Network of Ageing Well for All (NAWA) self-learning series: Physical and mental well-being
日期 Date | 2018年6月15日 (星期五) 15th June, 2018 (Friday) |
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時間 Time | 下午2時半至4時半 2:30p.m. to 4:30 p.m. |
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地點 Venue | 香港中文大學康本國際學術園3樓 I-LOUNGE i-lounge, 3/F, Yasumoto International Academic Park, CUHK |
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對象 Target |
NAWA members and CUHK students
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Fee | 每位$50 $50 per person |
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名額 Quota | 30
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報名方法 Enrollment method |
Registration: Please register at this webpage
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1zzyrrN04RaI5 EIp5fm9FvPDTEykqc9_PzGZiZyTwU3g/
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Enquiry | 致電3943 9399 或電郵Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它
Tel: 3943 9399
Email: Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它 |
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備註 Remarks | 1. 請穿著輕便服裝及運動鞋
Please wear light clothing and sports shoes.
2. 費用將於活動當日收取,每位參加者將獲一盆自行製作的水苔球。
The fee will be paid on the day of the event. Each participant will have a self-made Moss ball.
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「耆萃匯中大」 ― 兩天日營
NAWA Summer camp at CUHK
日期及 時間 Date and Time | 2018年7月12日 (星期四) 上午9時半 至 下午4時半 及 2018年7月13日(星期五) 上午9時 至 下午4時半
12th July, 2018 (Thursday) 9:30am to 4:30pm
13th July, 2018 (Friday) 9:00am to 4:30pm |
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地點 Venue | 香港中文大學 Chinese University of Hong Kong |
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對象 Target |
People aged 55 years above interested to enjoy the cultural and campus environment of CUHK
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Fee |
$170 (包括兩天活動連旅遊巴費用)
$170 (Included two-day activities and coach fee) |
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報名方法 Enrollment method |
請於以下網址登記: https://goo.gl/DUP8zN
Please register at the website, our staff will contact you to explain the details and confirm the registration.
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Enrollment deadline |
2018年6月25日 (星期一)
25th June, 2018 (Monday) |
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查詢 Enquiry | 3943 9399 (周小姐)
3943 9399 (Miss Chow)
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《長者友善城市計劃專題講座》 - 沙田區
Age-friendly City Project forum – Sha Tin District |
日期 Date | 2018年5月10日 (星期四) 10th May, 2018 |
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時間 Time | 下午2時半至3時半 2:30p.m. to 3:30p.m. |
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地點 Venue | 香港中文大學康本國際學術園二樓四號演講廳 Yasumoto International Academic Park LT4, CUHK |
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主題 Theme | 長者重投職場與跨代共融 Civic Participation and Employment; Respect and Social Inclusion |
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對象 Target | 公眾 Public |
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名額 Quota | 15 |
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報名方法 Enrollment method |
致電39435471 或電郵Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它
Tel: 3943 5471
Email: Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它
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截止報名日期 Enrollment deadline | 2018年5月6日 (星期一)
6th May, 2018 (Monday) |
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查詢 Enquiry |
致電39435471 或電郵Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它
Tel: 3943 5471
Email: Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它
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其他活動 Other activities in Hong Kong
賽馬會齡活城市計劃-流動健康生活診所 齡活先鋒義工隊
日期 Date | 2018年5月16日 (星期三) 16th May, 2018 (Wednesday) |
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時間 Time | 下午3時至5時 3-5 pm |
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地點 Venue | 賽馬會流金匯 Jockey Club CADENZA Hub |
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對象 Target | 公眾人士 Public |
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名額 Quota | 40 |
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報名方法 Enrollment method |
請致電37631000 Please call 3763 1000
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截止報名日期 Enrollment deadline | 2018年5月11日 11th May, 2018 |
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查詢 Enquiry |
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美國 - 香港2018會議:跨越時間和環境的老齡化
U.S.-Hong Kong 2018 Conference: Aging across Time and Contexts |
日期 Date | 2018年5月19 - 20日 (星期六、日)
19th & 20th May (Saturday and Sunday) 2018 |
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時間 Time | 全日 Full Day |
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地點 Venue | 香港中文大學利黃瑤璧樓:講廳1、2、3 Esther Lee Building, Lecture Theatres 1, 2, & 3 The Chinese University of Hong Kong
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對象 Target | 公眾 Public |
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名額 Quota | 200 |
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費用 Fee | 請見以下網頁
Please refer to the following webpage http://agingconference2018.psy.cuhk.edu.hk/registration-fee/
Fees are waived for conference volunteers. Please call or email to enquire.
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報名方法 Enrollment method |
Register online
截止報名日期 Enrollment deadline |
網上報名截止:2018年 5月 1日 (星期二)
Online Registration Deadline: 1st May 2018
實地報名: 5月 19、20日
On-Site Registration: 19th & 20th May
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語言 Language | 英語
English |
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查詢 Enquiry | 3943-4168
Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它 |
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老年學資訊 Geriatric information
齊起動 防衰老
Frailty Prevention |
「松柏之聲」近日發表了一篇由香港中文大學賽馬會老年學研究所所長暨賽馬會流金匯總監胡令芳教授撰寫有關預防衰老的文章。文章展示了現時香港普遍的「衰老」情況及指出提昇預防衰老意識的重要性。此外,本文亦載有相關的自我衰老檢測指標,及日常生活中預防衰老的方法。詳情看參看相關文章 (只限中文版本)。
The publication "The Voice" has recently issued an article by Professor Jean Woo, Director of the CUHK Jockey Club Institute of Ageing and Director of CADENZA Hub, about Frailty Prevention . The article underlines the prevalence of and importance of enhancing awareness in frailty in Hong Kong. Indicators on self-assessment of frailty and ways to prevent frailty in our daily life were also introduced. Details can be found in the attached article (Chinese version only).