of America (GSA) (p.123), Maryland, USA, November 20-25, 2008. Leung, A. (2007). Searching health information from the Internet: Hong Kong Chinese older adults' experience. Lifelong Learning Conference (Conferĕncia sobre a Aprendizagem Permanente). Macau SAR, China. Oct 25-26, 2007. (invited paper) Leung, A. , Chi, I. Chow, N. W. S. (2007). Health-related learning among soon-to-be-aged adults in Hong Kong. The 15th Annual Congress of Gerontology. Langham Hotel, 8 Peking Road, Tsimshatsui, Hong Kong. November 24, 2007. Chan S.S.C., Leung A., Lam D.O.B., Mak Y.W., Fong D.Y.T., Wong C.N. and Lam T.H. (2007). Youth Quitline: An accessible telephone-based smoking cessation hotline for youth, Health Research Symposium 2007: Building bridges between research, practice and policy, Hong Kong. 29 September, 2007. Chan S.S.C., Emmons K., Leung G.M., Leung Y.P., Leung A. and Lam T.H. (2007). A randomized controlled trial (RCT) of a family intervention to reduce SHS exposure in children, The Sixth Scientific Symposium of Flight Attendant Medical Research Institute (FAMRI), Miami, USA. 14-16 May, 2007. Leung, A., Chi, I., Chow, N. W. S. (2007). Factors affecting Chinese Older Adults' Engagement in Learning. Invited paper to the "Psycho-social Ageing in Chinese Societies" Symposium in the The Seventh Conference of Asian Association of Social Psychology (AASP), Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia, July 25-28, 2007. Chan, K. S., Leung, A., Lo, E., Yung, A., Chi, I., Cheng, Y. H. (2007). Evaluation and Management of Geriatric Depression in Community-based Care Management Model in Hong Kong. Invited paper to the "Psycho-social Ageing in Chinese Societies" Symposium in the The Seventh Conference of Asian Association of Social Psychology (AASP), Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia, July 25-28, 2007. Leung, A., Chan, K. S., Lou, V. W. Q., Chi, I. (2007). Identifying non-medical risk factors for falls among community-dwelling frail older adults in Hong Kong. The Canadian RAI Conference 2007, Ottawa, Canada, 2-4 May 2007. Chan, K. S., Leung, A., Cheng, Y.H., & Chi, I. (2007). Medical Service Utilization among Community Care Service Recipients. The Canadian RAI Conference 2007, Ottawa, Canada, 2-4 May 2007. Lou, V. W. Q., Chan, K. S., Leung, A., Chi, I. (2007). Mental Health of the Frail Older Adults in Hong Kong. The Canadian RAI Conference 2007, Ottawa, Canada, 2-4 May 2007. |
Dr Vivian Lou
PhD, MSW, MEd, BEd Assistant Professor The University of Hong Kong Research interests Social adaptation & mental health Long-term care Social support Life satisfaction |
Email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Discipline:Social Work Institution and Department: Department of Social Work and Social Administration The University of Hong Kong Office number: (+852) 3917 4835 |
Lou, Vivian. W. Q. & Chi, I. (forthcoming). Measure grandparenthood stress and reward: Developing a scale based on perceptions by grandparents with adolescent grandchildren in Hong Kong. Geriatrics and Gerontology International.
Lou, V. W. Q., Chi, I., & Mjelde-Mossey, L. A. (2008) Development and validation of a Life Satisfaction Scale for Chinese Elders. The international Journal of Aging & Human Development, 67, 149-170. Lou, V. W. Q. (2008). A study of older people who collect recycling materials for financial returns. Asian Journal of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 133-138. Ng. S. M., Li, A., Lou, V. W. Q., Tso, I., Wan, P. Y. P. & Chan, D. F. Y. (2008) Integrating systemic therapy into asthma group intervention: A randomized waitlist-controlled trial. Family Process, 47, 115-130. Wong, C. K., & Lou, Vivian, W. Q. (2007). The final report on a qualitative study of the recipients' experiences of and attitudes towards the welfare benefit system in Hong Kong. A report submitted to Central Policy Unit, The SAR Government of Hong Kong. 樓瑋群 (2007)香港拾荒長者研究. 香港:香港社會服務聯會. Tang, K. L. & Lou, V. W. Q. (2006). Social Welfare and Women: the Dominant Approach and Its Critique. HKIAPS Occasional Paper Series, No. 169. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Lou, V. W. Q. & Zhang, Y. Q. (2006) Evaluating the effectiveness of a participatory empowerment group for Chinese type 2 diabetes patients. Research on Social Work Practice, 16(5), 491-499. Mjelde-Mossey, L.A., Chi, I., & Lou, V. W. Q. (2006) Relationship between adherence to tradition and depression in Chinese elders in China. Aging and Mental Health, 10 (1), 19-26. Mjelde-Mossey, L.A., Chi, I., & Lou, V. W. Q. (2005) Assessing tradition in Chinese elders living in a changing social environment: Implications for social work practice. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 11(3/4), 41-57. |
Dr Benise Mak
Research interests End-of-life care for geriatric non-malignant patients Art therapy for demented elderly people Health care prioritization |
Mak, B. (2008). Misconception and knowledge gap about elderly issues, Symposia paper presented at the International Conference on Social Capital and Volunteering in Modern Ageing Cities: Building Intergenerational Inclusion. Hong Kong, China, 2008.
Mak, B. & Woo, J. (2009). Elderly service needs in Hong Kong from the users' perspective: A focus group study, Paper presented at the 19th IAGG World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics. Paris, France, 2009. |
Dr Shamy Ng
PhD, Registered Physiotherapist Associate Professor The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Research interests Stroke rehabilitation Evaluation and intervention on functional activities |
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Discipline: Physiotherapy Institution and Department: Department of Rehabilitation Sciences The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Office number: (+852) 2766 4889 |
nternational Referred Journal
Hu XL, Tong KY, Song R, Zheng XJ, Lui KH, Leung WWF, Ng S., Au-Yeung SSY. Quantitative evaluation of motor functional recovery process in chronic stroke patients during robot-assisted wrist training. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology (in press, available online 19 May 2008) Ng S.S., Hui-Chan CW. Relationships between impairments of ankle muscle function and locomotor capacities in people with stroke. Stroke 2008; 39:645. Ng S.S.M., Hui-Chan CWY. Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) combined with task-related training improves lower limb functions in subject with stroke. Stroke 2007; 38:2953-2959 Ng S.S.M., Hui-Chan CWY. Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS) in stroke rehabilitation: fad or facts? Chinese Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2007; 29: 56-58. Ng S., Hui-Chan C. Combining transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation and task-related training improved lower limb functions in patients with chronic stroke: a randomized, placebo-controlled study. Stroke 2007; 38: 466. Ng S.S.M., Hui-Chan CWY. A 4-week home-based rehabilitation program improved motor recovery in spastic hemiplegia. A randomized, placebo-controlled study. Cerebrovascular Diseases 2006; 21 (Suppl 4): 102. Ng S.S.M., Hui-Chan CWY. The timed ""Up & Go"" test: Its reliability and association with lower limb impairments and locomotor capacities in people with chronic stroke. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2005; 86: 1641-1647. Ng S.M.S., Shepherd RB. Weakness in patients with stroke: Implications of strength training in neurorehabilitation. Physical Therapy Reviews 2000; 5: 227-238. Research Report Hui-Chan CWY, Ng S.S.M., Mak MKY. Effectiveness of an Innovative Home-Based Rehabilitation Program on Lower Limb Functions in Subjects with Chronic Stroke: A Randomized, Controlled Trial (48 pages). Research Report: Hong Kong: Health Services Research Committee Conference Proceedings Heung THM, Ng S.S.M. (2008). Effect of seat height and turning direction on the scores of timed ""Up & Go"" test in patients with stroke. The Sixth Pan-Pacific Conference on Rehabilitation: Exercise and Healthy Life (p.75), Hong Kong, China (SAR). Ng S.S.M., Hui-Chan CWY (2007). Effectiveness of an innovative home-based rehabilitation program on lower limb functions in subjects with chronic stroke: a randomized, controlled trial. Health Research Symposium 2007. Hong Kong (SAR) Ng S., Hui-Chan C (2007). Home TENS program helps patients with crippling ankle spasms. American Stroke Association News Conference 2007: The New Dynamics of Stroke Recovery and Rehabilitation (recovery news conference -2). San Francisco, California, USA Ng S.S.M., Hui-Chan CWY (2006). Combining transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) and task-related training (TRT) improved lower limb functions in patients with chronic stroke: a randomized, placebo-controlled study. The Fifth Pan-Pacific Conference on Rehabilitation and The Pre-FIMS World Congress of Sports Medicine 2006: Marching towards Olympics 2008 (p.51), Hong Kong, China (SAR). Ng S.S.M., Hui-Chan CWY (2004). Test-retest reliability of maximum isometric voluntary contraction (MIVC) of ankle dorsi- and plantar-flexors and its association with giat performance in people with chronic stroke. The Fourth Pan-Pacific Conference on Rehabilitation: Ng S.S.M., Hui-Chan CWY (2004). Are timed ""Up & Go"" scores repeatable and associated with ankle muscle strength and walking abilities in people with chronic stroke. The Fourth Pan-Pacific Conference on Rehabilitation: Art and Science of Enablement (p.57), Hong Kong, China (SAR). |
Dr Eric Tam
PhD, MSc, BEng, Member HKIE Assistant Professor The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Research interests Assistive technology Seating Posture and wheeled mobility Wheelchair transportation Wheelchair testing Pressure measurement at tissue/support interface |
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Discipline: Technology & Health Institution and Department: Department of Health Technology and Informatics The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Office number: (+852) 2766 7670 |
KWOK, T., CHIEN, W.T., CHEUNG, W., TAM, E.W.C., YEUNG, F., WOO, J., Does access to a bed-chair pressure sensor device reduce physical restraint use in the rehabilitative care setting? Journal of Clinical Nursing. 15: 581-587, 2006
LI, Z., TAM, E.W.C., KWAN, M.P.C., MAK, A.F.T., LO, S.C.L., LEUNG, M.C.P., Effects of prolonged surface pressure on the skin blood flowmotions in anaesthetized rats—an assessment by spectral analysis of laser Doppler flowmetry signals, Phys. Med. Biol. 51:2681-2694, 2006 LI, Z., LEUNG, J.Y.S., TAM, E.W.C., KWAN, M.P.C., MAK, A.F.T., Wavelet Analysis of Skin Blood oscillations in Persons with Spinal Cord Injury and Normal Subjects, Arch. Phys. Med. Rehabil. 87:1207-1212, 2006 Li, Z.Y., Tam, E.W.C., Mak, A.F.T., Lau, R.Y.C. Effects of Prolonged Compression on the Variations of Hemoglobin Oxygenation - Assessment by Spectral Analysis of Reflectance Spectrophotometry Signals. Phys. Med. Biol. 51:5707-5718, 2006 Li, Z.Y., Tam, E.W.C., Mak, A.F.T., Lau, R.Y.C. Wavelet Analysis of the Effects of Static Magnetic Field on Skin Blood Flowmotion: Investigation using an in vivo Rat Model. In Vivo. 21(1):61-68, 2007 Kwan, M.P.C., Tam, E.W.C., Lo, S.C.L., Leung, M.C.P., LAU, R.Y.C The Time Effect of Pressure on Tissue Viability: Investigation using an Experimental Rat Mode. Experimental Biology and Medicine. 232: 481-487, 2007 Joseph Kwan and Eric Tam, "Chapter 29: Transport Services in Asia," in "The Engineering Handbook of Smart Technology for Aging, Disability and Independence," A. Helal, M. Mokhtari and B. Abdulrazak, Editors, John Wiley & Sons. ISBN 978-0-471-71155-1, Computer Engineering Series (In Press). |
Dr Mimi Tse
RN, PhD Assistant Professor The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Research interests Pain management Health promotion activities for healthy aging Long term care Elderly care Diet and health E-learning and online learning |
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Discipline: Nursing Institution and Department: School of Nursing The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Office number: (+852) 2766 6541 |
Tse, M.Y.M. & Benzie, I.F.F. (in press) Fruit and vegetable consumption, physical activity and body mass index among teenagers in Hong Kong. In F. Columbus (ed.). Fruit Consumption and Health. New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
Tse, M.Y.M., & Yuen, D.T.W. (in press). The effects of providing a nutrition education program for teenagers in Hong Kong: dietary and physical activity pattern. Nursing & Health Sciences. Tse, M.Y.M. (in press) Therapeutic effects of an indoor gardening program for older people living in nursing homes. Journal of Clinical Nursing Lai, C.K.Y., Tse, M.Y.M., & Lau, L.K.P. (2008) Placement appropriateness for seniors into long-term care – A neglected area of research. Asian Journal of Gerontology & Geriatrics 3 (1), 34-39. Tse, M.Y.M., & Lo, L.W.L. (2008). A web-based e-learning course: Integration of Pathophysiology into Pharmacology. Telemedicine and e-Health. 14 (9), 753-758. Tse, M.Y.M., Choi, K.C.Y., Leung, R.S.W. (2008). E-health for older persons: the use of technology in health promotion. CyberPsychology & Behavior. 11 (4), 471-473. Tse, M.Y.M. & Benzie, I.F.F. (2008) Dietary-related profile of Chinese older persons in the community. Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging 12 (3), 163- 167. Tse, M.Y.M., Lo, L.W.L. & Chan, M.F. (2007). The use of health information technology: E-learning technological approach. CyberPsychology & Behavior 10 (6), 821-826. Tse, M.Y.M., Pun, S.P.Y. & Chan, M.F (2007). Pedagogy for Teaching & Learning Cooperatively on the Web: A Web-Based Pharmacology Course. CyberPsychology & Behavior. 10 (1), 38-44. Tse, M.Y.M. (2007). Nursing home placement: perspectives of community dwelling older persons. Journal of Clinical Nursing 16, 911-917. Tse, M.Y.M. & Benzie, I.F.F. (2007) A preliminary survey of health-related dietary habits in nursing students, registered nurses and older persons in Hong Kong. Dietary Therapy Research Trends. In F. P. Robitalille (ed.). New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc. (Chapter III, p. 45-62). 周会兰, 蒋晓莲, Tse, M.Y.M. (2007). 视觉分散和视听分散对结肠镜检查病人疼痛的影响.中华护理杂志录用 42(1), 6-10. 周會蘭, 蔣曉蓮, Tse, M.M.Y. (2007). 結腸鏡檢查病人疼痛程度和焦慮水平的調查研究. 護理研究, 21(2), 402-403. 周會蘭, 蔣曉蓮, 謝敏儀. (2006). 視覺分散和視聽分散對接受結腸鏡檢查病人焦慮和接受性的影響. 中國循證醫學雜誌, 6(9), 1-11. 周會蘭, 蔣曉蓮, 謝敏儀, 朱丹. (2006). 視覺分散和視聽分散對接受結腸鏡檢病人焦慮和接受性的影響.中國循證醫學雜誌, 6(9), 630-634. Tse, M.Y.M. & Benzie, I.F.F. (2006) Personal perspective of a group of nursing students in Hong Kong on diet and health; implication for nurse education. Asian Journal of Nursing 9 (2), 74-77. Szeto, YT., Benzie, L.F.F., Collins, A.R., Choi, S.W., Cheng, C.Y., Yow, C.M.N., Tse, M.Y.M. (2005). A buccal cell model comet assay: Development and evaluation for human biomonitoring and nutritional studies. Mutation Research 578, 371-381. Tse, M.Y.M., Pun, S.P.Y., & Benzie, I.F.F. (2005). Affective images: relieving chronic pain and enhancing quality of life for older persons. CyberPsychology & Behavior 8 (6), 571-579. Tse, M.Y.M., Chan, M.F., & Benzie, I.F.F. (2005). The effect of music therapy on post-operative pain, heart rate, systolic blood pressures and analgesic use following nasal surgery. Journal of Pain & Palliative Care Pharmacotherapy 19 (3), 21-29. Tse, M.Y.M., Pun, S.P.Y., & Benzie, I.F.F. (2005). Pain relief strategies used by the older people with chronic pain: an exploratory survey for planning patient-centred intervention. Journal of Clinical Nursing 14, 315-320. Tse, M.Y.M. & Chan, B.S.H. (2004). Knowledge and attitudes in pain management: Hong Kong nurses' perspective. Journal of Pain & Palliative Care Pharmacotherapy 18 (1), 47-58. Tse, M.Y.M. & Benzie, I.F.F. (2004). Diet and health: a nursing perspective for the health of our ageing population. Nursing & Health Sciences 6 (3), 309-314. Tse, M.Y.M., Wong, F.K.Y. & To, T.S.S. (2004). Developing all-rounded graduates in nursing education. In S.W.C. Chan, V. Lopez, A.M. Wong & F.K.Y. Wong (Ed.). Evidence-based Nursing Education and Related Issues. Hong Kong: Ming Pao Publications Limited. (p. 178-193). ISBN. 962-8872-71-0 Tse, M.Y.M., Ng, J.K.F., & Chung, J.W.Y. (2003). Visual stimulation as pain relief for Hong Kong Chinese patients with leg ulcers. CyberPsychology & Behavior 6 (3), 315-320. Tse, M.Y.M., Pun, S.P.Y., & Benzie, I.F.F. (2003). Experiencing SARS: perspectives of the elderly and the health care professions in a nursing home in Hong Kong. Geriatric Nursing 24 (5), 266-269. Tse, M.Y.M., Ng, J.K.F., Chung, J.W.Y., & Wong, T.K.S. (2002). The effect of visual stimuli on pain threshold and tolerance. Journal of Clinical Nursing 11, 462-469. Tse, M.Y.M., Ng, J.K.F., Chung, J.W.Y., & Wong, T.K.S. (2002). The effect of visual stimulation via the eyeglass display and the perception of pain. CyberPsychology & Behavior 5 (1), 65-75. Tse, M.Y.M., Ng, J.K.F., Chung, J.W.Y., & Wong, T.K.S. (2002). The application of eyeglass displays in changing the perception of pain. In J.D. Westwood, H.M. Hoffman, R.A. Robb & D. Stredney (Eds.). Technology and Informatics. 85. Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 02/10. Amsterdam: IOS Press. (p. 532-535). |
Dr Elsie Yan
PhD in Psychology Assistant Professor The University of Hong Kong Research interests Elder abuse Mental health of older persons Dementia care Women's health Women's adjustment to reproductive loss |
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Discipline: Social Work Institution and Department: Department of Social Work and Social Administration The University of Hong Kong Office number: (+852) 3917 4373 |
Yan, E., Kwok, T., Tang, C., & Ho, F. (2007). Life satisfaction among personal care worker delivering dementia care in day care facilities. Social Work in Health Care, 46(1), 27-45.
