CADENZA: A Jockey Club Initiative for Seniors is a project launched in 2006 by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust with a donation of HK$380 million. The project is aimed at nurturing academic leadership in gerontology and changing the mindset and attitude of the general public through a range of training and public education programmes. Cross-sectional collaboration between organisations and the implementation of innovative elderly services and programmes are also encouraged in order to bring about a new mode of elderly care services to prepare for a rapidly ageing society.

The Cadenza e-tools for Elder Care has launched the ninth online course, on 4 June 2021. This course is part of an online series of the Jockey Club CADENZA e-tools for Elder Care funded by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust.
With advancing age, communication challenges are very common among older adults. Taking this course will help you understand the vision, hearing and speech impairment among older adults. The related strategies in facilitating their daily lives and the communication tips will be discussed.
Elder Care Training Courses For Professionals:
Elder Care Tips For Public:

The Cadenza e-tools for Elder Care has launched the eighth online course, on 28 February 2021. This course is part of an online series of the Jockey Club CADENZA e-tools for Elder Care funded by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust.
Understanding the bowel changes in older adults is important to improve their quality of life. Taking this course will help you understand the bowel changes in older adults, the assessments, and non-pharmacological and pharmacological intervention in preventing and treating constipation.
Elder Care Training Courses For Professionals:
Elder Care Tips For Public:

The Cadenza e-tools for Elder Care has launched the seventh online course, on 30 November 2020. This course is part of an online series of the Jockey Club CADENZA e-tools for Elder Care funded by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust.
World Health Organization stated, “Mental health is a state of well-being in which an individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and is able to make a contribution to his or her community”. Mood issue is a continuum from normal emotional response to clinical disorder. We should pay attention to the emotional and mood issues of elderly and provide necessary support to them. What you can do if you suspect the elder has mood issue? In this course, a real case scenario will help you understand how you can help older adult to cope with mood issue.
Elder Care Training Courses For Professionals:
Elder Care Tips For Public:

The Cadenza e-tools for Elder Care has launched the sixth online course, on 31 August 2020. This course is part of an online series of the Jockey Club CADENZA e-tools for Elder Care funded by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust.
Older people often complain of low back pain, presenting with weakness of four limbs, lacking appetite and energy. Family members often thought these deterioration is a normal phenomenon due to ageing. However, these seemingly ordinary and common symptoms are not necessarily caused by ageing. Older people are often either untreated or undertreated for pain. The consequences of under treatment for pain can have a negative impact on their health and quality of life. Chronic pain is the pain of three months or more perceived by the individual. It is caused by different factors. Pain management techniques should include both pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic approaches. Non pharmacologic treatment options are frequently underused and should be considered in every older people presenting with chronic pain. Even when pharmacologic therapies are considered important, non-pharmacologic options can serve as a helpful adjunct to decrease the dosage and duration of medication when it is used. If there is persistent complaint from the senior of muscle aches, there must be a reason behind, which need to be explored and examined deeply. It is vital that the senior should not be left to suffer in pain.
Elder Care Training Courses For Professionals:
Elder Care Tips For Public:

The Cadenza e-tools for Elder Care has launched the fifth online course, on 30 April 2020. This course is part of an online series of the Jockey Club CADENZA e-tools for Elder Care funded by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust.
Eating and drinking is a fundamental activity that most healthy adults associate with pleasure. Healthy eating can be a challenge as we age. For an older adult with a long-term illness, good nutrition takes on even more importance. Older adults may have health problems that cause a loss of appetite or make it hard to eat. This could include conditions such as dementia and other chronic illnesses. They may be on restricted diets that make foods taste bland. They may also have dental problems that make it hard to chew or swallow foods.
Dietary intake and nutritional status not only play a major role in the overall quality of health of older people, but also have an impact on their satisfaction with life. Healthy eating is not all about calorie counting and scouring food labels. Meals are also a time for connection, and good food is one of life’s basic pleasures, at any age. Let’s walk through the problems in eating that may be encountered as one age, and the healthy eating principles for the seniors.
Elder Care Training Courses For Professionals:
Elder Care Tips For Public:

