Institute of Ageing - People and Collaboration Networks Institute of Ageing

Affiliated Academics and Researchers

Dr. Au Yeung Tung Wai 

Research Associate (honorary)

Professor Helen Chan

Associate Professor

Professor Chung Yat Nork, Roger
Research Fellow

Professor Suzanne Ho

Adjunct Professor

Professor Elsie Hui

Clinical Associate Professor (honorary)


Professor Lee Shun Wah, Jenny

Clinical Associate Professor (honorary)

Professor Lee Tze Fan, Diana

Senior Research Fellow (honorary)


Dr. Lo See Kit, Raymond  

Senior Research Fellow (honorary)

Professor Helen Meng

Senior Research Fellow

Professor Dexia Kong

Research Associate


Professor Yang Yijian

Research Associate




Researcher Profile

  • University position

    Senior Research Fellow



    CUHK Jockey Club Institute of Ageing

    Department of Medicine & Therapeutics,
    Faculty of Medicine, CUHK



    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


    Dr. Ruby HY YU 余浩欣

    BSc (HKUST), Pg Dip (CUHK), PhD (CUHK)
    Researcher ID (N-5006-2015) :



    Dr. Ruby Yu has studied the association of multiple health behaviors with physical and cognitive functioning. She has examined the factors associated with sarcopenia and the predictive ability of sarcopenia on fracture risk in community-dwelling older adults. She has been involved in several studies to assess the effects of mindfulness intervention (such as Dejian mind body intervention) on cognitive functions and physical fitness among older adults. She has authored and co-authored several book chapters, reports, and peer-reviewed journal articles.


    Research interest

    Cognitive disorders
    Dementia care
    Mindfulness interventions
    Health services research


    Selected publication

    1. Yu R, Woo J. Exploring the link between depression and accelerate cellular ageing: telomeres hold the key. Research and Reports in Biochemistry 2015; 6: 1-12. doi:
    2. Yu R, Tang N, Leung J, Woo J. Telomere length is not associated with frailty in older Chinese elderly: cross-sectional and longitudinal analysis. Mechanisms of Ageing and Development 2015; 152: 74-79. doi:10.1016/j.mad.2015.10.002.
    3. Yu R, Leung J, Woo J. Sarcopenia combined with FRAX probabilities improves fracture risk prediction in older Chinese men. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. 2014; 15(12): 918-23. doi: 10.1016/j.jamda.2014.07.011.
    4. Yu R, Leung J, Woo J. Incremental predictive value of sarcopenia for incident fracture in an elderly Chinese cohort: Results from MrOs (Hong Kong). Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. 2014; 15(8): 551-558. doi: 10.1016/j.jamda.2014.02.005.
    5. Yu R, Woo J, Chan AS, Sze SL. A Chinese Chan-based mind-body intervention improves psychological well-being and physical health of community-dwelling elderly: A pilot study. Clinical Interventions in Aging. 2014; 9: 727-736. doi: 10.2147/CIA.S59985.
    6. Yu R, Wong M, Leung J, Lee J, Auyeung TW, Woo J. Incidence, reversibility, risk factors and the protective effect of high body mass index against sarcopenia in community-dwelling older Chinese adults. Geriatrics & Gerontology International. 2014; 14(S1): 15-28. doi: 10.1111/ggi.12220.
    7. Yu R, Leung J, Woo J. Housework reduces all-cause and cancer mortality in Chinese men. PLoS ONE. 2013; 8(5): UNSP e61529. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0061529.
    8. Yu R, Chau PH, McGhee SM, Cheung WL, Chan KC, Cheung SH, Woo J. Trends in prevalence and mortality of dementia in elderly Hong Kong population: projections, disease burden, and implications for long-term care. International Journal of Alzheimer's Disease. 2012; 406852, doi:10.1155/2012/406852.
    9. Yu R, Yau F, Ho SC, Woo J. Cardiorespiratory fitness and its association with body composition and physical activity in Hong Kong Chinese women aged from 55 to 94 years. Maturitas. 2011; 69(4): 348-353. doi: 10.1016/j.maturitas.2011.05.003.
    10. Yu R, Woo J, Chan R, Sham A, Ho S, Tso A, Cheung B, Lam TH, Lam K. Relationship between dietary intake and the development of type 2 diabetes in a Chinese population: the Hong Kong Dietary Survey. Public Health Nutrition 2011; 14(7): 1133-1141. doi: 10.1017/S136898001100053X.


    Contact information

    Tel: (852) 3943 5142 / (852) 2632 2190
    Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




Collaboration Network

City/Country Institute Area/Theme

University of Adelaide

Impact of Environment on Health

Department of Neurobiology, Geriatrics, and Neurology, Capital Medical University
Beijing Key Laboratory for Parkinson's Disease, Xuanwu Hospital  

Frailty and neurological diseases / cognitive impairment
China The Key Laboratory of Geriatrics, Beijing Hospital and Beijing Institute of Geriatrics Sarcopenia
China The Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology Gerontechnology
Japan Department of Human Health Sciences, Kyoto University Sarcopenia
Japan Institute of Gerontology, The University of Tokyo Ageing well
Japan National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Tokyo Institute of Technology Gerontechnology
Korea Institution of Aging, Ajou University Health behavioral research, sarcopenia
Korea Seoul National University Active Ageing Index
Korea The International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics (IAGG)  
Malaysia Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya Frailty and sarcopenia
Singapore Alice Lee Centre for Nursing Studies, National University of Singapore Ageing well
Singapore National University of Singapore Sarcopenia
Taiwan National Cheng Kung University Age-friendly City
Thailand Siriraj Hospital, Division of Geriatric, Faculty of Medicine Frailty and sarcopenia
United Kingdom Ageing Research at King’s,
King’s College London
Brain ageing and mental wellness
United Kingdom Alzheimer's Scotland Centre for Policy and Practice, The University of the Western Scotland Long-term care, dementia and other later life conditions
United Kingdom Institute of Health and Wellbeing, University of Glasgow Ageing well indicators and contributory factors
United Kingdom International Longevity Centre UK Ageing Well
United Kingdom MRC Lifecourse Epidemiological Unit, University of Southampton Sarcopenia
United Kingdom University of Stirling Dementia
United States Boston University Public Health
United States Harvard Medical School Center for Palliative Care End-of-Life Care
United States Oregon Health & Science University Osteoporosis
United States Saint Louis University Medical Center, Division of Geriatric Medicine Frailty, comorbidities, and dementia research
United States The Hastings Center Health and long-term care systems
Sweden University of Gothenburg Bone health