Yan, E., & Tang, C. (2007). Spousal support as a resilience factor in mitigating Chinese women's grief reaction to reproductive loss. Journal of Psychology in Chinese Societies, 8(1), 27-45. Yan, E., Wong, A., Chan, W.M., & Kwok, T. (2006). Misconceptions about dementia and its implications for willingness to seek treatment and knowledge in dementia related information. The Hong Kong Practitioner, 28, 108-113 Yan, E. & Tang, C. (2004). Elder abuse by caregivers: A study of prevalence and risk factors in Hong Kong Chinese Families. Journal of Family Violence, 19 (5), 269-277. Yan, E. & Tang, C. (2003). Proclivity to Elder Abuse: A Community Study on Hong Kong Chinese. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 18, 999-1017 Yan, E. & Tang, C. (2003). The role of individual, interpersonal and organizational factors in mitigating burnout among elderly Chinese volunteers. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 18, 795-802. Tang, C., & Yan, E. (2004). Intention to participate in child sexual abuse prevention programs: A study of Chinese adults in Hong Kong. Child Abuse and Neglect, 28, 1187-1197. Kwok, T., Twinn, S., & Yan, E. (2007). Attitudes towards life sustaining treatment among family caregivers of older Chinese with dementia. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 58(3), 256-262. Cheung, F., Tang, C., & Yan, E., (2006). Factors influencing intention to continue volunteering: A study of older chinese in Hong Kong. Journal of Social Service Research, 32(4), 193-209 Wu, A., Tang, C., & Yan, E.. (2005). Post-retirement voluntary work and psychological functioning among older Chinese in Hong Kong. Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology, 20(1), 27-45. Wu, A., Tang, C., & Yan, E. (2004). Psychosocial factors associated with acceptance of old age home placement: A study of elderly Chinese in Hong Kong. Journal of Applied Gerontology, 23, 487-504. |
Dr Doris Yu
PhD, BSc, Registered Nurse Assoicate Professor The Chinese University of Hong Kong Research interests Long-term care Quality of life Psychological intervention Psychometric measurement Cardiovascular nursing |
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Discipline: Nursing Institution and Department: The Nethersole School of Nursing The Chinese University of Hong Kong Office number: (+852) 3943 4289 |
nternational Referred Journal
Yu D.S.F., Thompson DR, Yu CM, Oldridge N. (in press) Assessing health-related quality of life among Chinese patients with coronary heart disease: angina, myocardial infarction and heart failure. International Journal of Cardiology. (available on line 8 Jan 2008, doi10.1016/j.ijcard.2007.10.043) Yu, D.S.F., Lee, D.F.T., Hong, A.W.L., Lau, T.Y., Leung, E.M.F. (2008). Impact of oral health status on oral health-related quality of life in the Chinese hospitalized geriatric patients. Quality of Life Research, 17: 397-405. Yu D.S.F., Thompson DR, Yu CM, Oldridge N (2008). Validation of the Chinese version of the MacNew Heart Disease Health-related Quality of Life questionnaire. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 14(2): 326-35. Yu D.S.F., Thompson DR. (2008). Crucial characteristics of disease management programmes for patients with heart failure: a meta-regression analysis. International Journal of Cardiology 125 (Suppl1), S45-46. Yu D.S.F., Lee D.T.F., Kwong A, Thompson DR, Woo J. (2008). Living with chronic heart failure: A review of qualitative studies on older people. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 61 (5), 474-483. Yu D.S.F., Thompson DR (2008). Commentary on Kristofferzon M-L, Lofmark R & Carlsson M Striving for balance in daily life; Experiences of Swedish women and men shortly after a myocardial infarction. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 17(8): 1105-1106. Yu D.S.F., Lee D.F.T., Woo J (2007). The revolving door syndrome: The Chinese COPD patients' perspectives. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 16, 1758-1760. Yu D.S.F., Lee D.T.F., Woo J. (2007). Effects of relaxation therapy on psychological distress and symptom status in older Chinese people with heart failure. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 62, 427-437. Yu D.S.F. , Lee D.T.F., Woo J, Hui E. (2007). Non-pharmacological intervention for older patients with heart failure: Effects of exercise training and relaxation therapy. Gerontology, 53, 74-81. Yu D.S.F., Lee D.F.T., Woo J (2006). Psychological distress in elderly patients with congestive heart failure. Asian Journal of Gerontology and Geriatric,1, 93-98. Yu D.S.F., Thompson DR (2006). An unusual meta-regression approach with a high potential of misleading conclusion: Reply. European Heart Journal, 27, 1124-1125. Yu D.S.F., Thompson DR, Lee T.F.D.. (2006). Disease management programs for older people with heart failure: Crucial characteristics which improve post-discharge outcomes. European Heart Journal, 27, 596 – 612. Yu D.S.F. (2006). Relaxation therapy in patients with chronic heart failure: A randomized controlled trial. Circulation (Suppl), 14(18), II-517. Thompson DR, Oldridge N, Yu D.S.F., Yu C.M. (2006). Psychometric evaluation of two coronary heart disease HRQL questionnaires in Chinese patients. Circulation (Suppl), 14(18), II-701. Thompson DR, Yu D.S.F., Chair S.Y.. (2006). Cardiac nursing in Hong Kong: An overseas perspective. British Journal of Cardiac Nursing, 1, 589-94. Yu D.S.F., Thompson DR. (2006). Disease management programmes for heart failure: what make a difference? Journal of the Hong Kong College of Cardiology, 14(Supp 2), B2. Chan SY, Yu D.S.F., Lee D.T.F.. (2006). Predictors of psychological distress of patients after coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery. Journal of the Hong Kong College of Cardiology, 14(Supp 2), B4. Yu D.S.F., Thompson DR, Oldridge N, Yu C.M.. (2006). A psychometrically sound core health-related quality of life measure for patients with differential diagnosis of coronary heart disease. Journal of the Hong Kong College of Cardiology, 14(Supp 2), B9. Yu D.S.F. (2006). Predictors of psychological distress of older patients with chronic heart failure. European Heart Journal, 27 (Abstract Suppl), 387. Yu D.S.F., Lee D.T.F., Woo J (2006). A randomized controlled trial of relaxation therapy in patients with heart failure. Journal of the Hong Kong College of Cardiology, 14 (Suppl 1), A77. Yu D.S.F., Lee D.T.F., Woo J (2006). Psychometric assessment of the chronic heart failure questionnaire (Chinese version). Journal of the Hong Kong College of Cardiology, 14 (Suppl 1), A87. Tsang, Y.L., & Yu, S.F.D.. (2006). Correlates of psyschological distress in Chinese elderly patients with Type 2 diabetes mellitus. Hong Kong Medical Journal, 12, 6 (Suppl. 4), 76. Lee T.F.D., Yu D.S.F., Woo J (2005). Validation of the Chronic Heart Failure Questionnaire (Chinese version). Quality of Life Research, 15, 1421-1426 Lee T.F.D., Yu D.S.F., Woo J, Thompson DR (2005). Factors of health-related quality of life in patients with congestive heart failure. European Journal of Heart Failure, 7, 419 – 422. Lee T.F.D., Yu D.S.F., Woo J, Thompson DR (2005). Reliability and validity of the Medical Outcomes Study Social Support Survey. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 53, 920 – 921. Research Reports Thompson DR, Yu D.S.F., Oldridge N, Yu C.M. (2007). Translation and validation of two Chinese health-related quality of life instruments in patients with coronary heart (50 pages). Research Report: Hong Kong: Health Services Research Committee. Newsletter Yu D.S.F., Lee D.T.F.. (2008 April). Promoting oral health: A highly prioritized care in geriatric setting? Hong Kong Nurses Association of Gerontology Newsletter, 8, 2-4. Conference Abstracts and Proceedings Lee D.T.F., Yu D.S.F., Kwong ANL (2008). Coping with congestive heart failure: The Chinese older people's perspective. The 2008 International Conference "Healthy People for a Healthy World" (p.64). Bangkok, Mahidol University. Yu D.S.F., Lee D.T.F., Hong A., Lau A., Man C.W., Leung E.M.F. (2007). Oral health status and oral health-related quality of life of geriatric patients. The 8th Asia/ Oceania Regional Congress of Gerontology & Geriatrics (p. 120), Beijing, China. Tsang Y.L. & Yu D.S.F. (2007). Determinants of Psychological Distress in Chinese Older People with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Proceedings of the Hospital Authority Convention 2007: Innovating for Health (p.89). Hong Kong, Hong Kong Hospital Authority. Tsang Y.L., Yu D.S.F. (2006). Determinants of Psychological Distress in Chinese Older People with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Proceedings of the 14th Annual Congress of Gerontology (p.38). Hong Kong, Hong Kong Association of Gerontology. Yu D.S.F., Lee D.T.F., Woo J, (2006). The development and psychometric testing of the Chinese version of the Chronic Heart Failure Questionnaire (CHQ-C). Proceedings of the Conference on Quality of Life Research in Asia (p. 48). Hong Kong: Hong Kong Society for Quality of Life. Yu D.S.F., Lee D.T.F., Woo J, Thompson DR (2006). Correlates of health-related quality of life in Chinese patients with heart failure. Proceedings of the Conference on Quality of Life Research in Asia (p. 55). Hong Kong: Hong Kong Society for Quality of Life. Yu D.S.F., Lee T.F.D., Woo J (2005). Progressive muscle relaxation training: a randomized controlled trial. Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Gerontology (p. 483). Brazil: The International Association of Gerontology. |
CADENAZ Fellows 2008 | ||||
Dr Amy Chow
PhD, RSW, CT Associate Professor The University of Hong Kong Research interests Death Dying & bereavement End-of-life care Death education Suicide bereavement |
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Discipline: Social Work Institution and Department: Department of Social Work and Social Administration The University of Hong Kong Office number: (+852) 3917 5530 |
Peer-reviewed Journals:
Chow, A. Y. M. (2008). The role of hope in bereavement for Chinese people in Hong Kong. Manuscript submitted for publication. Chow, A.Y. M., Chan, C. L. W., & Ho, S. M. Y. (2007). The social sharing experiences of bereavement by Chinese bereaved persons in Hong Kong. Death Studies, 31(7), 601 – 618. Chan, T. H. Y, Chan, F. M. Y., Tin, A. F., Chow, A. Y. M., & Chan, L. W. Cecilia (2006-2007). Death preparation and anxiety: A survey in Hong Kong. Omega, 54(1), 67-78. Chow, A. Y. M., Chan, C. L. W., Ho, S. M. Y., Tse, D. M. W., Suen, M. H. P., & Yuen, K. F.K. (2006). Qualitative Study of Chinese Widows in Hong Kong. Palliative Medicine, 20 (5), 513-520. Chan, C. L. W., Ng, S. M., Ho, T. H. and Chow, A. Y. M. (2006). East meets West: applying Eastern spirituality in clinical practice, Journal of Clinical Nursing. 15(7): 822-832. Chan C. L. W., Ho, T. H., Fu ,W. and Chow, A. Y. M.(2006). Turning curses into blessings: An Eastern Approach to Psychosocial Oncology. Journal of Psychosocial Oncology. 24(4): 15-32. Chan. C. L. W., Chow, A. Y. M., Ho, S. M. Y., Tsui, K. Y. Y., Tin, F. A., Koo W. S. B. et al. (2005). The experience of Chinese bereaved persons: A preliminary study of meaning making and continuing bonds. Death Studies, 29 (10), 923-947. Ho, S. M. Y., Chow, A. Y. M., Chan, C. L. W. and Tsui, Y. K. Y. (2002) The Assessment of Grief Among Hong Kong Chinese : A Preliminary Report. Death Studies, 26: 91-98. Chan, C.L.W. and Chow, A.Y.M., (1998) An indigenous Psycho-educational Group for Chinese Bereaved Family Members. Hong Kong Journal of Social Work. 32 (1), p. 1-20. Book Chapters Chow, A. Y. M. & Chan. C. L. W. (2006). Introduction. In C. L. W. Chan & A. Y. M. Chow (Eds.), Death, dying and bereavement: The Hong Kong Chinese experience (pp. 1 -11). Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press. Chan. C. L. W. & Chow, A. Y. M. (2006). Our Memorial Quilt: Recollections of observations during clinical practice in the area of death, dying and bereavement. In C. L. W. Chan & A. Y. M. Chow (Eds.), Death, dying and bereavement: The Hong Kong Chinese experience (pp. 15-30). Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press. Chow, A. Y. M., Lo, S. F. J., Li, W. Y. W. , and Lai, Y. Y. C. (2006). Care for Chinese families with patients facing the impending death: Nurses' perspectives. In C. L. W. Chan & A. Y. M. Chow (Eds.), Death, dying and bereavement: The Hong Kong Chinese experience (pp. 225-239). Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press. Chow, A. Y. M., & Chan, C. L. W. (2006). Bereavement Care in Hong Kong: Past, Present and Future. In C. L. W. Chan & A. Y. M. Chow (Eds.), Death, dying and bereavement: The Hong Kong Chinese experience (pp. 253-260). Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press. Chow, A. Y. M. (2006). The Day After: The suicide bereavement experience of Chinese in Hong Kong. In C. L. W. Chan & A. Y. M. Chow (Eds.), Death, dying and bereavement: The Hong Kong Chinese experience. (pp. 293-310). Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press Chan, C. L. W. & Chow, A. Y. M. (2006). Conclusion. In C. L. W. Chan & A. Y. M. Chow (Eds.), Death, dying and bereavement: The Hong Kong Chinese experience (pp. 309-318). Hong Kong :Hong Kong University Press. Chan, C. L. W. C. and Chow, A. Y. M. (2005). 從『死別』到『善別』:香港喪親者的心路歷程 [From separation through death to good separation: The experience of Chinese bereaved persons]. In T. F. Cheung & M. Y. Leung (Eds.), 凝視死亡 [Gazing at death] (pp. 394 –404). Hong Kong: Chinese University Press. Chan, C. L.W., Chow, A. Y. M., & Ho, R. T. H. (2005). Transformation Intervention: Facilitating Growth after Loss and Grief of Cancer or Bereavement. In T. Heinonen & A. Metteri. (Eds.) Social Work in Health and Mental Health: Issues, Developments and Actions. Toronto: Canadian Scholars' Press, Inc. Chow, A. Y. M. and Chan, C. L.W. (2002). Qu Zhe Xian Zhong, Liu Zhe Xian Bie :Xing Gang Hua Ren Xian Bie Fu Dao de Kai Zhan. 『去者善終、留者善別』--- 香港華人善別輔導的開展. [Good ending for the deceased and good separation for the bereavement: The development of bereavement counseling services for Chinese in Hong Kong]. In S. M. Y. Ho., W. M. Lee., and S. M. Ng (Eds.), Hua Ren xin Lin Fu Dao Li Lun Yu Shi Qing Yan Jiu華人心理輔導理論與實踐研究 [The research of theories and practices in psychotherapy of Chinese] (pp. 245-255). Beijing: Min Zu Publisher. Chow, A. Y. M. (2002). Xian Bie Fu Dao: Yu Sang Qing Zhe Zhong Xing de Jing Yan 善別輔導--- 與喪親者共行的經驗. [Bereavement Counseling: The pathway with bereaved persons]. In C.L.W. Chan, S.M.Y. Ho, F.M. San, and A.M.P. Wong (Eds.), Hua Ren Wen Hua Yu Xin Lin Fu Dao Mo Si Tan Suo 華人文化與心理輔導模式探索[The exploration of the culture and model in psychotherapy of Chinese] (pp 236-244). Beijing:Min Zu Publisher. Edited Book Chan. C. L. W. & Chow, A. Y. M. (2006). Death, dying and bereavement: The Hong Kong Chinese experience. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press. |
Dr Esther Chow
BA (Hons), MSW, PhD, RSW Associate Professor City University of Hong Kong Research interests Positive ageing Self-help and mutual-aid Social support and coping Culture and resilience Gender & spirituality |
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Discipline: Social Work Institution and Department: Department of Applied Social Studies, City University of Hong Kong Office number: (+852) 2788 9609 |
Chow, E.O.W. (2007) Enriching the interpersonal relationships with older adults: Activity Manual (in Chinese). Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong. (ISBN: 978-962-442-289-4).
Cheung, C.K., & Chow, E.O.W. (2006) Spilling over strain between elders and their caregivers in Hong Kong. International Journal of Ageing and Human Development, 61(1), 73-93. (ISSN: 0091-4150). Chow, E.O.W. (2006) Resilience among stroke survivors: The experience of Hong Kong Chinese women. [Unpublished PhD Thesis]. Hong Kong: Department of Social Work and Social Administration, University of Hong Kong. Yeung, A.K.C., Cheung, C.K., & CHOW, E.O.W. (2003) A study of the elements of community care for promotion of the total quality of life of care providers and physically frail seniors in Hong Kong, Final Report (ISBN: 962-442-181-1). Chan, C.L.W., HO, P.S.Y., & CHOW, E.O.W. (2001) A body-mind-spirit model in health: An eastern approach, Social Work in Health Care, 34(3/4), 216-282 (ISSN: 0098-1389). |
Dr Jenny Chung
PhD Occupational Therapy The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Research interests Cognitive processes of the aging brain Therapeutic intervention for dementia and MCI Validation of clinical measures |
Contact | Publications
Chung, J.C.C., & Man, W.K. (2009). Self-appraised, Informant-reported, and Objective Memory and Cognitive Function in Mild Cognitive Impairment. Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders, 27, 187-193 (DOI: 10.1159/000200467)
Chung, J.C.C. (2009). Clinical validity of Fuld Object Memory Evaluation to screen for dementia in a Chinese society. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 24, 156-162 Chung, J.C.C., & Lai, C.K.Y. (2008). Snoezelen for dementia. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2008, Issue 2. Art. No.: CD003152. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD003152 Chu, T.K.C, & Chung, J.C.C. (2008). Psychometric evaluation of the Chinese version of Activities of Daily Living Questionnaire. International Psychogeriatrics, 20(6), 1251-1261. Chung, J.C.C. (online publication on 14 Dec 2008). An intergenerational reminiscence program for older adults with early dementia and youth volunteers: values and challenges. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences. Chung, J.C.C., Chan, T.Y.P., & Lee, I.W.S. (2007). Using sensory-based intervention to manage maladaptive behaviors in dementia. Asian Journal of Geriatrics and Gerontology, 2(2), 107-110. Chung, J.C.C. (2006). Care needs assessment of older Chinese individuals with dementia of Hong Kong. Aging and Mental Health, 10(6), 631-637. Chung, J.C.C. (2006). Measuring sensory processing patterns of Older Chinese People: Psychometric validation of the Adult Sensory Profile. Aging and Mental Health, 10(6), 648-655. Chan, V.W.K., Chung, J.C.C., & Packer, T.P. (2006) Validity and reliability of the Activity Card Sort – Hong Kong Chinese version. OTJR: Occupation, Participation and Health, 26(4), 152-158. Chung, J.C.C. (2004). Activity engagement and wellbeing of people with dementia in long-term care settings. OTJR: Occupation, Participation and Health, 24(1), 22-31. Chung, J.C.C. (2003). How do older people react to severe acute respiratory syndrome? Journal of American Geriatrics Society, 51, 8, 1183-1184. Chung, J.C.C. (2000). Lay interpretation of dementia. International Psychogeriatrics, 12(3), 369-377. |
Dr Chi Wai Do
BSc(Hons), PhD Associate Professor The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Research interests Pathophysiology of glaucoma & myopia Clinical drug trials |
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Discipline: Optometry Institution and Department: School of Optometry The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Office number: (+852) 2766 6090 |
Peer-reviewed papers
Do C.W., Civan MM. Species variation in biology and physiology of the ciliary epithelium: similarities and differences. Exp Eye Res. solicited review, In press. McLaughlin CW, Karl MO, Zellhuber-Mcmillan S, Wang Z, Do C.W., Leung CT, Li A, Stone RA, Macknight AD, Civan MM. Electron probe x-ray microanalysis of intact pathway for human aqueous humor outflow. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. In press. Siu AW, Lau MK, Cheng JS, Chow CK, Tam WC, Li KK, Lee KL, To SS, To CH, Do C.W.. Glutamate-induced retinal lipid and protein damage: the protective effects of catechin. Neurosci Lett. 432:193-7, 2008. Wang Z, Do C.W., Avila MY, Stone RA, Jacobson KA, Civan MM. Barrier qualities of the mouse eye to topically applied drugs. Exp Eye Res. 85:105-12, 2007. Do C.W., Kong CW, Chan CY, Lam C, To CH. Aqueous humor formation and its regulation by nitric oxide (NO) – a mini review. Neuroembryol Aging. 4:8-12, 2007. Wang Z, Do C.W., Avila MY, Stone RA, Civan MM. Refinements of invasive and non-invasive mouse intraocular pressure measurements (letter). Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2006. Do C.W., Peterson-Yantorno K, Civan MM. Swelling-activated Cl- channels support Cl- secretion by bovine ciliary epithelium. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 47:2576-82, 2006. Do C.W., Civan MM. Chloride channels in aqueous humor formation: on the one side and the other. Acta Physiol (Oxf). 187:345-52, 2006. Avila MY, Múnera A, Guzmán A, Do C.W., Wang Z, Stone RA, Civan MM. Non-invasive intraocular pressure measurements in mice by pneumotonometry. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 46:3274-80, 2005. Do C.W., Lu W, Mitchell CH, Civan MM. Inhibition of swelling-activated Cl- currents by functional anti-ClC-3 antibody in native bovine non-pigmented ciliary epithelial cells. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 46:948-55, 2005. Do C.W., Peterson-Yantorno K, Mitchell CH, Civan MM. cAMP-activated maxi-Cl- channels in native bovine pigmented ciliary epithelial cells. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. 287:C1003-11, 2004. Do C.W., Kong CW, To CH. cAMP inhibits transepithelial chloride secretion across bovine ciliary body / epithelium. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 45:3638-43, 2004. Do C.W., Civan MM. Basis of chloride transport in ciliary epithelium. J Membr Biol. 200:1-13, 2004. Conference proceedings Avila MY, Do C.W., Wang Z, Jacobson KA, Jeong LS, Stone RA, Civan MM. Adenosine A3 receptors and reduction of intraocular pressure. XVIII International Congress of Eye Research, Beijing, China, 2008. Do C.W., Wang Z, Valiunas V, Clark AF, Wax MB, Chatterton JE, Civan MM. Regulation of gap-junction coupling in bovine ciliary epithelium. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO). E-Abstract 2103, 2008. Wang Z, Do C.W., Avila MY, Peterson K, Stone RA, Gao ZG, Jeong LS, Jacobson KA, Civan MM. A novel cross-species antagonist to A3 adenosine receptors lowers mouse intraocular pressure measured non-invasively. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO). E-Abstract 356, 2008. Do C.W., Wang Z, Valiunas V, Civan MM. Monitoring of gap-junctional coupling in bovine ciliary epithelium by dual whole-cell patch-clamping and lucifer yellow fluorescence microscopy. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO). E-Abstract 2813, 2007. Wang Z, Do C.W., Avila MY, Stone RA, Gao ZG, Joshi B, Jeong LS, Jacobson KA, Civan MM. Barrier qualities of the mouse eye to topically applied drugs. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO). E-Abstract 5830, 2007. Do C.W., Wang Z, Peterson-Yantorno K, Civan MM. Chloride channels and aqueous humor formation: where, why, how? XVII International Congress of Eye Research, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2006. Wang Z, Do C.W., Goodenough DA, Civan MM. Role of Cx43 gap junctions in determining intraocular pressure. The 5th Annual Biomedical Postdoctoral Research Symposium of University of Pennsylvania, 2006. Li KK, Lam TC, Chun RKM, Do C.W., Lo SCL, Guggenheim JA, To CH. Differential protein expression in form deprived chick retina. 11th International Myopia Conference, Singapore, 2006. Do C.W., Peterson-Yantorno K, Civan MM. Swelling-activated Cl- channels support Cl- secretion by bovine ciliary epithelium. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO). E-Abstract 2903, 2006. Wang Z, Do C.W., Stone RA, Jacobson KA, Civan MM. Novel cross-species antagonists to A3 adenosine receptors (AR) lower mouse intraocular pressure. The 4th Annual Biomedical Postdoctoral Research Symposium of University of Pennsylvania, 2005. Do C.W., Lu WN, Mitchell CH, Civan MM. Functional and molecular characterization of swelling-activated Cl- currents in native bovine non-pigmented ciliary epithelial cells. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO). E-Abstract 3323, 2005. Civan MM, Peterson-Yantorno K, Do C.W.. Activation of PKC modulates Cl- release by non-pigmented ciliary epithelial cells. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO). E-Abstract 3321, 2005. Do C.W., Civan MM. Effects of anti-CIC-3 antibody on swelling-activated Cl- channels in native bovine nonpigmented ciliary epithelial (NPE) cells. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO). E-Abstract 418, 2004. Civan MM, Do C.W., Mitchell CH. Regulation of Cl- reabsorption by pigmented ciliary epithelial cells: effects of ATP and cytoplasmic Cl- concentration. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO). E-Abstract 419, 2004. Do C.W., Peterson-Yantorno K, Civan MM. Functional inhibition of swelling-activated Cl- currents (ICl,swell) by anti-ClC-3 antibody in native bovine nonpigmented ciliary epithelial cells. The 3rd Annual Biomedical Postdoctoral Research Symposium of University of Pennsylvania, 2004. Do C.W., Peterson-Yantorno K, Mitchell CH, Civan MM. cAMP-activated Maxi-Cl- channels in native bovine pigmented ciliary epithelial cells: implications for net secretion of the aqueous humor. XVI International Congress of Eye Research, Sydney, Australia, 2004. To CH, Kong CW, Do C.W.. Is there a species difference in the mechanism of aqueous humour formation? XVI International Congress of Eye Research, Sydney, Australia, 2004. Do C.W., Peterson-Yantorno K, Mitchell CH, Civan MM. cAMP-activated maxi-Cl- channels in native bovine pigmented ciliary epithelial cells: implications on the net secretion of aqueous humor. J Gen Physiol. 122(1):97, 2003. Do C.W., Peterson-Yantorno K, Mitchell CH, Civan MM. Cyclic AMP activates maxi-Cl- channels in freshly dissociated bovine pigmented ciliary epithelial cells. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO). E-Abstract 3452, 2003. Do C.W., Peterson-Yantorno K, Mitchell CH, Civan MM. cAMP-activated Maxi-Cl- channels in native bovine pigmented ciliary epithelial (PE) cells: implications for net secretion of aqueous humor. The 2nd Annual Biomedical Postdoctoral Research Symposium of University of Pennsylvania, 2003. Book chapter Do C.W., Kong CW, Chan CY, Civan MM, To CH. Mechanisms of aqueous humor formation: cellular model of aqueous inflow. In: Tombran-Tink J, Barnstable CJ, eds. Ocular transporters in ophthalmic diseases and drug delivery. Humana Press, 2008. |
Dr Kee Chea Su
BSc, MA, PhD Associate Professor The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Research interests Mechanism underlying refractive development Effects of nutrients on cataract progression |
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Discipline: Optometry Institution and Department: School of Optometry The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Office number: (+852) 2766 7941 |
Smith EL III, Hung L-F, Kee C., Qiao-Gridder Y, Ramamirtham R. (2003) Continuous ambient lighting and lens compensation in infant monkeys. Optometry and Vision Science; 80(5): 374-82.
Kee C., Hung L-F, Qiao Y, & Smith EL III. (2003) Astigmatism in monkeys reared with cylindrical lens. Vision Res; 43: 2721-2739. Kee C., Hung L-F, Qiao Y, & Smith EL III. (2004) Effects of astigmatism on emmetropization in infant monkeys. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci; 45: 1647-1659. Qiao-Grider Y, Hung L-F, Kee C., Ramamirtham R. & Smith EL III (2004). Recovery from form deprivation myopia in rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta). Invest Ophthalmol & Vis Sci; 45: 3361-3372. Kee C., Hung L-F, Qiao-Grider Y, Ramamirtham R & Smith EL III. (2005) Astigmatism in monkeys with experimentally induced myopia or hyperopia. Optom Vis Sci; 82, 248-260. Smith EL III, Kee C., Ramamirtham R, Qiao-Grider Y & Hung L-F. (2005) Peripheral vision can influence eye growth and refractive development in infant monkeys. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci; 46, 3965-72. Wensveen JM, Harwerth RS, Hung L-F, Ramamirtham R, Kee C., Smith EL III. (2006) Brief daily periods of unrestricted vision can prevent form-deprivation amblyopia. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci;47, 2468-2477. Ramamirtham R, Kee C., Hung L-F, Qiao-Grider Y, Roorda A, Smith EL III. (2006) Monochromatic ocular wave aberrations in young monkeys. Vision Res; 46(21):3616-3633. Kee C., Hung L-F, Qiao-Grider Y et al. Temporal constraints on experimental emmetropization in infant monkeys. Invest Ophthalmol & Vis Sci 2007:48(3):957-962. Qiao-Grider Y, Hung L-F, Kee C., Ramamirtham R, Smith EL III. Normal ocular development in young rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta). Vision Research 2007;47:1424-1444. Qiao-Grider Y, Hung L-F, Kee C., Ramamirtham R, Smith EL III. A comparison of refractive development between two subspecies of infant rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta). Vision Research 2007;47:1668-1681. Ramamirtham R, Kee C., Hung L-F, Qiao-Grider Y, Huang J, Roorda A & Smith EL III. Wave aberrations in rhesus monkeys with vision-induced ametropias. Vision Res. 2007; 47: 2751-66. Smith EL III, Ramamirtham R, Qiao-Grider Y, Hung L-F, Huang J, Kee C., Coats D & Paysse E. Effects of foveal ablation on emmetropization and form-deprivation myopia. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2007; 48: 3914-22. Kee C., Deng L. Astigmatism associated with experimentally induced myopia and hyperopia in chickens. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2008; 49: 858-867. |
Dr Claudia Lai
BHS, MN, PhD, PRegDip, RM, RN, SCM, SRN Professor The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Research interests Gerontological nursing Cognitive impairment Long-term care Use of information technology in care Quality standards in residential care |
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Discipline: Nursing Institution and Department: School of Nursing The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Office number: (+852) 2766 6544 |
Year 2008
Fung, O., Loke, A. & Lai, C. (2008). Disaster Preparedness among Hong Kong Nurses. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 62(6), 698-703. Lai, C.K.Y. & Chung, J.C.C. (2008). Caregivers' informational needs on dementia and dementia care. Asian Journal of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 2(2), 78-87. Lai, C.K.Y. & Wong, I.Y.C. (2008). Families' perspectives on the use of physical restraints. Contemporary Nurse, 27, 177-184. Lai, C.K.Y. (2008). Prospects for Future Multi-disciplinary Collaboration. Perspectives in Nursing Science, 9-18. Year 2007 Chow, S.K.Y., Lai, C.K.Y., Wong, T.K.S., Suen, K.P.S., Kong, S.K.F., Chan, C.K. & Wong, I.Y.C. (2007). Evaluation of the Morse Fall Scale: Applicability in Chinese hospital populations. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 44, 556-565. Chung, J.C.C. & Lai, C.K.Y. (2007). Snoezelen for dementia (Review). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 1, 1-34 Lai, K.Y. (2007). Nurses using physical restraints: Are the accused also the victims? - A study using focus group interviews. BioMedical Central (BMC) Nursing, 6, 5 (http://www.biomedcentral.com/1472-6955/6/5 Lai, K.Y., Yeung, J., Mok, V. & Chi, I. (2007). Special care units for dementia individuals with behavioural problems (Protocol). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2, 1 (http://www.mrw.interscience.wiley.com/cochrane/clsysrev/articles/CD006470/frame.html) Mok, E., Lai, C., Wong, F.L.F. & Wan, P. (2007). Living with early-stage dementia: the perspective of older Chinese people. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 59(6), 591-600. 張紅霞、鄭碧霞、胡利君、張碧影、陳素文、賴錦玉、張明耀 (2007) 。急診室護理活動時間分配的調查. 解放軍護理雜誌, 第24卷第3期(總第111期), 34-36。 Year 2006 Lai, C.K.Y. (2006). Wandering. In Schulz, R., (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Aging (4th Edition), 2, Springer, New York, 1220-1225. Lai, C.K.Y., Chan, M.H., Szeto, S.S.L., Law, A.K.Y., Cheng, Y.M., Chan, T.M.F. & Leung, V.W.M. (2006). A retrospective study on the outcomes of a collaborative restraint reduction project by a residential home for older people and a hospital-based community geriatric assessment service. Hong Kong Nursing Journal, 42(1), 23-31. Lai, K.Y. (2006). Commentary on Sung H-C, Chang S-M & Tsai C-S (2005) Working in long-term care settings for older people with dementia: nurses' aides. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 15, 1466-1467 (Invited commentary on a research paper) Suen, L.K.P., Lai, C.K.Y., Wong, T.K.S., Chow, S.K.Y., Kong, S.K.F., Ho, J.Y.L., Kong, T.K., Leung, J.S.C. & Wong, I.Y.C. (2006). Use of physical restraints in rehabilitation settings: staff knowledge, attitudes and predictors. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 55(1), 20-28. 張紅霞, 賴錦玉, 陳素文, 胡利君, 鄭碧霞, 張碧影, 張明耀 (2006). 以護理工作量探討急診室. 中國實用護理雜誌, 22(10C), 1-3 Year 2005 Chung, J.C.C. & Lai, C.K.Y. (2005). Snoezelen for dementia. The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, On-line (1). Lai, C K. Y. Global aging and dementia care: its relevance to the education of future nurses (2005). Hong Kong Society for Nursing Education Newsletter, May, 3-4. Wong, I. Y. C. & Lai, C. K. Y. (2005). Recruitment of elderly patients for research and data collection in rehabilitation settings – experiences from a study on physical restraint reduction. Asian Journal of Nursing Studies, 8(1), 49-55. 賴錦玉 (2005). 編輯小組 -- 「優質服務的實踐分享系列2004-2005分享會彙編﹕感染控制措施於安老院會之實踐」。香港社會服務聯會出版。 Year 2004 Chung, J.W.Y., Wong, T.K.S., Chang, K.K.P., Chow, C.B., Chung, B.P.M., Chung, G., #Ho, S., Ho, J.S.C., Lai, C.K.Y., Lai, A., Lam, V.S.F., Lau, J., Liu, J., Mok, E. & Wong, D. (2004). Rapid assessment of a helpdesk service supporting Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome patients and their relatives. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 13, 748-755. Lai, C.K.Y. & 何貴英 (2004). 敬老、護老、不虐老。香港老年痴呆症協會3月季刊, 8-10. Lai, C.K.Y., Chi, I. & Kayser-Jones, J. (2004). A randomized controlled trial of a specific reminiscence approach to promote the well-being of nursing home residents with dementia. International Psychogeriatrics, 16(1), 33-49. Lai, C.K.Y., Chung, J.C.C., Wong, T.K.S., Faulkner, L.W., Ng, L.H.M. & Lau, L.K.P. (2004). Missing older persons with dementia – a Hong Kong vie. Hong Kong Journal of Social Work, 37(2), 239-245. Lai, C.K.Y., Lau, L.K.P., Ng, L., Faulkner, L.W., Chung, J.C.C. & Wong, T.K.S. (2004). Cross cultural validation: The Chinese version of the clinical dementia rating scale. Asian Journal of Nursing Studies, 7(1), 36-41. Lai, K.Y., Arthur, D. & Chau, W.H. (2004). The implication of internet growth on enhancing health of disadvantaged groups in China, from a global perspective. International Journal of Older People Nursing, 13 (6b), 68-73. Mok, E., Lai, C. & Zhang, Z.X. (2004). Coping with chronic renal failure in Hong Kong. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 41(2), 205-213. Year 2003 Arthur, D. & Lai, C. (2003). Depression. In R. Hudson (Eds.), Dementia Nursing: A Guide to Practice, Ausmed Publications, Melbourne, 174-183. ISBN 0-9579876-5-X Chung, J.C.C. & Lai, C.K.Y. (2003). Addressing the informational needs of healthcare professionals in dementia care: an exploratory study in Chinese society. Aging and Mental Health, 7(4), 287-293. Chung, J.C.C., Lai, C.K.Y., Chung, B.P.M. & French, H.P. (2003). Snoezelen for dementia. The Cochrane Library, 1(1), 000-001 Lai, C. & Arthur, D. (2003). Wandering behaviour. In R. Hudson (Eds.), Dementia Nursing: A Guide to Practice, Ausmed Publications, Melbourne 70-82. Lai, C. K.Y. & Arthur, D. G. (2003). Wandering behaviour in people with dementia. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 44(2), 173-182. Lai, C., Kong, S., Chow, S., Lee, J. & Lok, C. (2003). A restraint reduction program in a local old age home. Asian Journal of Nursing Studies, 6(2), 1-10 Lai, C.K.Y. & Wan, S.H.K. (Aug 2003). A web-based resource for dementia care. Hong Kong Psychogeriatric Association Newsletter, 7-8. Lai, C.K.Y. (2003) 如何決定痴呆(失智)症的後期患者應否接受管飼. 香港老年痴呆症協會9月季刊 4-6. Lai, C.K.Y. (2003) 科技信息的挑戰系護理工作的影響. 中華護理雜誌, 第38卷(第8期), 664-666. |
Dr Lisa Low
MPhil, BN, RHV, RN Professional Consultant The Chinese University of Hong Kong Research interests Gerontology & long-term care Residential care homes Caring practices |
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Discipline: Nursing Institution and Department: The Nethersole School of Nursing The Chinese University of Hong Kong Office number: (+852) 3943 8182 |
Lee, C.Y., Low, L.P.L., & Twinn, S. (2008). Older people's experiences of sleep in the hospital: disruptions and remedies. The Open Sleep Journal, 1, 29-33.
Li, F.L.W., Low, L.P.L., & Lee, D.T.F. (2007). Coping with stress incontinence: Women's experiences of everyday inconveniences. International Journal of Urological Nursing, 1(3), 112-119. Low, L.P.L., Lee, D.T.F., & Chan, A.W.Y. (2007). An exploratory study of Chinese older people's perceptions of privacy in residential care homes. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 57(6), 605-613. Li, F.L.W., Low, L.P.L., & Lee, D.T.F. (2007). Chinese women's experiences in coping with urinary incontinence. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 16(3), 610-612. Lee, C.Y., Low, L.P.L., & Twinn, S. (2007). Older men's experiences of sleep in the hospital. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 16(2), 336-343. Lee, D.T.F., Low, L.P.L., & Chan, A.W.Y. (2006). Privacy in residential care homes: perceptions of Chinese older residents. Chinese Journal of Nursing, 41(12), 1090-1093. Lee, C.Y., Low, L.P.L., & Twinn, S. (2005). Understanding the sleep needs of older hospitalized patients – a review of the literature. Contemporary Nurse, 20(2), 212-220. Low, L.P.L., Lui, M.H.L., Lee, D.T.F., Thompson, D.R., Chau, J.P.C. (2005). Opening up the discussion of 'sexuality' of older people in residential care. HKSAR: Hong Kong Nurses Association of Gerontology Newsletter, September 2005, Issue no. 2, 3-5. Low, L.P.L., Lui, M.H.L., Lee, D.T.F., Thompson, D.R., & Chau, J.P.C. (2005). Promoting awareness of sexuality of older people in residential care. The Electronic Journal of Human. Kwok, W.W.Y., Chau, J.P.C., Low, L.P.L., & Thompson, D.R. (2005). The reliability and validity of therapeutic activity index. Journal of Critical Care, 20(3), 257-263. |
Dr Siu Man Ng
BHSc, MSc, PhD Associate Professor The University of Hong Kong Research interests Chinese medicine & traditional Chinese philosophies in mental health Irritable bowel syndrome Chronic fatigue syndrome |
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Discipline: Psychiatric Social Work & Chinese Medicine Institution and Department: Department of Social Work and Social Administration The University of Hong Kong Office number: (+852) 3917 4370 |
Ng, S. M., Li, A. M., Lou, V. W. Q., Tso, I. F., Wan, P. Y. P., & Chan, D. F. Y. (2008). Incorporating family therapy into asthma group intervention: a randomized waitlist-controlled trial. Family Process, 47(1), 115-130.
Ng, S. M., Chan, C. L. W., Leung, P. P. Y., Chan, C. H. Y., & Yau, J. K. Y. (2008). Beyond survivorship: Achieving a harmonious dynamic equilibrium using a Chinese medicine framework in health and mental health. Social Work in Mental Health, 7(1-3), 1-20. Ng, S. M. (2007). Stagnation syndrome: a traditional Chinese medicine concept. Private Practice(2), 5-7. (An invited article for National Association of Social Work Newsletter, USA) Ng, S. M., Chan, C. L. W., Ho, D. Y. F., Wong, Y. Y., & Ho, R. T. H. (2006). Stagnation as a distinct clinical syndrome: comparing 'Yu' (stagnation) in traditional Chinese medicine with depression. British Journal of Social Work, 36, 467-484. Ng, S. M., Chan, T. H. Y., Chan, C. L. W., Lee, A. M., Yau, J. K. Y., Chan, C. H. Y., et al. (2006). Group debriefing for people with chronic diseases during the SARS pandemic: strength-focused and meaning-oriented approach for resilience and transformation (SMART). Community Mental Health, 42(1), 53-63. |
Dr Parco Siu
CBiol MIBiol, PhD, MPhil, BSc(Hons) Associate Professor The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Research interests Skeletal & cardiac muscle physiology Exercise science/physiology & sports medicine Apoptosis and oxidative stress |
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Discipline: Exercise Physiology Institution and Department: Department of Health Technology and Informatics The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Office number: (+852) 3400 8593 |
Publication – Book Chapter
* Corresponding Author Siu P.M.* and Alway SE. Denervation-induced apoptosis and oxidative stress in skeletal muscle. In Free Radicals in Biology and Medicine. Research Signpost Publisher 2008. Publication – Peer Reviewed Indexed Full-Paper (Total of 27) Chen YJ, Wong SH, Chan CO, Wong CK, Lam CW, and Siu P.M.. Effect of glycemic index meal and CHO-electrolyte drink on cytokine response and run performance. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport. In press (Impact Factor2006 1.2; Rank 36/73 in Sport Sciences category) Siu P.M.* and Alway SE. Response and adaptation of skeletal muscle to denervation stress: The role of apoptosis in muscle loss (Invited review paper). Frontiers in Bioscience. In press. (Impact Factor2006 2.8; Rank 113/262 in Biochemistry & Molecular Biology category) Chen YJ, Wong SH, Wong CK, Lam CW, Huang YJ, and Siu P.M.. The effect of a pre-exercise carbohydrate meal on immune responses to endurance performance run. British Journal of Nutrition, 9: 1-9, 2008. (Impact Factor2005 3.0; Rank 9/53 in Nutrition & Dietetics category) Wong SH, Siu P.M., Lok A, Chen YJ, Morris J, and Lam CW. Effect of the glycaemic index of pre-exercise carbohydrate meals on running performance. European Journal of Sport Science, 8(1): 23-33, 2008. Chen YJ, Wong SH, Wong CK, Lam CW, Huang YJ, and Siu P.M.. Effect of pre-exercise meals with different glycemic indices and glycemic loads on metabolic responses and endurance running performance. International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, 18: 281-300, 2008. (Impact Factor2005 1.0; Rank 35/70 in Sport Sciences category) Degens H , Swisher AK, Heijdra YF, Siu P.M., Dekhuijzen PNR, and Alway SE. Apoptosis and Id2 expression are increased in the diaphragm and soleus muscle from the emphysematous hamster. American Journal of Physiology: Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology,293(1): R135-144, 2007. (Impact Factor2006 3.7; Rank 18/78 in Physiology category) Siu P.M., Bae S, Bodyak N, Rigor D, and Kang PM. Response of caspase-independent apoptotic factors to high salt diet-induced heart failure. Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology, 42(3): 678-686, 2007. (Impact Factor2006 4.9; Rank 6/74 in Cardiac & Cardiovascular Systems category) Pistilli EE, Siu P.M., and Alway SE. Interleukin-15 responses to aging and unloading-induced skeletal muscle atrophy. American Journal of Physiology: Cell Physiology, 292(4): 1298-1304, 2007. (Impact Factor2006 4.3; Rank 10/78 in Physiology category) Siu P.M. and Alway SE. Deficiency of the Bax gene attenuates denervation-induced apoptosis. Apoptosis, 11(6): 967-981, 2006. (Impact Factor2006 3.4) Pistilli EE, Siu P.M., and Alway SE. Molecular regulation of apoptosis in fast plantaris muscles of aged rats. Journal of Gerontology: Biological Sciences,61(3): 245-255, 2006. (Impact Factor2006 2.9; Rank 10/30 in Geriatrics & Gerontology category) Siu P.M. and Alway SE. Aging alters the reduction of pro-apoptotic signaling in response to loading-induced hypertrophy. Experimental Gerontology, 41(2): 175-188, 2006. (Impact Factor2006 2.9; Rank 8/30 in Geriatrics & Gerontology category) Siu P.M., Pistilli EE, Murlasits Z, and Alway SE. Hindlimb unloading increases muscle content of cytosolic but not nuclear Id2 and p53 proteins in young adult and aged rats. Journal of Applied Physiology, 100(3): 907-916, 2006. (Impact Factor2006 3.2; Rank 2/73 in Sport Sciences category) Alway SE, Siu P.M., Murlasits Z, and Butler DC. Muscle hypertrophy models: applications for research on aging (Invited review paper). Canadian Journal of Applied Physiology, 30(5): 591-624, 2005. (Impact Factor2005 1.1) Siu P.M., Pistilli EE, Ryan MJ, and Alway SE. Aging sustains the hypertrophy-associated elevation of apoptotic suppressor X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis protein (XIAP) in skeletal muscle during unloading. Journal of Gerontology: Biological Sciences, 60(8): 976-983, 2005. (Impact Factor2005 3.5) Siu P.M. and Alway SE. Subcellular responses of p53 and Id2 in fast and slow skeletal muscles in response to stretch-induced overload. Journal of Applied Physiology, 99(5): 1897-1904, 2005. (Impact Factor2005 3.0) Siu P.M. and Alway SE. Age-related apoptotic responses to stretch-induced overload in quail slow-tonic skeletal muscle. American Journal of Physiology: Cell Physiology, 289(5): C1105-1113, 2005. (Impact Factor2005 3.9) Siu P.M., Pistilli EE, and Alway SE. Apoptotic responses to hindlimb suspension in gastrocnemius muscles from young adult and aged rats. American Journal of Physiology: Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology,289(4): R1015-1026, 2005. (Impact Factor2005 3.8) Siu P.M., Bryner RW, Murlasits Z, and Alway SE. Response of XIAP, ARC, and FLIP apoptotic suppressors to 8-weeks of treadmill running in rat heart and skeletal muscle. Journal of Applied Physiology,99(1): 204-209, 2005. (Impact Factor2005 3.0) Siu P.M. and Alway SE. Activated mitochondrial apoptotic signalling in denervated rat skeletal muscle. Journal of Physiology, 565: 309-323, 2005. (Impact Factor2005 4.3) Siu P.M. and Alway SE. Id2 and p53 participate in apoptosis during unloading-induced muscle atrophy. American Journal of Physiology: Cell Physiology, 288(5): C1058-1073, 2005 (Impact Factor2005 3.9) Siu P.M., Pistilli EE, Butler DC, and Alway SE. Aging influences the cellular and molecular responses of apoptosis to skeletal muscle unloading. American Journal of Physiology: Cell Physiology, 288(2): C338-349, 2005 (Impact Factor2005 3.9) Siu P.M., Bryner RW, Martyn JK, and Alway SE. Apoptotic adaptations from exercise training in skeletal and cardiac muscles. FASEB Journal 18(10): 1150-1152, 2004. (Impact Factor2003 7.2) Siu P.M., Donley DA, Bryner RW, and Alway SE. Myogenin and oxidative enzyme gene expression levels are elevated in rat soleus muscles after endurance training. Journal of Applied Physiology 97(1): 277-285, 2004. (Impact Factor2003 3.0) Siu P.M. and Wong SH. Use of glycemic index: effects on feeding patterns and exercise performance (Review paper). Journal of Physiological Anthropology and Applied Human Science 23(1): 1-6, 2004. Siu P.M., Wong SH, Morris JG, Lam CW, Chung PK, and Chung S. Effect of frequency of carbohydrate feedings on recovery and subsequent run. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 36(2): 315-323, 2004. (Impact Factor2003 2.6) Siu P.M., Donley DA, Bryner RW, and Alway SE. Response of citrate synthase expression and enzymatic activity to endurance training in skeletal and cardiac muscles. Journal of Applied Physiology 94(2): 555-560, 2003. (Impact Factor2003 3.0) |
CADENAZ Fellows 2009 | ||||
Dr Allen Cheong
PhD Assistant Professor The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Research interests Geriatric optometry Low vision rehabilitation and intervention Functional performances in people with normal and low vision |
Email: allen.my.cheong @polyu.edu.hk Discipline: Optometry Institution and Department: School of Optometry The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Office number: (+852) 2766 6108 |
Cheong AMY, Bowers AR and Lovie-Kitchin JE (2009). Does a line guide improve reading performance with stand magnifiers? Optometry and Vision Science 86, E1078-1085.
