Jockey Club End-of-Life Community Care Project
JCECC Capacity Building and Education Programmes on End-of-Life Care
Introduction: This training kit compiles our training resources for professional staff. It provides communication skills in end-of-life (EOL) care and information of advance care planning (ACP), advance directives (AD), symptom management, etc. to raise competence among healthcare professionals to deal with death and dying.
Please click on the below link to view:
Building Capacity for End-of-life Care in Hong Kong: Training Kit for Healthcare Professionals
Introduction: This EOL resources kit aims at enhancing public awareness of end-of-life care and advance care planning. Readers will learn about planning for their last stage of life and expressing their own wishes to get ready for “Live Free Die Well”.
Please click on the below link to view:
Introduction: The Good Death Booklet provides a brief overview of end-of-life care and general treatment options, advance care planning, property and funeral arrangements, and some useful information.
Please click on the below link to view:
Good Death E-booklet (Please view it with the latest version of Microsoft Edge)
Introduction: This ACP handbook can provide the public a preliminary understanding of their own values and wishes, and plan their own end-of-life care, property and funeral arrangements.
Please click on the below link to view:
Introduction: The report ‘LIVE FREE DIE WELL: Building Capacity for End of-Life Care in Hong Kong’ summarizes our efforts in the “Capacity Building and Education Programmes on End-of-Life Care” of the “JCECC Project” in phase two.
Please click on the below link to view:
LIVE FREE DIE WELL: Building Capacity for End-of-Life Care in Hong Kong
Introduction: The report ‘Learning for life, planning for death: Building capacity for end-of-life care in Hong Kong’ summarizes our efforts in the “Capacity Building and Education Programmes on End-of-Life Care” of the “JCECC Project” in phase one. The findings and outcome documented in the report could serve as references for programme planners to improve EOL care in Hong Kong.
Please click on the below link to view:
Learning for life, planning for death: Building capacity for end-of-life care in Hong Kong