Institute of Ageing - AgeWatch Index Institute of Ageing

Hong Kong Elder Quality of Life Index (HKEQOL)

To prepare for the continued ageing of the population in Hong Kong, there is a pressing need to assess the well being of local older people to assist in formulating effective policies to address this socio-demographic change in Hong Kong. The Chinese University of Hong Kong Jockey Club Institute of Ageing, with funding support from The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, has therefore compiled the Hong Kong Elder Quality of Life Index (HKEQOL), incorporating the AgeWatch Index, to build the momentum of Hong Kong's progress towards becoming one of the most age-friendly cities in the world.

The HKEQOL Index includes tailor-made indicators to Hong Kong in relation to the Age-friendly City concept proposed by the World Health Organization (WHO) and takes reference to the Global AgeWatch Index, using 22 indicators under 4 domains. The HKEQOL aims to capture locally important determinants of well-being among Hong Kong older adults and monitor and evaluate local age-friendly interventions.

In order to assess the well-being of older people in Hong Kong more comprehensively and enable trend analysis, CUHK Jockey Club Institute of Ageing, in collaboration with the Centre for Quality of Life, has been developing the "Hong Kong Elder Quality of Life Index". The features of the new index are:

•Based on the four domains (i.e. income security, health status, capability and enabling environment) in the Global AgeWatch Index to assess major aspects of well-being in older people.

•Indicators are added to expand the coverage of assessment of well-being in older people.

•Indicators are designed according to suggestions in Measuring the Age-friendliness of Cities: A Guide to Using Core Indicators published by the World Health Organization in 2015 in assessing age-friendliness of Hong Kong

For information, the corresponding link on the JCAFC project webpage is

Press Release and Reports on Index Results

Report on AgeWatch Index for Hong Kong 2014

Press release on results of AgeWatch Index for Hong Kong 2014

Report on AgeWatch Index for Hong Kong 2015

Press release on results of AgeWatch Index for Hong Kong 2015

Report on AgeWatch Index for Hong Kong 2016 and Hong Kong Elder Quality of Life Index

Report on Hong Kong Elder Quality of Life Index incorporating AgeWatch Index for Hong Kong 2017

Report on Hong Kong Elder Quality of Life Index incorporating AgeWatch Index for Hong Kong 2018

Report on Hong Kong Elder Quality of Life Index incorporating AgeWatch Index for Hong Kong 2019


Topical Reports

Topical Report on Enabling Environment

Topical Report on Health Status

Topical Report on Capability

Topical Report on Income Security


Media Reports

•RTHK English News 'Hong Kong Today' (17 July 2015)


•RTHK Radio 5 《香江暖流》「暖流採訪隊」(14 Aug 2015) (in Cantonese)


•Now TV News - 杏林在線


•RTHK English News 'Hong Kong Today' (06 October 2016)    

  - HK People should be allowed to work longer


•RTHK Radio 5 《香江暖流》「暖流採訪隊」(14 October 2016) (in Cantonese)