The Cadenza e-tools for Elder Care has launched the fourth online course, on 30 December 2019. This course is part of an online series of the Jockey Club CADENZA e-tools for Elder Care funded by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust. Falls and imbalance occur commonly in older people that robs their independence. Seniors who have fallen tend to lose confidence in their abilities, and reduce contact with the outside world. Some people may think staying at home can keep a senior from falls. Unfortunately, this is just far from the truth. Fall risk factors may be linked to a senior’s physical condition, a medical problem, or home environment. Some medications can increase risk of falling because they cause side effects such as dizziness or confusion. While falls can be serious, seniors should not live their life in fear. Instead, seniors can be diligent about maintaining and improving health to lower their risk of falls. This course will bring you safety tips on reducing fall hazards at home. We will guide you through a set of exercise that a senior can easily practice indoor. In case of a fall event, a self-help guide will also be shown.
Elder Care Training Courses For Professionals:
Elder Care Tips For Public:

The Cadenza e-tools for Elder Care has launched the third online course, on 30 August 2019. This course is part of an online series of the Jockey Club CADENZA e-tools for Elder Care funded by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust. Oral health means more than good teeth. It is a significant factor affecting elders’ quality of life, overall health and well-being. Suboptimal oral health may have profound effects beyond the oral cavity. People may not realize the links between physical health, disease, and risks associated with problems in the ageing mouth. Oral health touches every aspect of our lives but is often taken for granted. The complexity of ageing mouth means that formal or informal carers in elder care need to be familiar with the common conditions, and understand the importance in attending oral care. In this course, experts from the Hong Kong Dental Association are invited to provide their professional opinions on the essentials and common misconceptions in oral health care for older people.
Elder Care Training Courses For Professionals:
Elder Care Tips For Public:

The Cadenza etools for Elder Care has launched the second online course, on 29 April 2019. This course is part of an online series of the Jockey Club CADENZA e-tools for Elder Care funded by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust. Older age is associated with increased sleep problems and shorter sleep duration, which suggests that sleep disturbances could particularly be relevant issues among older adults. Older people who have good nocturnal sleep quality can cope actively with the challenges of growing old. In this course, we wish to draw the attention of older people themselves and carers about sleep health. Within the context of global demographic ageing trends, the course will explicate how to protect sleep in later life which may be important to continued successful ageing.
Elder Care Training Courses For Professionals:
Elder Care Tips For Public:

The Cadenza e-tools for Elder Care has launched the first online course, on 29 December 2018. This course is part of an online series of the Jockey Club CADENZA e-tools for Elder Care funded by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust.
Appreciating the world of a person with dementia is crucial to caregivers, whether formal or informal, in caring disturbed behaviour of the person who is usually expressing their personal stress. In this course you will learn to understand the meaning of and respond to the behaviour that may have disturbed you from the person’s perspectives. Adopting a person-centred approach and upholding the intrinsic capacity of the person with dementia, caregivers should provide compassionate care even though the person may not be able to communicate his/her feelings of anxiety or pain the way he/she used to. This course leads you through the challenges and difficulties in caring issues through stories from caregivers. It emphasizes the extension of a person’s intrinsic capacity to his/her full potential, in order to manage his/her life and well-being as independently as possible. This course is not a repetition of the well-documented issues related to the diagnosis, types, and medical treatment of dementia, but reference links are provided for learners who wish to go into detail on particular issues of dementia. This course is open to anyone interested in this subject or working in dementia care. It can supplement the on-the-job training for health and social care professionals involved in the care of older people. The difficulties in caring for a person with dementia are considerable. With understanding and practical tips at hand, this course helps wipe your worries away and aims to improve the experience of both the person with dementia and his/her caregivers. Through the stories of caregivers of people with dementia, we heard of the frustration, tiredness, difficulties encountered. Yet, we heard also of unusual, delighted caregiving stories. We believe people living with dementia should receive care and services that are respectful of their human rights, dignity and that promote shared decision-making. Let us walk through the “Jockey Club CADENZA e-tools for Elder Care”, and be a CONTENTED caregiver, to help restore and maintain the intrinsic capacities of people with dementia, be they our clients, patients or loved one.
Elder Care Training Courses For Professionals:
Elder Care Tips For Public: