Institute of Ageing - 合作網絡 Institute of Ageing
City/Country Institute Area/Theme

University of Adelaide

Impact of Environment on Health

Department of Neurobiology, Geriatrics, and Neurology, Capital Medical University
Beijing Key Laboratory for Parkinson's Disease, Xuanwu Hospital  

Frailty and neurological diseases / cognitive impairment
China The Key Laboratory of Geriatrics, Beijing Hospital and Beijing Institute of Geriatrics Sarcopenia
China The Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology Gerontechnology
Japan Department of Human Health Sciences, Kyoto University Sarcopenia
Japan Institute of Gerontology, The University of Tokyo Ageing well
Japan National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Tokyo Institute of Technology Gerontechnology
Korea Institution of Aging, Ajou University Health behavioral research, sarcopenia
Korea The International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics (IAGG)  
Malaysia Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya Frailty and sarcopenia
Singapore Alice Lee Centre for Nursing Studies, National University of Singapore Ageing well
Singapore National University of Singapore Sarcopenia
Taiwan National Cheng Kung University Age-friendly City
Thailand Siriraj Hospital, Division of Geriatric, Faculty of Medicine Frailty and sarcopenia
United Kingdom Alzheimer's Scotland Centre for Policy and Practice, The University of the Western Scotland Long-term care, dementia and other later life conditions
United Kingdom Institute of Health and Wellbeing, University of Glasgow Ageing well indicators and contributory factors
United Kingdom MRC Lifecourse Epidemiological Unit, University of Southampton Sarcopenia

United Kingdom

University of Southampton Active Ageing Index

United Kingdom

University of Stirling Dementia
United States Boston University Public Health
United States Harvard Medical School Center for Palliative Care End-of-Life Care
United States Oregon Health & Science University Osteoporosis
United States Saint Louis University Medical Center, Division of Geriatric Medicine Frailty, comorbidities, and dementia research
United States The Hastings Center Health and long-term care systems
Sweden University of Gothenburg Bone health