Kwon M, Legge GE, Fang F, Cheong AMY and He S. (2009). Adaptive changes in visual cortex following prolonged contrast reduction. Journal of Vision 9, 20, 1-16, http://journalofvision.org/9/2/20/, doi:10.1167/9.2.20. Cheong AMY, Geruschat GR and Congdon, NG (2008). Traffic gap judgment in people with significant peripheral field loss. Optometry and Vision Science 85, 26-36 (Featured article). Cheong AMY, Legge GE, Lawrence MG, Cheung SH and Ruff MA (2008). Relationship between visual span and reading performance in Age-Related Macular Degeneration. Vision Research 48, 577-588. Cheung SH, Kallie C, Legge GE and Cheong AMY (2008). Nonlinear mixed effects modeling of MNREAD data. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 49:828-835. Legge GE, Madison C, Vaughn B, Cheong AMY and Miller J (2008). Retention of high tactile acuity throughout the lifespan in blindness. Perception and Psychophysics 70, 1471-1488. Bowers AR, Cheong AMY and Lovie-Kitchin JE (2007). Reading with optical magnifiers: page navigation strategies and difficulties. Optometry and Vision Science 84, 9-20 (Featured article). Cheong AMY, Legge GE, Lawrence MG, Cheung SH and Ruff MA (2007). Relation between slow visual processing and reading speed in people with macular degeneration. Vision Research 47, 2943-2955. Cheong AMY, Lovie-Kitchin JE, Bowers AR and Brown B (2005). Short-term in office practice improves reading performance with stand magnifiers for people with AMD. Optometry and Vision Science 82, 114-127. |
Dr Rainbow Ho
BSc(Hons), MPhil, PhD, BC-DMT, CMA Associate Professor The University of Hong Kong Research interests Psychoneuroimmunology Psychooncology Dance/movement therapy Creative arts therapy Intervention outcome research Verbal and non-verbal communication Psychotherapy and philosophy |
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Discipline: Psychoneuroimmunology, Dance/Movement Psychotherapy Institution and Department: Centre on Behavioral Health The University of Hong Kong Office number: (+852) 3917 0506 |
Hsiao, F. H., Yang, T. T., Ho, R. T. H., Jow, G. M., Ng, S. M., Chan, C. L. W., et al. (2009). The self-perceived symptom distress and health-related conditions associated with morning to evening diurnal cortisol patterns in outpatients with major depressive disorder. Psychoneuroendocrinology, DOI: 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2009.08.019.
Ho, R. T. H., Chan, C. L. W., Lo, P .H. Y., & Leung, P. Y. (2009).The Efficacy of the Body-Mind-Spirit Intervention and Social Support groups on Chinese breast cancer patients, In M. Y. Lee, C. L. W. Chan, S. M. Ng, P. P. Y. Leung (Eds.), Integrative Body-Mind-Spirit Social Work: An Empirically Based Approach to Assessment and Treatment. (Ch.10, pp.217-234), New York: The Oxford University Press. Ho, R. T. H. (2009). From The Body to the Mind and Spirit. In M. Y. Lee, C. L. W. Chan, S. M. Ng, P. P. Y. Leung (Eds.), Integrative Body-Mind-Spirit Social Work: An Empirically Based Approach to Assessment and Treatment. (Ch.7, pp.162-170), New York: The Oxford University Press. Ho, R. T. H., Potash, J. S., Fu, W., Wong, K. P. L., & Chan, C. L. W. (2009). Changes in Breast Cancer Patients after Psychosocial Intervention as Indicated in Drawings. Psycho-oncology. DOI: 10.1002/pon.1551. Ho, R. T. H. (2009). The dance of the mind-body in psychology and counseling. Journal of Psychology and Counseling. 1(2). Editorials. Ho D. Y. F., & Ho R. T. H. (2008). Knowledge is a Dangerous Thing: Authority Relations, Ideological Conservatism, and Creativity in Confucian-Heritage Cultures, Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour, 38(1): 67-86. Ho, R. T. H., Ho, D. Y. F., & Ng, S. M. (2007). Responding to Criticisms of Qualitative Research: How Shall Quality be Enhanced? Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 10 (4): 277-279. Ho, D. Y. F., & Ho, R. T. H. (2007). Measuring Spirituality and Spiritual Emptiness: Toward Ecumenicity and Transcultural Applicability. Review of General Psychology, 11(1), 62-74. Ho, R. T. H., Chan, C. L. W., Ho, S. M. Y., Lee, P. W. H., Sham, J. S. T., & Chow, L. W. C., et al. (2007). Active Treatment with Professionals Yields Promising and Sustained Advantages for Chinese Breast Cancer Patients: A Randomized Controlled Trial of Psychosocial Interventions in Hong Kong. Psycho-Oncology.16(9): S13. (Abstracts of the 9th Congress of Psycho-oncology: Integrating the Psychosocial to Achieve Quality Cancer Care, London, UK, September, 2007) (Abstract no.: 8-A). Ho, R. T. H., Ng S.M., & Chan C .L. W., (2007) Effects of dance movement therapy on improving mental health in cancer patients, Psycho-oncology, 16(9): S225. (Abstracts of the 9th Congress of Psycho-oncology: Integrating the Psychosocial to Achieve Quality Cancer Care, London, UK, September, 2007) (Abstract no.: P2-95). Chan, C. L. W., Ho, R. T. H., Fu. W., & Chow, A.Y. M. (2006). Turning Curses into Blessings - An Eastern Approach to Psycho social Oncology. Journal of Psychosocial Oncology, 24(4): 15-32. Chan, C. L. W., Ho, R. T. H., Lee, P. W. H., Cheng, J. Y. Y., Leung, P. Y., Foo, W., Chow, L. W. H., Sham, J. S. T., & Spiegel, D. (2006). A Randomized Controlled Trial of Psychosocial Interventions Using the Psychophysiological Framework for Chinese Breast Cancer Patients. Journal of Psychosocial Oncology, 24(1): 3-26. Ho, R. T. H. (2005). Regaining Balance Within: Dance Movement Therapy With Chinese Cancer Patients In Hong Kong. American Journal of Dance Therapy, 27(2): 87-99. Ho, R. T. H. (2005). Effect of Dance Movement therapy on Chinese Cancer Patients - A Pilot Study in Hong Kong. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 32(5): 337-345. CONFERENCE PAPERS(selected) Ho, R. T. H. (2009). Recreational Dance Program and Dance Movement Therapy Program Benefit differently Cancer Patients: A Qualitative Study. Paper presented at the IPOS 11th World Congress, 21-25 Jun, 2009, Vienna, Austria. Ho, R. T. H., Potash, J. S., Fu, W., Chan, C. L. W., Cheung I. (2009). Images Speak More Than Words: Integration of Drawings in the Assessment Process for Understanding the Changes of Cancer Patients after a Psychosocial Intervention. Paper presented at the IPOS 11th World Congress, 21-25 Jun,2009, Vienna, Austria. Ho, R. T. H., Cheung K. M. and Ho Y. F. (2009). From Motion to Emotion: Dance Movement Therapy for the rehabilitation of childhood sexual abuse survivors. Paper presented in the International Conference on Social Work and Counselling Practice: Promoting harmony and justice in a world of conflict, 2-4 Jun, 2009, Hong Kong. Ho, R. T. H. (2008). Flowing the body, easing the mind, lifting the spirit –Dance Movement Therapy for improving mental health in the diverse populations. Paper presented in the American Dance Movement Therapy Association 43th Annual Conference: Dance/ Movement Therapy for a Diverse Society: Evidence and Ideas, 30 Oct -2 Nov, 2008, Austin, Texas, US. Ho, R. T. H. (2008). Dance movement therapy for a diverse society: The Hong Kong Scene. Paper presented at the 14th International Panel: Dance Therapy in Diverse Societies, American Dance Therapy Association 43th Annual Conference, 1 Nov, 2008, Austin, Texas, US. Ho, R. T. H. (2007). From the Body to the Mind and Spirit: Dance Movement Therapy and Addictions. Plenary Presentation of the Symposium on Cultivating Spirituality and Pathological Gambling, Hong Kong. Ho, R. T. H. (2007). Rehabilitation of Childhood Sexual Abused Survivors: Dance Movement Therapy. Plenary Presentation of the Annual Conference of Rehabilitation of Childhood Sexual Abused Survivors, Hong Kong. Ho, R. T. H., Leung P. P. Y., Lo H. Y. P. and Chan C. L. W., (2007). Extrinsic and Intrinsic Support for Surviving Breast Cancer - Long Term Impact of Psychosocial Intervention and Self Reconstruction Process in Adaptation to Cancer Among Chinese Women. Plenary Presentation of the 14th Hong Kong International Cancer Congress, 4th International Think Tank Forum: Anti-Cancer Innovation and Global Collaboration, cum 4th Annual Meeting of the Centre for Cancer Research. 14-16 Nov, 2007. Abstract 17.2. Ho, R. T. H. (2007). Releasing the Flow of Energy, Easing the Mind: Dance Movement Therapy for Improving Mental Health. Paper presented at the 2007 World Mental Health Congress of The World Federation for Mental Health, 20-25 Aug, 2008, Hong Kong. Ho, R. T. H. (2007). Dance Movement Therapy Improves Mental Health in Cancer Patients. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of The American Dance Therapy Association, 27-30 Sept, 2007, Brooklyn, New York, US. Ho, R. T. H. (2006). Differential Benefits of Dance and Dance Movement Therapy for Cancer Patients. Paper presented at the American Dance Therapy Association 41st Annual Conference: Choreographing collaboration: A joint Conference of ADTA & NDEO, 19-22 Oct, 2006, Long Beach, CA.US. Ho, R. T. H. (2006,). Dance Movement Therapy in Mental Healthcare. Paper presented at the International Forum on Community Psychological Medicine. 9 Oct, 2006,Hong Kong. Ho, R. T. H. (2006). Dance Therapy and Cancer Patients. Plenary Presentation at the Holistic Art Therapies Symposium, 18-26 Jul, 2006, Hong Kong. Ho, R. T. H. (2006). Effects of Dance Movement Therapy on Stress and Self-Esteem for Chinese Cancer Patients. Paper presented at the American Psychosocial Oncology Society 3rd Annual Conference, 16-19 Feb, 2006, Amelia Island, Florida, US. Ho, R. T. H. (2005). Dance Movement Therapy for Cancer Patients. Paper presented at the 12th Hong Kong International Cancer Congress, 8-10 Dec, 2005, Hong Kong. Ho, R. T. H., Chan, C. L. W., Ho, S. M. Y., Lee, P. W. H., S.T., S. J., & Chow, L. W. C. (2005). Psychoneuroendocrine Outcomes of Psychosocial Interventions for Breast Cancer Patients in Hong Kong: Phase I results. Paper presented at the 12th Annual Meeting of the Psychoneuroimmunology Research, Denver, Colorado, US. |
Dr Lisanne Ko
BA, MSc, PhD Research interests Ageing and the aged Active ageing Long-term care services Elderly poverty Elderly housing Gentrification and the aged |
Contact | Publications
Chui, E.W.T., Law, C.K., Yip, P.S.F., Ko, L.S.F., Chung, K.W., Wong, F., & Hui, E. (with special consultants, Chow, N.S.W. & Chan, A.C.M.) (2008). Comprehensive study on the housing needs of the elderly in Hong Kong 2007 – Update study on 2003 study. Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Housing Society.
Tang, K.L., Fung, H.L., Au, K.Y.F., Lee, J.K.C., & Ko, L.S.F. (2008). Social enterprises in Hong Kong. Hong Kong: Central Policy Unit of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. Ko, L.S.F., Cheng, Y.H., Leung, E.M.F., & Mok, J.W.S. (2007). Information-giving and its effect on elderly patients' adherence. Hong Kong Medical Journal, 13 (Suppl 3), S4-7. Chui, E., & Ko, L.S.F. (2007). Elderly service in Hong Kong. In Y.J. Chen (Ed.), Elderly welfare: Theory & practice (pp.441-464). Taipei: Yeh Yeh Book Gallery. Chui, E.W.T., Law, C.K., Ko, L.S.F., Wong, Y.C., & Lee, K.M. (2006). Report on benchmark study for study on revitalization impact for Langham Place. Hong Kong: Urban Renewal Authority. Law, C.K., Chui, E., Lee, K.M., & Ko, L.S.F. (2006). Evaluation on the effectiveness and user satisfaction of the re-engineered centre-based community support services for elders. Hong Kong: Social Welfare Department. Law, C.K., Chui, E., Wong, Y.C., Lee, K.M., Ho, D., Poon, S.W., Kwan, A., & Ko, L.S.F. (2006). Study on community opinion for Project 28 – Sai Yee Street. Hong Kong: Urban Renewal Authority. Law, C.K., Chui, E., Wong, Y.C., Lee, K.M., & Ko, L.S.F. (2006). Report on public consultation – The redevelopment project of Kwun Tong Town Centre (K7). Hong Kong: Urban Renewal Authority. Chiu, S.W.K., Ko, L.S.F., & Lee, R.P.L. (2005). Decolonization and the movement for institutionalisation of Chinese medicine in Hong Kong: A political process perspective. Social Science and Medicine, 61(5), 1045-1058. Chiu, E., Chow, N., Chi, I., Chou, K.L., & Ko, L.S.F. (2005). A study on reverse mortgage. Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Mortgage Corporation Limited. Chui, E., Ko, L.S.F., & Chong, A. (2005). Elderly in poverty in Hong Kong. Hong Kong: Central Policy Unit of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. Law, C.K., Chui, E., Wong, Y.C., Lee, K.M., & Ko, L.S.F. (2005). Community aspiration study – The Older Wanchai. Hong Kong: Urban Renewal Authority. Chui, E., Chow, N.W.S., Chi, I., Chou, K.L., & Ko, L.S.F. (2005). Study of reverse mortgage for old and "soon-to-be old" property owners. Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Mortgage Corporation Limited. Cheng, Y.H., Chi, I., Boey, K.W., Ko, L.S.F., & Chou, K.L. (2002). Self-rated economic condition and the health of elderly persons in Hong Kong. Social Science and Medicine, 55, 1415-1424. |
Dr Jenny Lee
BA, MB, ChB, MRCP, FHKAM, MSc Associate Consultant The Chinese University of Hong Kong Research interests End of life care Body composition Dementia Nutrition Health services research |
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Discipline: Geriatrics Medicine Institution and Department: Department of Medicine and Therapeutics The Chinese University of Hong Kong Office number: (+852) 2636 7779 |
Lee JSW, Kwok T, Chui PY, Ko FWS, Mok H, Lo R, Woo J. Can continuous pump feeding reduce the incidence of pneumonia in frail tube-fed elderly? A randomized controlled trial. Clinical Nutrition (Accepted Oct 2009, in press).
Lee J, Lam L, Woo J, Kwok T. Lower fluid and fruits / vegetable intake in questionable dementia among older Hong Kong Chinese. J Nutr Health Aging 2009; DOI 10.1007/s12603-009-0183-x (Epub ahead of print). Lee JS, Chau PP, Hui E, Chan F, Woo J. Survival prediction in nursing home residents using the Minimum Data Set subscales: ADL Self-Performance Hierarchy, Cognitive Performance and the Changes in Health, End-stage disease and Symptoms and Signs scales. Eur J Public Health. 2009 Jun;19(3):308-312. Lee J, Hui E, Chan F, Chi I, Woo J. Associated factors of falls in nursing home residentes in Hong Kong and the role of restraints: a cross-sectional survey using the Resident Assessment Instrument (RAI) 2.0. Aging Clin Exp Res. 2008 Oct;20(5):447-453. Lee JSW, Auyeung TW, Kwok T, Lau EMC, Leung PC, Woo J. Risk Factors and Health Impact of Sarcopenia in Older Chinese Men and Women: a cross-sectional study. Gerontology 2007;53:166-172. Lee JSW, Kwok T, Leung PC, Woo J. Medical illnesses are more important than medications as risk factors of falls in older persons: a cross-sectional study. Age Ageing 2006;35(3):246-251. Chan J, Lee JS (corresponding author), Dai DL, Woo J. Human myiasis in Hong Kong: a case series and review. Trans Royal Soc Trop Med Hygiene 2005;19: 914-918. Lee SW, Li KF, Szeto ML. An unusual cause of diarrhea in an elderly woman: a case report. J Am Geriatr Soc 2004; 52(8):1404-1405. Lee JS, Tse SL, Tsze SC, Kwok T. Protein malnutrition is adversely associated with swallowing recovery in tube-fed older people. J Am Geriatr Soc 2004; 52(9):1588-1589. Lee JS, Auyeung TW. A comparison of two feeding methods in the alleviation of diarrhoea in older tube-fed patients: a randomised controlled trial. Age Ageing 2003;32(4):388-393. Auyeung TW, Lee J, Leung J, Kwok T, Leung PC, Woo J. Estimation of Stature by Measuring Fibula and Ulna Bone Length in 2443 Older Adults. J Nutr Health Aging 2009, DOI 10.1007/s12603-009-0121-y (Epub ahead of print). Auyeung TW, Lee JSW, Leung J, Kwok T, Leung PC, Woo J. Survival in older men may benefit from being slightly overweight and centrally obese – a five-year follow up study in 4000 older adults using DXA. J Geront Med Sci A, July 2009 (Epub ahead of print) Lam LCW, Lee JSW, Chung JCC, Lau A, Woo J, Kwok T. A randomized controlled trial to examine the effectiveness of case management model for community dwelling older persons with mild dementia in Hong Kong. Int J Geriatr Psych, July 2009 (Epub ahead of print) Auyeung TW, Kwok T, Lee J, Leung PC, Leung J, Woo J. Functional decline in cognitive impairment--the relationship between physical and cognitive function. Neuroepidemiology 2008;31(3):167-173. Kwok T, Lee J, Lam L, Woo J. Vitamin B12 supplementation did not improve cognition but reduced delirium in demented patients with vitamin B12 deficiency. Arch Gerontol Geriatr 2008;46(3):273-282. Kwok T, Lee J, Woo J, Lee TFD, Griffith S. A randomized controlled trial of a community nurse-supported hospital discharge programme in older patients with chronic heart failure. J Clin Nurs 2008;17:109–117 Auyeung TW, Lee J. The prognostic significance of admission electrolyte disturbances in older people: a retrospective cohort study. Geriatr Gerontol Int 2007;7(2):110-113. Auyeung TW, Lee JS, Lai WK, Choi CH, Lee HK, Lee JS, Li PC, Lok KH, Ng YY, Wong WM, Yeung YM. The use of corticosteroid as treatment in SARS was associated with adverse outcome: a retrospective cohort study. J Infection 2005;51:98-102. |
Dr Pamela Leung
PhD, BSW, RSW Honorary Assistant Professor The University of Hong Kong Research interests Health and Social Work Psycho-oncology Practice Research |
Contact | Publications
Leung, P.P.Y., Chan, C.L.W., Ng, S.M., Lee, M.Y. (2009). Towards Body-mind-spirit integration: East meets West in clinical social work practice. Clinical Social Work Journal, 37(4), 303-311.
Leung, P.Y. (2009). Cancer fighter: A Body-Mind-Spirit group therapy. In Chan, L.W., Fan, F.M. & Leung, P.Y. (eds.) The Holistic Body-Mind-Spirit Well-being Model – Chinese Culture and Group Counselling. Beijing: China Light Industrial Press (in Chinese). Lee, M.Y., Ng, S.M., Leung, P.P.Y., Chan, C.L.W. (2009). Empirical-Based Integrative Body-Mind-Spirit Social Work: An Eastern Holistic Approach towards Change and Transformation. New York: The Oxford University Press. Ng, S.M., Chan, C.L.W., Leung, P.P.Y., Chan, C.H.Y., Yau, J.K.Y. (2008). Beyond survivorship: Achieving a harmonious dynamic equilibrium using a Chinese medicine framework in health and mental health. Social Work in MentalHealth, 7(1-3), 1-20. Leung, P.P.Y., Chan, C L.W., Ho, R.T.H. (2007). Towards balance and harmony: Process of self reconstruction in adaptation to cancer among Chinese women. Psycho-Oncology, 16(9), S193. Leung, P.P.Y., Chan, C.L.W., Ng, S.M. (2007). Tranquil action: Eastern cultural beliefs as a source of coping strength among Chinese women with breast cancer. Psycho-Oncology, 16(9), S193. Tang, V.Y.H., Lee, M.Y., Chan, C.L.W., Leung, P.P.Y., Sham, J.S.T., Ho, J.W.C., Cheng, J.Y.Y. (2007). Disorientation and Reconstruction: The meaning searching pathways of patients with colorectal cancer. Journal of Psychosocial Oncology, 25(2), 77-102. Chan, C.L.W., Leung, P.P.Y. (2007). SMART Story Telling: Clinical Application. (pp.21-25) Proceedings of CADENZA Symposium 2007, Hong Kong: CADENZA. Leung, P.P.Y., Chan, C.L.W. (2006). The combined use of narrative and experience-near techniques in an investigation of meaning in women with breast cancer. Psycho-Oncology, 15 (1),S5. Chan, C.L.W., Ho, R.T.H., Lee, P.W.H., Cheng, J.Y.Y., Leung, P.P.Y., Foo, W., Chow, L.W., Sham, J.S.T., Spiegel, D. (2006). A randomized controlled trial of psychosocial interventions using the psychophysiological framework for Chinese breast cancer patients. Journal of Psychosocial Oncology, 24(1), 3-26. Conference/Symposium Presentation Leung, P.P.Y. (2009, July). Connecting the body, mind and spirit - A case of embodiment of grief and meaning reconstruction. Presentation in Symposium on Integrative Body-Mind-Spirit Therapy organized by The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 10 July, 2009. Leung, P.P.Y., Sha, W., Chan, C.L.W., Ho, A.H.Y. (2009, May). A Study on Narratives of Grieving Parents: Implications for the Development of a Meaning-Oriented Intervention. Poster presented in Symposium on Disaster Management organized by The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 9 May, 2009. Leung, P.P.Y., Chan, Lo, P.H.Y., Ho, R.T.H. (2009, January). Adjustment Patterns of Chinese Women Surviving Breast Cancer. Paper presented in the Thirteenth Annual Conference "Research that Promotes Sustainability and (re)Builds Strengths" of the Society for Social Work and Research, New Orleans, LA, 15–18 January, 2009. Leung, P.P.Y. (2008, November). Celebrating Life and Leaving a Legacy: Meaningful Completion during End-of-Life. Plenary presentation in the 15th Hong Kong International Cancer Congress cum 5th Annual Meeting of Centre for Cancer Research, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong. Hong Kong, 12-14 November, 2008. Chan, C.L.W., Leung, P.P.Y., Ho. A.H.Y. (2008, November). Integrative Care Model for Suicide Survivors – Removing Guilt of Suicide of Loved Ones. The 3rd Asia Pacific Regional Conference of International Association for Suicide Prevention. Hong Kong, 31 October – 3 November, 2008. Leung, P.P.Y. (2008, October). Holistic Wellness and Meaning Reconstruction: An Eastern Integrative Body-Mind-Spirit Invention Model for People with Cancer. Symposium in the 5th World Congress of Psychotherapy. Beijing, 12-15 October, 2008. Leung, P.P.Y. (2008, October). From Deconstruction and Loss to Reconstruction of Self: The Meaning Reconstruction Process of People with Cancer. Keynote Lecture in the Psycho-Oncology Meeting organized by the Chinese Psycho-Oncology Society. Beijing, 14-17 October, 2008. Chan, C.L.W., Leung, P.P.Y., Pon, A.K.L., Chan, W.K.H. (2008, August). Respecting Choices: From Bitter to Bittersweet: Resilience & Transformation from Grief and Bereavement. Plenary Lecture in Singapore Palliative Care Conference, Singapore, 29-30 August, 2008. Chan, C.L.W., Chan, W.K.H., Leung, P.P.Y., Pon, A.K.L. (2008, August). Measuring the Unmeasurable: Grief and Bereavement. Plenary Lecture in Singapore Palliative Care Conference, Singapore, 29-30 August, 2008. Chan, C.L.W., Pon, A.K.L., Chan, W.K.H., Leung, P.P.Y. (2008, August). Bereavement Care. Plenary Lecture in Singapore Palliative Care Conference, Singapore, 29-30 August, 2008. Chan, C.L.W., Leung, P.P.Y. (2008, August). Caring for the Carers. Pre-conference seminar for Doctors, Nurses, and Allied Health Workers on Self Care in Singapore Palliative Care Conference, Singapore, 29-30 August, 2008. Chan, C.L.W., Leung, P.P.Y. (2008, August). Healing using a Body-Mind-Spirit Model. Behavioral Workshops for Medical Social Workers in Singapore, organized by Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Singapore, 25-26 August, 2008. Leung, P.P.Y., Chan, W.C.H. (2008, August). Meaning-centered Intervention in Health Care Setting. Behavioral Workshops for Medical Social Workers in Singapore, organized by Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Singapore, 25-26 August, 2008. Chan C.L.W., Tin A.F., Chan C.H.Y., Chow A.Y.M., Chan T.W.F., Ng S.M., Leung P.P.Y., Chan W.C.H., Ho A.H.Y. (2008, July). An Eastern Empowerment Approach to Death, End-of-life and Bereavement. Faculty Symposium, School of Social Work, Smith College, Massachusetts, 29 July, 2008 Leung, P.P.Y. (2008, May). Group Psychotherapy: a Body-Mind-Spirit Approach. Invited Workshop in the China-US Group Psychotherapy Summit Forum hosted by Chinese Association for Mental Hygiene, Beijing, 17-18 May, 2008. Chan C.L.W., Tin A.F., Chan C.H.Y., Chow A.Y.M., Chan T.W.F., Ng S.M., Leung P.P.Y., Chan W.C.H., Ho A.H.Y.(2008, May). ENABLE Project: The 8A Death Acceptance and Empowerment Model. Presentation in the Global Mourning – Death Among and Beyond Ourselves. ADEC 30th Annual Conference. Montreal, Canada, 1–3 May, 2008. Leung, P.P.Y. (2008, January). Use of Clinical Tools for Assessing Meaning in Social Work Practice. Invited Symposium on Mental Health and Social Work: Evidence-Based Practice Strategies for Social Workers, Hong Kong, 18 January, 2008. Chan, C.L.W. & Leung, P.P.Y. (2008, January). Working with the Fear of Relapse – Handling Death Anxiety and Reconciliating for a Good Life. Breast Cancer Foundation, 5th January, 2008. Chan, C.L.W., Pon, A.K.W., Leung, P.P.Y., Chan, W.K.H., Tin, A.F., Chow, A.Y.M., Chan, T.Y.F., Ng, S.M., Ho, A., Chan, C.H.Y., Leung, A. (2007, November). Get SET & Go - Surviving, Empowering and Transforming Goals in Spousal End-of-Life Care, Death and Bereavement. State of the Art Lecture in the Hong Kong International Cancer Congress, Hong Kong, 14-17 November, 2007. Ho, R.T.H., Leung, P.P.Y., Lo, P.H.Y. Chan, C.L.W. (2007, November). Extrinsic and Intrinsic Support for Surviving Breast Cancer - Long Term Impact of Psychosocial Intervention and Selfhood Reconstruction Process in Adaptation to Cancer Among Chinese Women. Paper presented in the 14th Hong Kong International Cancer Congress, Hong Kong, 14-17 November, 2007. Chan, C.L.W., Chan, T.Y.F., Tin, A.F., Pon, A.K.W., Leung, P.P.Y., Chan, W.K.H., Leung, A., Chan, F. Chow, A.Y.M. (2007, September). Caring for Carers: Spiritual Transformation from Grief to Celebration of Life. Invited Lecture in the 7th Asia Pacific Hospice Conference:Nurturing Partnership in Hospice Care, Manila, 27-29 September, 2007. Chan, C.L.W., Leung, P.P.Y., Ng, S.M. (2007, September). Turning Curses into Blessings: An Eastern Body-Mind-spirit Approach to Cancer Care. Training Workshop in the 9th World Congress of Psycho-Oncology organized by the International Psycho-oncology Society, London, 16-20 September, 2007 Chan, C.L.W., Fan, F.M., Ng, S.M., Chow, A.Y.M., Ho, R.T.H., Ho, A.H.Y., Leung, P.P.Y., Chan, C.H.Y. (2007, May). Integrative Therapy: Eastern Model of Holistic Body-Mind-Spirit Wellness. Invited Plenary Lecture in the "Changing Societies, Changing People - Psychotherapeutic Answers" German-Chinese Congress for Psychotherapy, Shanghai, 20-23 May, 2007. Leung, P.P.Y., Chan, C.L.W., Lo, P.H.Y. (2006, December). Chinese women's perception of self before and after cancer: What do patients' metaphors tell us? Paper presented in the 5th International Conference on Social Work in Health and Mental Health, Hong Kong, 10-14 December, 2006. Chan C.L.W., Chan T.Y.F., Tin A.F., Pon K.L., Leung P.P.Y., Chan W.K.H., Chan F., Chow A.Y.M. (September, 2009).Caring for Carers: Spiritual Transformation from Grief to Celebration of Life. The Nurturing Partnership in Hospice Care. The 7th Asian Pacific Hospice Conference organized by the Asian and Pacific Hospice Network, 26-29 September, 2006, Manila, Philippines. Chan, C.L.W.; Leung, P.P.Y.; Ho, R.T.H.; Lo, P.H.Y.; Tang, V.Y.H.; Chan, T.H.Y. (2006, May). Spirituality and Holistic Quality of Life: Promoting Happiness for People Under Stress Due to Cancer. Paper presented in the Conference on QOL Research in Asia, Hong Kong, 19-21 May, 2006. Chan, C.L.W., Ng, S.M., Chan, C.H.Y., Leung, P.P.Y., Ran, M.S. Ran, Chen, S.Y. (2006, March). Creative Synergy in Mental Health and Social Well Being: Learning from Chinese Medicine. Presentation in the Guam Social Work Conference 2006 on "Promoting Mental Health and Social Well-Being", organized by the NASW Guam, Chapter and the School of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Guam, Guam, 28-31 March, 2006. Leung, P.P.Y., Chan, C.L.W. (2006, February). Use of life review in assessing and reconstructing meaning in Chinese older women with cancer. Paper presented in the Sixth International Campbell Collaboration Colloquium: "Producing Systematic Reviews of Evidence: Debates, Standards, and Examples", Los Angeles, California, 22-24 February 2006. Leung, P.P.Y., Chan, C.L.W. (2005, December). Family support can be a double-edge sword: A qualitative study on Chinese breast cancer survivors in Hong Kong. Paper presented in the 12th Hong Kong International Cancer Congress, Hong Kong, 8-10 December, 2005. Chan, C.L.W., Ho, R.T.H., Leung, P.P.Y., Ho, S.M.Y., Lee, P.W.H., Sham, J.S.T., & Chow, L.W.C. (2005, May). The effects of psychosocial intervention on the psychosocial and neuroendocrine outcomes: A prospective 3-group randomized trial with Chinese breast cancer patients. Paper presented at the Association of Oncology Social Work (AOSW) 2005 Conference, Austin, Texas, USA. Tang, V.Y.H, Lee, A.M, Chan, C.L.W., Leung, P.P.Y. (2005, October). The Role of Body Image on Psychological Well-Being Among Patients with Colorectal Cancer. Paper presented in The 6th Asia-Pacific Hospice Conference, Seoul, South Korea. Lee, M.Y., Chan, C.L.W., Ng, S.M., Leung, P.P.Y. (2005, August). Integrative Social Work Practice: An Eastern Holistic Approach toward Harmony and Transformation. Paper presented in the International Conference on the Development of Social Work Education in the Context of Globalization: When East Meet West, Beijing, China, 4-6 August, 2005. Tang, V.Y.H, Lee, A.M, Chan, C.L.W., Leung, P.P.Y., Sham, J.S.T., Ho, J.W.C., Fu, Y.T., Yau, T.K. (December, 2005). The Legend of Posttraumatic Growth: A Preliminary Report on the Effectiveness of Body-Mind-Spirit (BMS) Intervention on Colorectal Cancer Survivor. Paper presented in the 12th Hong Kong International Cancer Congress, Hong Kong, 8-10 December, 2005. Leung, P.P.Y. (2004, November). Meaning Reconstruction and Post-cancer Growth in Chinese Cancer Survivors. Plenary Lecture on Psychosocial Oncology in 11th Hong Kong International Cancer Congress, Hong Kong, China, 10-12 November, 2004. Tang, V.Y.H, Lee, A.M, Chan, C.L.W., Leung, P.P.Y., Ho, J.W.C. (2004, December). Disorientation and Reconstruction: Dynamic Adaptation of Patients with Colorectal Cancer. Paper presented in the 11th Hong Kong International Cancer Congress, Hong Kong, 10-12 November, 2004. Lee, A.M., Tang, V.Y.H., Chan, C.L.W., Leung, P.P.Y., Ho, J.W.C. (2004, November). Younger patients with colorectal cancer are more distressed: The role of body image and negative support. Paper presented in 11th Hong Kong International Cancer Congress, Hong Kong, China, 10-12 November, 2004. |
Professor Marco Pang
PhD Professor The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Research interests Neurological rehabilitation Bone health and fall prevention in compromised populations |
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Discipline: Physiotherapy Institution and Department: Department of Rehabilitation Sciences The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Office number: (+852) 2766 7156 |
Mak MKY, Pang MYC. Balance confidence and functional mobility are independently associated with falls in people with Parkinson's disease. Journal of Neurology. 2009;256:742-749.
Shum SBM, Pang MYC. Children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder have impaired balance function: involvement of somatosensory, visual and vestibular systems. Journal of Pediatrics. 2009;155:245-249. Pang MYC, Mak MKY. Trunk muscle strength, but not trunk rigidity, is independently associated with bone mineral density of the lumbar spine in patients with Parkinson's disease. Movement Disorders. 2009;24:1176-1182. Lau RWK, Pang MYC. An assessment of the osteogenic index of therapeutic exercises for stroke patients: relationship to severity of leg motor impairment. Osteoporosis International. 2009;20:979-987. Pang MYC, Mak MKY. Muscle strength is significantly associated with hip bone mineral density in women with Parkinson's disease: a cross-sectional study. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2009;41:223-230. Mak MKY, Pang MYC. Balance self-efficacy determines walking capacity in people with Parkinson's disease. Movement Disorders. 2008;23:1936-1939. Pang MYC, Ashe MA, Eng JJ. Tibial bone geometry in chronic stroke patients: influence of gender, cardiovascular health, and muscle mass. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research. 2008;23:1023-1030. Pang MYC, Eng JJ. Determinants of Improvement in walking capacity among individuals with chronic stroke following a multidimensional exercise program. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine. 2008;40:284-290. Pang MYC, Eng JJ. Falls-related self-efficacy, but not balance and mobility performance, is related to accidental falls in chronic stroke survivors with low bone mineral density. Osteoporosis International. 2008;19:919-927. Eng JJ, Pang MYC, Ashe MA. Balance, falls, and bone health: Role of exercise in reducing fracture risk after stroke. Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development. 2008;45:297-314. Pang MYC, Ashe MA, Eng JJ. Muscle weakness, spasticity and disuse contribute to demineralization and geometric changes in the radius following chronic stroke. Osteoporosis International. 2007;18:1243-1252. Pang MYC, Eng JJ, Miller WC. Determinants of satisfaction with community reintegration in individuals with stroke: role of balance self-efficacy. Physical Therapy. 2007;87:282-291. Liu-Ambrose T, Pang MYC, Eng JJ. Executive function is independently associated with performances of balance and mobility in older adults with mild chronic stroke: implications for falls prevention. Cerebrovascular Diseases. 2007;23:203-210. Pang MYC, Ashe MA, Eng JJ, McKay HA, Dawson AS. A 19-week exercise program for people with chronic stroke enhances bone geometry at the tibia: a pQCT study. Osteoporosis International. 2006;17:1615-1625. Bawa P, Pang MY, Olesen KA, Calancie B. Rotation of motor units during prolonged isometric contractions in humans. Journal of Neurophysiology. 2006;96:1135-1140. Pang MY, Harris JE, Eng JJ. A community-based upper-extremity group exercise program improves motor function and performance of functional activities in chronic stroke: a randomized controlled trial. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 2006;87:1-9. Pang MYC, Eng JJ, Dawson AS, Gylfadottir S. The use of aerobic exercise training in improving aerobic capacity in individuals with stroke: a meta-analysis. Clinical Rehabilitation. 2006;20:97-111. Pang MYC, Eng JJ, McKay HA, Dawson AS. Reduced hip bone mineral density is related to physical fitness and leg lean mass in ambulatory individuals with chronic stroke. Osteoporosis International. 2005;16:1769-1779. Pang MYC, Eng JJ, Dawson AS, McKay HA, Harris JE. A community-based Fitness and Mobility Exercise program for older adults with chronic stroke: a randomized controlled trial. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 2005;53:1667-1674. Yang JF, Lamont EV, Pang MYC. Split-belt treadmill stepping in infants suggests autonomous pattern generators for the left and right leg in humans. Journal of Neuroscience. 2005;25:6869-6876. Pang MYC, Eng JJ. Muscle strength is a determinant of bone mineral content in the hemiparetic upper extremity: implications for stroke rehabilitation. Bone. 2005;37:103-111. Pang MYC, Eng JJ, Dawson AS. Relationship between ambulatory capacity and cardio respiratory fitness in chronic stroke: influence of stroke-specific impairments. Chest. 2005;127:495-501. |
Professor Michael Tong
MBChB, MD, FRCS, FHKAM, FCSHK, FHKCORL, DLO Professor The Chinese University of Hong Kong Research interests Otology Neurotology Minimally invasive techniques in ear, nose and throat (ENT) – head and neck surgery Epidemiology of ENT diseases and outcome research |
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Discipline: ENT, Communicative Sciences Institution and Department: Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery The Chinese University of Hong Kong Office number: (+852) 2632 2628 |
HUNG TCW; TONG MCF and VAN HASSELT CA. "Jehovah's Witnesses and Surgery". Hong Kong Medical Journal; vol.11no.4, pp311-312. 2005.
唐志輝、藍明權、胡寶華、Mario Sanna <應用擴大迷路入路技術治療巨大聽神經瘤36例>中華耳鼻咽喉頭頸外科雜誌 [TONG MCF; LAM JMK; HU BH and SANNA Mario. "The Use of the Gruppo Otologico Extended Translabyrinthine Techniques for the Treatment of Large Acoustic Neuromas: Clinical Experience in 36 Cases"]. Chinese Journal of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery; vol.40no.9, pp.705-707. 2005. NG SK; LEUNG BCH; HUNG TCW; VLANTIS AC and TONG MCF. "Thyroid Swellings – Principles and Approach to Treatment". Hong Kong Practitioner, vol.27no.11, pp.424-432. 2005. TONG MCF; YUE V; KU PKM; LO PSY; WONG EMC and VAN HASSELT CA. "Risk Factors for Otitis Media with Effusion in Chinese Schoolchildren: A Nested Case-Control Study and Review of the Literature". International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, vol.70, pp.213-219. 2006. LO PSY; TONG MCF; REVICKI DA; LEE CC, WOO JKS; LAM HCK and VAN HASSELT CA. "Rhinitis Symptom Utility Index (RSUI) in Chinese Subjects: A Multiattribute Patient-Preference Approach". Quality of Life Research, vol.15,pp.877-887. 2006. 劉巍巍、唐志輝<香港中文大學耳鼻咽喉頭頸外科>中國醫學文摘耳鼻咽喉科學2006年,第21卷,第4期, 208-209頁 唐志輝<香港中文大學人工耳蝸植入工作和人類傳意科學研究所>中國醫學文摘耳鼻咽喉科學2006年,第21卷,第4期, 216-217頁 HUNG TCW; VLANTIS AC; TONG MCF and VAN HASSELT CA. "Student Telecast Teaching in Otorhinolaryngology". Medical Education, vol.40, pp.1136-1137. 2006. LO PSY; TONG MCF; WONG EMC and VAN HASSELT CA. "Parental Suspicion of Hearing Loss in Children with Otitis Media with Effusion". European Journal of Pediatrics, vol.165, pp.851-857. 2006. SOO G and TONG MCF. "A Simple Method for Re-Dilatation of an Acute Tracheostoma Stenosis". Journal of Laryngology and Otology, vol.120, pp.1059-1060. 2006. TSANG WSS; WOO JKS; TONG MCF. "Poststapedectomy Reparative Granuloma". Ear, Nose and Throat Journal, vol.85, pp.562. 2006. HUNG TCW; CHANG WT; VLANTIS AC; TONG MCF and VAN HASSELT CA. "Patient Satisfaction after Closed Reduction of Nasal Fractures". Archives of Facial Plastic Surgery, vol.9, pp.40-43. 2007. KU PKM; YUEN EHY; CHEUNG DMC; CHAN BYT; AHUJA A; LEUNG SF, TONG MCF and VAN HASSELT CA. "Early Swallowing Problems in a Cohort of Patients with Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma: Symptomatology and Videofluroscopic Findings". Laryngoscope, vol.117, pp.142-146. 2007. KU PKM; TONG MCF and VAN HASSELT CA. "Application of Holmium Yttrium Aluminium Garnet (YAG) Laser in Treatment of Acquired Posterior Choanal Atersia following Radiotherapy for Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma". Journal of Laryngology and Otology, vol.121, pp.138-142. 2007. LIU HC; CHEN GG; VALNTIS AC; LEUNG BCS; TONG MCF and VAN HASSELT CA. "5-Fluorouracil Mediates Apoptosis and G1/S Arrest in Laryngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma via a p53-Independent Pathway". Cancer Journal, vol.12no.6, pp.482-493. 2006. TONG MCF; CHAN VSW and VAN HASSELT CA. "Editorial: Before the First Asia-Pacific Symposium on Cochlear Implant and Related Sciences (APSCI) Ten Years Ago". Ear and Hearing, vol.28no.2(April Supplement), pp.1S- 2S. 2007. LEE KYS; TONG MCF and VAN HASSELT CA. "The Tone Production Performance of Children Receiving Cochlear Implants at Different Ages". Ear and Hearing, vol.28no.2(April Supplement), pp.34S- 37S. 2007. CHAN VSW; TONG MCF; YUE V; WONG TKC; LEUNG EKS, YUEN, KCP and VAN HASSELT CA. "Performance of Older Adult Cochlear Implant Users in Hong Kong". Ear and Hearing, vol.28no.2(April Supplement), pp.52S- 55S. 2007. TONG MCF; LEUNG EKS; AU A; LEE W; YUE V; LEE KYS; CHAN VSW; WONG TKC; CHEUNG DMC and VAN HASSELT CA. "Age and Outcome of Cochlear Implantation for Patients with Bilateral Congenital Deafness in a Cantonese-Speaking Population". Ear and Hearing, vol.28no.2(April Supplement), pp.56S- 58S. 2007. YUEN KCP; YUAN M; LEE T; SOLI S: TONG MCF and VAN HASSELT CA. "Frequency-Specific Temporal Envelope and Periodicity Components for Lexical Tone Identification in Cantonese". Ear and Hearing, vol.28no.2(April Supplement), pp.107S- 113S. 2007. CHEN GG; VLANTIS AC; CHAK ECW; LIU HC, TONG MCF and VAN HASSELT CA. "The Expression of Bcl-2 Family Proteins and Spontaneous Apoptosis in Laryngeal Carcinomas". Oncology Research, vol.16, pp.273-280. 2007. HUNG TCW; LEUNG N; VAN HASSELT CA; LIU KC and TONG MCF. "Long Term Outcome of the Hong Kong Vascularized, Pedicled Temporalis Fascia Flap in Reconstruction of Mastoid Cavity". Laryngoscope, vol.117no.8, pp.1403-1407. 2007. VLANTIS AC; TSANG RKY; YU BKH; KAM MKM; TONG MCF; LO PSY and VAN HASSELT CA. "Nasopharyngectomy and Surgical Margin Status: A Survival Analysis". Archives of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery, vol.133no.12, pp. 1296-1301. 2007. LAM HCK; TONG MCF and VAN HASSELT CA. "Rhinitis Symptoms and Quality of Life in Patients with Chronic Perennial Rhinitis Treated with Desloratadine". Journal of Laryngology and Otology, vol.112no.12, pp. 1151-1155. 2007. YUAN M; LEE T; YUEN KCP; SOLI SD; TONG MCF and VAN HASSELT CA. Band-Specific Temporal Periodicity Enhancement for Cantonese Tone Perception with Noise-Excited Vocoder. Proceedings of the 29th Annual International Conference of the Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, pp. 694-697. 2007. 唐志輝<人工耳蝸相關技術研究進展>中國醫學文摘耳鼻咽喉科學News and Reviews 2007年,第22卷,第5期, 252-253頁 唐志輝、高晗<微創外科在頭頸外科領域中的應用>中國醫學文摘耳鼻咽喉科學News and Reviews 2007年,第22卷,第6期, 321-322頁 VLANTIS AC and TONG MCF <復發鼻咽癌的挽救性手術>中國醫學文摘耳鼻咽喉科學News and Reviews 2007年,第22卷,第6期, 331-332頁 吳少君、唐志輝 SHAM CL; KING AD; VAN HASSELT CA and TONG MCF. "The Roles and Limitations of Computed Tomography in the Preoperative Assessment of Sinonasal Inverted Papillomas". American Journal of Rhinology, vol.22no.2, pp.144-150. 2008 LEE KYS; VAN HASSELT CA and TONG MCF. "Tone Perception in Cantonese-Speaking Children with Hearing Aids". Annals of Otology, Rhinology and Laryngology, vol.117no.4, pp.313-316. 2008. VLANTIS AC; CHAN HS; HUNG T; TONG MCF and VAN HASSELT CA. "How I Do It: The Frontal Bone Skull Post for Image Guided Surgery of the Nasopahrynx". Journal of Surgical Oncology, vol.97, pp.551-552. 2008. YUEN KCP; NG IHY; LUK BPK; CHAN SKW; CHAN SCS; KWOK ICL; YU HC; CHAN TMY; HUNG TCW and TONG MCF. "The Development of Cantonese Lexical Neighborhood Test – A Pilot Study". International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, vol.72, pp.1121-1129. 2008. VLANTIS AC; YU BKH; KAM MKM; HUNG T; LO PSY; KING AD; TONG MCF and VAN HASSELT CA. "Nasopharyngectomy: Does the Approach to the Nasopharynx Influence Survival?". Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery, vol.139, pp.40-46. 2008. NG SK and TONG MCF. "Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Syndrome in Children: What Can ENT Surgeons Offer?". Hong Kong Journal of Paediatrics, vol.13, pp.116-119. 2008. WAN AYH and TONG MCF. "Fibrous Dysplasia of the Temporal Bone Presenting with Facial Nerve Palsy and Conductive Hearing Loss". Otology & Neurotology, vol.29no.7, pp.1039-1040. 2008. LIU HC; CHEN GG; VLANTIS AC; TONG MCF; CHAN PKS and VAN HASSELT CA. "Induction of Cell Cycle Arrest and Apoptosis by 5-Fluorouracil in Laryngeal Cancer Cells Containing HPV16 E6 and E7 Oncoproteins". Clinical Biochemistry, vol.41, pp. 1117-1125. 2008. LIU HC; CHEN GG; VLANTIS AC; TONG MCF and VAN HASSELT CA. Chemotherapy for Laryngeal Cancer – An Apoptotic Approach. Current Drug Targets, vol.9no.10, pp. 878-886. 2008. 唐志輝、高晗<眩暈疾病非手術治療的臨床研究進展>中國醫學科學院學報 [TONG MCF and GAO H. "Clinical Update on Non-Surgical Management of Vertigo"]. Acta Academiae Medicinae Sinicae, vol.30no.6, pp.736-740. 2008. TONG MCF; VAN HASSELT CA. "Adult Otitis Media with Effusion". In: Scott Brown's Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery 7th Edition ed. by GLEESON M; BROWNING GG; BURTON MJ; CLARKE R; HIBBERT J; JONES NS; LUND VJ; LUXON LM and WATKINSON JC. Ch. 237b, pp. 3388-3394. UK: Hodder Arnold. 2008. LEE KYS; CHIU SN; VAN HASSELT CA and TONG MCF. "The Accuracy of Parent and Teacher Reports in Assessing the Vocabulary Knowledge of Chinese Children with Hearing Impairment". Language, Speech & Hearing Services in Schools, vol.40, pp.31-45. 2009. VLANTIS AC; NG SK; CHAN HS; TONG MCF and VAN HASSELT CA. "Transoral Robotic Surgery: Establishment of a Programme in Hong Kong". Surgical Practice, vol.13, pp.17-19. 2009. NG SK and TONG MCF. "A Swallowed Fish Bone". Hong Kong Medical Journal, vol.15no.1, pp.73-74. 2009. 唐志輝、甘志珊、伍凱怡、餘家燕、李定漢、高晗、尹懷信<嬰幼兒、青少年和老人聽力篩查-香港經驗>中國醫學文摘耳鼻咽喉科學News and Reviews 2009年,第24卷,第1期, 18-20頁 LEE DLY; WONG KT; MAK SM; SOO G and TONG MCF. "Lingual Osteoma: Case Report and Literature Review". Archives of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, vol.135no.3, pp.308-310. 2009. SHAM, CL; WOO JKS; VAN HASSELT C.A and TONG MCF. "Treatment Results of Sinonasal Inverted Papilloma: An 18-Year Study". American Journal of Rhinology & Allergy, vol.23no.2, pp.203-211. 2009. TONG MCF; LO PSY; WONG KH; YEUNG RMW; VAN HASSELT CA and CELLA D. "Development and Validation of the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy Nasopharyngeal Cancer Subscale". Head and Neck, vol.31, pp. 738-747. 2009. LEE KYS; LUK BPK; WONG TKC; TONG MCF and VAN HASSELT CA. "Tone Perception Results with Harmony and HiRes 120 in Cantonese-Speaking Subjects". Cochlear Implants International, vol.10no.S1, pp.68-73. 2009. YUEN KCP; TONG MCF and VAN HASSELT CA. "Cantonese Lexical Tone Recognition from Frequency-Specific Temporal Envelope and Periodicity Components in the Same Versus Different Noise Band Carriers". Cochlear Implants International , vol.10no.S1, pp.148-158. 2009. YUEN KCP; PANG KW; TONG MCF and VAN HASSELT CA. "Development of the Computerized Cantonese Disyllabic Lexical Tone Identification Test in Noise (CANDILET-N)". Cochlear Implants International , vol.10no.S1, pp.130-137. 2009. SOO G; TONG MCF; TSANG WSS; WONG TKC; TO KF; LEUNG SF and VAN HASSELT CA. "The BAHA Hearing System for Hearing-Impaired Postirradiated Nasopharyngeal Cancer Patients: A New Indication". Otology & Neurotology, vol.30no.4, pp. 496-501. 2009. KAM ACS; CHEUNG APP; CHAN PYB; LEUNG EKS; WONG TKC; TONG MCF and VAN HASSELT CA. "Psychometric Properties of a Chinese (Cantonese) Version of the Tinnitus Questionnaire". International Journal of Audiology, vol.48, pp.568-575. 2009. KAM ACS; CHEUNG APP; CHEUNG PYB; LEUNG EKS; WONG TKC; VAN HASSELT CA and TONG MCF. "Psychometric Properties of the Chinese (Cantonese) Tinnitus Handicap Inventory". Clinical Otolaryngology, vol.34, pp.309-315. 2009. 唐志輝. 鼻出血. 微創手術診斷與治療, 第三章, 11-16頁. 嚴秉泉主編. 中文大學出版社, 2009年. TONG MCF and LEE KYS. "Do Chinese Speakers Need a Specialized Cochlear Implant System?" ORL (in press). KU PKM; ABDULLAH V; VLANTIS AC; LEE KYS; VAN HASSELT CA and TONG MCF. "Steam-Boat' Supraglottic Laryngoplasty for Treatment of Chronic Refractory Aspiration: A Modification of Biller's Technique". Journal of Laryngology & Otology (in press). NG SK; LEE DLY; LI AM; WING YK and TONG MCF. "Reproducibility of Clinical Grading of the Size of Tonsils". Archives of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery (in press) CHAN JY; LAI KC; ABDULLAH V; TONG MCF and VAN HASSELT CA. "Parapharyngeal Space Neuroglial Heterotopia with Tumoral Differentiation". International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology Extra (in press). |
Dr Wei Huang
MD, PhD Research interests Biomedical engineering products and technologies to promote an active lifestyle, secure independence, ensure safety and maintain functionality for seniors. |
Contact | Publications
Li, Z. J., Huang, W., Jiang, Z. L., Gregersen, H., and Fung, Y. C. Tissue remodeling of rat pulmonary arteries in recovery from hypoxic hypertension. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA, 101: 11488-11493, August, 2004.
Bergula, A. P., Haidekker, M. A., Huang, W., Stevens, H. Y., and Frangos, J. A. Venous ligation-mediated bone adaptation is NOS 3-dependent. Bone, 34: 562-569, 2004. Wang, J., Huang, W., Bhullar, R. S., and Tong, P. Modeling of surface-tension-driven flow of blood in capillary tubes. Mechanics & Chemistry of Biosystems, 1: 161-167, 2004. Mandegar, M., Fung, Y. C., Huang, W., Remillard, C. V., Rubin, L. J., and Yuan, J. X. –J. Invited Review: Cellualr and molecular mechanisms of pulmonary vascular remodeling: Role in the development of pulmonary hypertension. Microvascular Research, 68: 75-103, September, 2004. Fantozzi, I., Huang, W., Zhang, J., Zhang, S., Platoshyn, O., Remillard, C. V., Thistlethwaite, P. A., and Yuan, J. X. –J. Divergent effects of BMP-2 on gene expression in pulmonary artery smooth muscle cells from normal subjects and patients with idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension. Experimental Lung Research, 31: 783-806, 2005. Zhou, Q., Gao, J., Huang, W., and Yen, M. Vascular impedance analysis in human pulmonary circulation. Biomedical Sciences Instrumentation, 42: 470-475, 2006. Gao, J., Huang, W., and Yen, R. T. Mechanical properties of human lung parenchyma. Biomedical Sciences Instrumentation, 42: 172-180, 2006. Huang, W. Tensorial description of the geometry of the cellular molecules in vascular endothelial cells. Molecular and Cellular Biomechanics, 4: 119-131, 2007. Chen, P. C. Y., Huang W., Stassinopoulos A., and Cheung A. T. W. Effects of pegylated hamster red blood cells on microcirculation. Artificial Cells, Blood Substitutes, and Biotechnology, 36: 295–309, 2008. Fung, Y. C., and Huang W. Perspectives of Biomechanics. In: An Introductory Text to Bioengineering, 2nd edition (ed. by Chien S, Chen P, and Fung YC) World Scientific Publishers, N.J, pp. 13-33, 2008. Huang W., Yen M. R. T., and Zhou Q. Analysis of human pulmonary circulation: A bioengineering approach. In: An Introductory Text to Bioengineering, 2nd edition (ed. by Chien S, Chen P, and Fung YC) World Scientific Publishers, N.J, pp. 163-180, 2008. |
Dr Enid Kwong
PhD Associate Professor The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Research interests Long term care for older people Health promotion for older people Pressure ulcer management |
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Discipline: Nursing Institution and Department: School of Nursing The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Office number: (+852) 2766 6385 |
Heung, J., Wong, F., Kwong, E.W.Y., To, T., & Wong, D. (2005). Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) outbreak enhances a strong sense of nursing professional identity. Nurse Education Today, 25(2), 112-118.
Kwong, E.W.Y., Pang, S.M.C., Wong, T.K.S., & Ho, J.S.C. (2005). Predicting pressure ulcer risk with the modified Braden, Braden and Norton scales in acute care hospitals in Mainland China. Applied Nursing Research, 18(2), 122-128. Kwong, E.W.Y., & Kwan AYH (2007). Participation in health-promoting behavior: influences on community-dwelling older Chinese people. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 57(5): 522-534. Kwong, E.W.Y., Wong T.K.S., Wu C.S.T. (2007). A collaborative endeavour to educate community nurses in Guangzhou, China. Nurse Education in Practice, 7, 88-94. Shen Cui-Zhen, Peng Mei-che, Kuang Hui-rong et al. (2007). Analysis on the epidemiology and community interventions of hypertension. Journal of Nursing Administration, 7(12), 22-24. (In Chinese). Shen Cui-Zhen, Peng Mei-che, & Kuang Hui-rong (2008). A study on effect of TCM dietary therapy on hypertension patients on yin asthenia constitution. Chinese Nursing Research, 22 (4A), 890-891. Kuang Hui-rong, Huang Jie-Zhen, Li Hai-ying, et al. ( 2008). A survey on health-promoting lifestyle among community-dwelling older people with hypertension in Macau, China. Chinese Journal of Nursing, 43(4), 306-308. Kwong, E.W.Y., Lam, I.O.Y., & Chan, T.M.F. (2008) What factors affect influenza vaccine uptake among community-dwelling elderly Chinese people in Hong Kong general outpatient clinics? Journal of Clinical Nursing, 18, 960-971. Kwong, E.W.Y., & Lam, I.O.Y. (2008). Chinese older people in Hong Kong : health beliefs about influenza vaccination. Nursing Older People, 20(7), 29-33. Chan, W.S., Pang, S.M.C., & Kwong, E.W.Y. (2009). Assessing predictive validity of the modified Braden scale for prediction of pressure ulcer risk of Orthopaedic patients in an acute care setting. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 18, 1565-1573. Shen Cui-Zhen, Pang, S.M.C., & Kwong, E.W.Y. (In press). The effect of Chinese Food Therapy on community-dwelling Chinese hypertensive patients with "Yin-deficiency". Journal of Clinical Nursing. Kwong, E.W.Y., Pang, S.M.C., Aboo, G. & Law, S. (accepted). What factors influence pressure ulcer development of elderly residents in private nursing homes? Journal of Advanced Nursing. |
Dr Dannii Yeung
PhD Associate Professor City University of Hong Kong Research interests Ageing workforce Adjustment to retirement Emotion regulation and culture Lifespan development in social relationship |
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Discipline: Psychology Institution and Department: Department of Applied Social Studies City University of Hong Kong Office number: (+852) 3442 8119 |
Yeung, D. Y., & Fung, H. H. (in press). Aging and work: How do SOC strategies contribute to job performance across adulthood? Psychology and Aging.
Fung, H. H., Yeung, D. Y., Li, K. K., & Lang, F. R. (2009). Benefits of negative social exchanges for emotional closeness. Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences, 64B, 612-621. Fung, H. H., Stoeber, F. S., Yeung, D. Y., & Lang, F. R. (2008). Cultural specificity of socioemotional selectivity: Age differences in social network composition among Germans and Hong Kong Chinese. Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences, 63B, 156-164. Yeung, D. Y., Fung, H. H., & Lang, F. R. (2008). Self-construal moderates age differences in social network characteristics. Psychology and Aging, 23, 222-226. Tsai, J. L., Miao, F. F., Seppala, E., Fung, H. H., & Yeung, D. Y. (2007). Influence and adjustment goals: Sources of cultural differences in ideal affect. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 92, 1102-1117. Yeung, D. Y., & Fung, H. H. (2007). Age differences in emotional responses and coping toward SARS: A longitudinal study of Hong Kong Chinese. Aging & Mental Health, 11, 579-587. Yeung, D. Y., Fung, H. H., & Lang, F. R. (2007). Gender differences in social network characteristics and psychological well-being among Hong Kong Chinese: The role of future time perspective and adherence to Renqing. Aging & Mental Health, 11, 45-56. Fung, H. H., Ching, B. H. H., & Yeung, D. Y. (2007). Age differences in emotional regulation: Findings from Western and Eastern cultures. In L. O. Randall (Ed.), Aging and the elderly: Psychology, sociology, and health (pp. 63-88). New York: Nova Science Publishers. |